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When You Think of a Profession, What is the First Weapon that comes to Mind

K THEN.5162

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PS. and basically as 10th profession , cause I forgot to name two Weapons to make the list complete:


Minstrel = Warhorn/ Torch :troll:


Or even better I'd replace Torch with Shortbow from Revenant so, that Minstrel like my Concept is then Shortbow/ Warhorn, makes more sense, when thinking of a Harp Skin for the Shortbow : D



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Warrior: Axe/Axe plus another axe held by the teeth + more axes.


Guardian: Spears of light!


Revenant: Rytlock.


Ranger: Anything you can throw at your enemy.


Engineer: Wrench. Both Melee and thrown. Can also fix stuff with it.


Thief: Steals enemy weapon and uses it against them.


Mesmer: Charm and dazzling good looks.


Elementalist: Books.


Necromancer: Bad joojoo.

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Warrior - Sword

Guardian - Shield

Revenant - Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle


Engineer - 1h Hammer (mace), Wrench (Tool Kit)

Thief - Dagger

Ranger - Dual maces. Oh, and must also have a miniature giant space hamster. A talking greatsword could work too.


Elementalist - Unarmed

Mesmer - A sword or a musical instrument

Necromancer - A staff or a dagger.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @Zzero.4316 said:

> Thief dagger

> Mesmer gs

> Ele staff

> Engi rifle

> Warrior gs

> Ranger longbow

> Guardian staff

> Rev hammer

> Necro staff


Almost exactly what I'd have said.

Thief - **_Shortbow_**, obviously.


Greatsword and Staff on nealy everything. Guild Wars 2-Handed Weapons.

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going by the names without knowing what they actually have or don’t have


Warrior- hammer / axe / shield

Guardian - shield

Mesmer - focus

Thief - dagger

Revenant - staff / scepter

Necromancer- scepter / dagger

Ranger - bow

Elementalist - scepter

Engineer - hammer


Weapons I would like to see and short spec overview


Warrior - spear plays similar to rev staff


Guardian - dual shields but not support oriented outside of tanking


Mesmer - some kind of bard class similar to aion with pretty spell effects that create creature illusions. (Could work with a cantha expansion and be celestial inspired summons)


Thief - pistol/torch arsenist burn condi spec


Revenant - greatsword - similar to guardian and holo with a power/fire condi hybrid potential but standalone with either fine.


Necromancer - wanted scourge to summon skeletons but would also love a dual sword spec with stealth potential and lifesteal. Power spec only. Vampire themed


Ranger - Shapeshifter. Become your pet, not just merge with them for passive bonuses and 3 abilities. Weapon - scepter or hammer.


Elementalist - shield - Avatar - take on a djinn like form of your attuned element. Keeps current ele versatility but can be built to significantly favor tanking/healing/dps depending on traits and gear.


Engineer - dual shields possibly? But main use would be an attunement type f abilities that are replaced with golems types. Could be race based. Steam creatures for sylvari/ golemns asura / charr machinery / norn and humans would be a little more difficult.




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