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Why am I punished so severely for a loss?


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I know that this has been talked about many times before during ranked seasons, but it's just a part of ranked that I've never understood. Some examples from my recent matches:

Win +7, Win +4, Win +6, Loss -19. That one loss wiped out not only my previous 3 wins, but even more points than the 3 combined. I know what people are going to respond "you lost that much because you were 'expected' to win that match. Really? Because it was a blowout match that no one threw, and we lost by over 300 points. And some of those low point awards for winning were HARD fought wins so don't tell me I was 'expected' to win those either. It's just an incredibly frustrating system that makes me NOT want to play ranked matches once I get the minimum games required because I'm so afraid of a loss and what it it will do to my ranking. Lot's of fun!

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Try this thought experiment:

- Imagine you have a horizontal piece of cardboard with a rubberband around it. The cardboard represents 1200 rating. The higher you pull the rubberband (increase in rating from the 1200), the harder it pulls back - this is why the higher your rating, the more points you lose on a loss.

- Inversely, if pull the rubberband beneath the cardboard, it tries harder to go up as you pull down.


It's not completely accurate because of the population, but it's the basics of how it works. The further you deviate from 1200 rating in both directions, the more it tries to pull you back. That's why in order to f.ex stay in plat you need to show it you are good enough (figure out how to consistently win your games) to not go all the way back.


The better you are the more harshly you get punished - this is to ensure everyone is playing at their level and just not on a lucky streak. Used to be atleast, now the lack in population expresses it in other ways which are near impossible to do something with.

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Because rating is not a measure of skill in Gw2. It's an arbitrary value that is nearly entirely determined by RNG and nothing else.


Nothing you do in a match actually matters. If you have a teammate afk in spawn they could lose less rating than just because the people in your match are higher rating than them.

That's the only thing that determines rating gain/loss in this game: Who you're matched with.

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The MMR system punishes you for losing so hard because almost every game you are against someone with a low MMR compared to yours. It balances teams based on the mean MMR of each team. The population of good, high rating players, isn't high enough. So once you get up around plat 1, 2 you are getting punished extra hard because, based on your personal MMR, the game expects you to win against these low rated players. Also, because you are only 1 player on a team of 5, It seems especially unfair because you can't be everywhere on the map regardless of how well you play individually and it's basically a crap shoot of whether you get all thieves on your team or an actual team composition that performs well in conquest. Compare this to games like League of Legends where everyone has an assigned role, or CS:GO where everyone is on the same level entirely.

Anet needs to have a separate team queue and solo queue but they aren't going to put anymore money into servers (nor is the population good enough for team queue) to support this so just play a different game or just enjoy solo queue for the gold/memes and make a team to play in ATs/scrims and waste your time there to compete with the good ~25 players in your region.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> I know that this has been talked about many times before during ranked seasons, but it's just a part of ranked that I've never understood. Some examples from my recent matches:

> Win +7, Win +4, Win +6, Loss -19. That one loss wiped out not only my previous 3 wins, but even more points than the 3 combined. I know what people are going to respond "you lost that much because you were 'expected' to win that match. Really? Because it was a blowout match that no one threw, and we lost by over 300 points. And some of those low point awards for winning were HARD fought wins so don't tell me I was 'expected' to win those either. It's just an incredibly frustrating system that makes me NOT want to play ranked matches once I get the minimum games required because I'm so afraid of a loss and what it it will do to my ranking. Lot's of fun!


Going into year 9, the ranked system no longer works. Don't worry about it.


Just play ATs for competitive play, Unranked for funzies time passing.


Ranked actually needs to be removed at this point. It's like a big pile of feces laying in the middle of the floor of the game mode, that makes everyone want to leave the room, and leave with a bad opinion of their time spent in that room.


They really just need to shove ranked rewards into unranked, remove ranked, and then rework a different badge icon system for AT monthly seasonal play.

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