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The Thank You Anet thread


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I would like to hope that people can just post one thing they are thankful for on this thread. My hope is to show the Anet team we are grateful for their hard work in providing such a great game at extremely affordable price.


For me, I am grateful for beautiful character designs, cash shops sales, and for the dailies gold.

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I appreciate how Anet handled Halloween this year, especially the new weapons and armor: it's nice to have something new to work towards that doesn't require huge grind. I'm also thankful they brought back Lunatic Inquisition since I have several friends who weren't around to enjoy it.


Also, Chronomancer since non-elemental Spellswords, light armored Duelists, and Time Mages are my favorite RPG classes.

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I'm grateful for so many things here.. The thought put into design, and making it feel like everyone isn't competing against each other (for PvE at least) how we all help each other out making it feel like the way any mmo should.. us against the bad guys. The beautiful graphics- I appreciate no copy paste look, every tree and rock is unique. I feel like I'm playing in a world created by people who actually care about quality, not just $$, who take pride in a product, to make it as good as they can. Sure, it's impossible to make everyone happy, and I'm sure they are well aware of that. I'm thankful to still feel like I am in the same game as 5 years ago. No changes actually changed the game, and that can be an incredible balance to pull off.. Thank you for succeeding!

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Nice idea for a thread! :)


I could probably write down a whole list of things, but for this thread's sake I'll say I'm grateful for the great diversity and representation of different characters that we get.

Also I'm very grateful for so many beautiful weapon and armour designs. I'm especially looking at you, Nevermore, the Beastslayer weapon skins, and the Forgeman Tassets.

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11 years since I first started playing GW1 (Nightfall being the first campaign) and I still love this world so much, even more so with all the things that Guild Wars 2 has accomplished.


Beautiful enviroments and music. Quality effects, animations and voice actors. The neverending joy of exploring new and old content. The always improving Living Story that always makes me go "but what happens next!?".


Thank you Arenanet for making Tyria such a beautiful and magical world.

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Path of Fire has been a great experience. Beautiful maps. Immersive storyline missions and lots of fun with the new mounts. The expansion was worth every penny to me.

I also liked the Griffon mount quests. Not too easy and not too hard.

I also like the continuation of the mastery system and I enjoyed exporing every corner of every new map to get the required mastery points.


Now I enjoy flying around everywhere with my beautiful and versatile griffon mount.

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Thanks for blinding me with this ultra white forum, thanks for skill lag in WvW, thanks for all the loot I have right click destroyed over Halloween, thanks for all the worthless items I pick up everyday traveling the empty instanced Pof maps, thanks for killing my server with server links. I can't thank you enough...

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> @Vavume.8065 said:

> Thanks for blinding me with this ultra white forum, thanks for skill lag in WvW, thanks for all the loot I have right click destroyed over Halloween, thanks for all the worthless items I pick up everyday traveling the empty instanced Pof maps, thanks for killing my server with server links. I can't thank you enough...


Doesn´t sound like you´re thankful.^^

Unless you are a masochist, then it´s understandable.

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Well, like, everything that's not on my 'bummed about' list, which is pretty short?


It's a toss up between 'server tech' and 'social evolution'.


Server tech would be things like the mega-server system, virtually no down time. There's a lot of back end tech that we take for granted that I've never seen done before or since, at least in the MMOs I've elected to try and/or play over the years, which are quite a few.


Social Evolution would be for the way everyone has their own resource nodes in the world, and everyone can just 'share' in fighting whatever is around without competing for 'tagging' (more or less, I know min-max, dollar/hr, get the most keks for my pews folks would disagree). This was something that grabbed me right away in the first beta and release. The idea that we are all just out there and can jump in and participate in whatever.

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