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a good farming class

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No idea where or what you want to farm but personally I love Scepter/Warhorn FA Tempest, most Thiefs look like flies buzzing around your target while you kill it within a plit second + a lot of your damage is AoE instead of Melee cleave and access to Lightning Flash makes you decently mobile in fights as well.

I'd never consider Daredevil a good PvE class unless you want to solo kill Dungeons Bosses in a tedious repetitive long fight abusing the unlimited amound of evades available to Daredevil. Nonetheless, good Daredevils are really impressive as the class does require a lot of skill - I just don't enjoy playing it at all and watching them in PvE is also pretty damn boring - but if you're good at it and enjoy it, go for it.

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I wasn't sure what you meant exactly by 'farming runs', so I interpreted that as open world gathering and killing trash mobs. Thief is best for this task. Specifically, a dagger/pistol thief. I know many people will tell you about how awesome class X is because of tagging AOE mobs in events ... except most of your open world running around for loot isn't from event mobs.


Minion Necro is pretty good too, though I think Thief has faster trash kills and better ability to avoid nasty effects that linger after fights. Minion necro also has to contend with not having mob aggro, which sometimes requires you to chase down the mob you have targeted.



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I have a pretty easy time killing things, even when there's more than a few, on my GS/sword-shield Dragonhunter. I carry a bow if it's needed, but it rarely is. You have a decent amount of aoe traps, cleaves, and gap closers. If I wasn't going to use that I'd say weaver would be pretty good at farming, due to it being able to down mobs in a second or 2.

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  • 1 year later...

Hands down go test farm GH in istan with any class (solo farm) will eventually die being overwhelmed obv the answer as most ppl do know is the Necromancer (scourge condi) now with updates go fear condi + 10 % condi dmg healing and its impossible to die while maintaining nonstop mob kill. Why Istan GH? very good spot fast spawn lot of mobs to test and do need to be good enough to survive as boons on mobs conditions on you and numbers.

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For open world node to node farming, my vote is for Scepter/shield Chrono using Blink, Mimic, and Mantra of Resolve. Alternate would be Scepter/Torch (trading the protection of DejaVu for a short duration stealth).

However this is also assuming you have access to the Raptor and the Jackal mounts (with masteries).


You can target Blink while your character is harvesting something like a tree, and as soon as it's done, there is simply no legal way to get to another node that is in range faster. Mimic can be integrated in as well for situations where three nodes are close together.

Jackal and Raptor both have good range, though I believe the Jackal may be a slight bit faster if you only need to use it's teleport-like skill once.

If you have Bond of Vigor unlocked as a mastery, the Beetle comes in handy for longer stretches between node locations.


If you can afford Glyph's of Industry, that is a nice bonus to have along with the Unbound Gathering Tools for their extra gather.


If you prefer other glyphs, you can always use "Cup of Light Roasted Coffee" to give you quickness now and then on dismounting at a node.


Also, you don't have to dismount, when the message for the node pops up, just hit "F" and you'll dismount and start harvesting immediately.


Regardless of what class you choose or prefer, find good spots to harvest where nodes are close together, grab the code for the nearby waypoints, and save them all in a notecard or something (or use the Message of the Day if you have your own guild).


Finally, work out your patterns and find a way in which you can use all your characters, or even just one character, in a manner that takes just over an hour to complete. After that, you can start over again, as a lot of nodes (not rich nodes) will reset at that point.


If you're of the mindset to simply kill anything that gets in the way, Radiant zerker Guardian will be fantastic for a few more hours until they nuke it from orbit with the next patch :)

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Necromancer as Scourge is the best for me, with multiple AoEs like Staff marks, Shades, Epidemic, Poison field, etc Also it has great survivability. Dragonhunter is a good choice if high dps is needed - the DH traps are extremely strong. Mirage is another option with very strong 1v1 capacity.

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I like using soulbeast, you can merge with a [Juvenile Eagle](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Eagle "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Eagle") for the bonus power and ferocity plus the mobilty skills: [F1 for a leap](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swoop_(soulbeast) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swoop_(soulbeast)") and [F2 for swiftness](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Screech_(soulbeast) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickening_Screech_(soulbeast)"). With the [Lead The Wind Trait](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lead_the_Wind "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lead_the_Wind") in Marksmanship spec, now every longbow skill have a 20% cooldown reduction and pierces it's targets.

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