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Does it also make you mad that bag slots are soul bound vs account bound?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Taril.8619" said:

> > I'm not sure if it would necessarily pose a large problem for them to compensate for people who have bought bag slot expansions on multiple characters.


> You must have missed the EU server downtime compensation threads a little while back then.


No, I did not miss them.


However, they did provide compensation as I mentioned above. 1000 gems, 1000 gem value mount skin and 300 gem value bonfires.


If it was a large problem to compensate people for redundancy in gem purchases, they wouldn't have given out gems and gemstore items for non-gem purchase related issues (To be fair, after the rollback was rolled back, people in EU server chat were hoping for/expecting just getting a booster. The forums being the forums started being a vocal minority like always)

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> >

> > You don't know that making inventory expansion slots account bound would reduce revenue, you suspect that it might, but you don't have any data to support that assertion. It is very possible that many people would purchase more inventory slots if they could use them on all of their characters.


> At this late date, whether more people would buy account-wide bag upgrades is a moot point. The real issue from ANet's point of view would be the demands for compensation from all of the players who did buy the character-bound slots.


Still waiting for my compensation from the making the unlimited gathering tools account bound. I had 8 sets before they changed them.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Still waiting for my compensation from the making the unlimited gathering tools account bound. I had 8 sets before they changed them.

And if bag slots were made account bound, they would likely do the same thing - not compensate players that had them for more than 30 days, on the basis that they got value out of them before the change. If you bought it right before the change, you could do a support ticket and get refunded the money.

So there is precedent for Anet changing this, and how they handled it.

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That's why I don't buy them (also looking at you, build/gear template slots), I'd rather spend more gold on making 32 slots bag & it's more flexible to switch main character later on, I hate to be locked with options: ofcoz one could argue that just spend more gems to unlock slots on the toon I switched to, but then the slots that I've already paid for became wasteful as I don't use it anymore. If I've more gems I'd rather spend on something more bang for bucks like account wide unlock such as bank tabs or shared inventory slots.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Waffler.1257" said:

> >

> > You don't know that making inventory expansion slots account bound would reduce revenue, you suspect that it might, but you don't have any data to support that assertion. It is very possible that many people would purchase more inventory slots if they could use them on all of their characters.


> At this late date, whether more people would buy account-wide bag upgrades is a moot point. The real issue from ANet's point of view would be the demands for compensation from all of the players who did buy the character-bound slots.


I think one way to fix this is they add more available slot to unlock, keeping the old slots as character wide, but the new extra slots as account wide. You now have both systems/options coexisting, though it might make things more complicated just like the 3-colours crystal system for strike mission, but it will save them having to refund the players who already bought the character wide bag slots.

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Same as with all their Account upgrades.I buy the ones I really NEED when they are discounted for gold or I stay away from them altogether.

Probably would buy then all if they were cheaper. Don't really care if they are accbound or soulbound. But those prices are just too high.

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