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Halloween in Amnoon?

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

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Wintersday decorations used to go up in all the capital cities in the Tyria region (but not Amnoon) in GW1, but the holidays after that only happened in the major ports (Lion's Arch, Kaineng, Kamadan). If the racial capitals don't get decorated for the holidays, I don't imagine Amnoon will get that treatment, either. It might be nice if it did get decorated, but it'd be even harder than decorating the Black Citadel or Rata Sum since it's part of a large map rather than it being its own map like the other capitals. Any change or redecorating they do could have cascading effects on the whole map and cause more trouble than people who appreciate the makeover.

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> Wintersday decorations used to go up in all the capital cities in the Tyria region (but not Amnoon) in GW1, but the holidays after that only happened in the major ports (Lion's Arch, Kaineng, Kamadan). If the racial capitals don't get decorated for the holidays, I don't imagine Amnoon will get that treatment, either. It might be nice if it did get decorated, but it'd be even harder than decorating the Black Citadel or Rata Sum since it's part of a large map rather than it being its own map like the other capitals. Any change or redecorating they do could have cascading effects on the whole map and cause more trouble than people who appreciate the makeover.


Well, Wintersday was also in Tombs (2005 only), and Halloween was in Droknar's and Tombs. Collectors were in multiple towns across Istan, and in Henge of Denravi despite not having decorations.


Wintersday 2012 did this somewhat by having a corner of each city changed, and the Infinitarium overhead for a short period of time. Halloween has a small decorated stage outside each racial city too. So it's not likely to be THAT big of an issue overall (plus any issues would largely disappear in 3 weeks time).


It'd be nice to see more decorations.

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Our good Mad King Thorn(who is appearing actively during this Halloween event rather than for one day) will eventually be out all month according to Bruce the Herald(good to see **him** back even if only on a lowly Springer rather than a grand Necrid Horse) which also means he'll eventually be breaking free completely! Of course if the Fan theory of Jenna being one of the Twin Goddesses is true then Mad King Thorn's permanent return once his seals are fully gone will be cause for celebration since we will have a King to replace Jenna!


In any case let's hope that Living Story 4 aids in preparations for Mad King Thorn's grand return and has us kill Palawa Joko so that we may be allowed to celebrate his return in Divinity's Reach and Amnoon!

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I think it's more of a technical thing than a lore thing, it takes the devs a lot of time to do all of the decorations. This year I think they said they were focusing on making the festivals automated so they can just flip a switch to turn them on. Hopefully that means they can spend more time on improvements for festivals in upcoming years.

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I was about to say "Amnoon wouldn't do Halloween since they've been mind controlled by Joko", and then my memory kicked in and realised how dumb that statement is.


Logistically speaking, would Amnoon have a history of celebrating Halloween? In GW1 it was a small trading outpost with just a bunch of tents, and in the time since, they've been cut off from most of the world, whether by elder dragons, tyria cutting off contact 50 years ago or king joko's reign south of Amnoon. I feel like it should, since even before getting contact cut off, people still celebrated halloween for 250 years without the mad king himself showing up anywhere, but would there be any reason why it might not?


EDIT: I'm speaking purely from a lore point of view, I understand the game design restrictions that may result in Amnoon not celebrating holidays.

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