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Do you care if the supposed " Alliance " system comes out?


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Main thing im looking forward to is being able to choose who I want to represent in WvW.


I don't like fighting/killing my guildmates just because we choose different servers long before we had the option to choose a guild and are now stuck with that choice unless we pony up for some gems to swap servers.


I'd much rather play with my guildies than against them so on that alone I do care about this alliance system and the changes Anet said they were working on.

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I do care, but I hope we'll never see it. What is left of the server communities will be dead with the arrival of alliances. While for some servers this might not make much of a difference, I feel it does for mine. There is such a nice mixture of softcore, roaming and casual guilds, roamers and zerglings. With the arrival of alliances, the different guilds would probably land in different alliances. The community would be dead.

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> @"MLinni.6109" said:

> Actually I hope alliances will never be released. Not because I'm mean or spiteful, but I actually believe alliances would be the end of WvW.

> What do many people fight for? So much is about server loyalty and the community.

> So I'm a member of three different WvW guilds, one for casual play, one for GvG and one for friday and saturday nights when a certain commander

> turns up which I like to play with.

> With an alliance you can be certain my GvG guild will not form an alliance with the casual one and the commander guy which they dislike due to his playstyle.

> So, I'd have a 1 in 3 chance to be in any group with any of them, and since there would have to be several shards of any of the factions there'd probably

> be a hell of an organizing chaos of several red, green and blue factions for each map.

> WvW's main draw for me is the community, and alliances would be the end of it.

This is a rather odd but interesting line of thought.


Why wouldn't your smaller guild want to form an alliance with the guy running the pickup content (or someone similar to him/his guild)?


After all, that is how all the stacks have been composed. They were all formed between larger guilds with pickup commanders and smaller guilds with well-practised players that may occassionally help shoulder the pickup burden. That's how WSR was made, how Vabbi was made, how RoS was made and so on. It is also why places like WSR, Vabbi and RoS also immidiately died when the principal larger and/or smaller guild felt compelled to move.


I'd even go as far as to say that even in the heyday of vanilla many of the servers were made up of communities formed between a couple of different guilds. My first guild in this game had a couple of other guilds we regarded as our "friends" (which we did things with) while most other groups on the server were just seen as "allies". When some of those guilds had dropped of, many of the players had joined their remaning friends and back then we had a single guild that pulled like 75% of all the commanding on that server for a good while.


That is the proof that there isn't very much of a server loyalty or community left (or that there never really was a server community because the pillars of the communities may always have been guilds). The only server I can think of that may still be regarded as a server community in EU is Gandara. Almost every other server I see is dominated by a larger guild or a couple of larger guilds. If those guilds befriend one or two GvG guilds that server immidiately becomes a powerhouse that rolls most other servers.


It seems like this discussion always ends up here and never really goes on, then someone new comes around and starts talking about server culture again.


_Ed. I spotted that @"Dawdler.8521" has basically just made this argument here a little late. Anyway, now you have two of them phrased a little different but essentially making the same point :3 ._

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> This is a rather odd but interesting line of thought.


> Why wouldn't your smaller guild want to form an alliance with the guy running the pickup content (or someone similar to him/his guild)?


Oh. Those would get along and I'd see them being in an alliance. Not so my GvG guild as they simply have a different playstyle and scoff at

PPT and people who don't take any chance to fight.



> After all, that is how all the stacks have been composed. They were all formed between larger guilds with pickup commanders and smaller guilds with well-practised players that may occassionally help shoulder the pickup burden. That's how WSR was made, how Vabbi was made, how RoS was made and so on. It is also why places like WSR, Vabbi and RoS also immidiately died when the principal larger and/or smaller guild felt compelled to move.


I see what you are getting at, but we are 8 years into the game. Communities have already formed. And it would suck to meet new people and get along with them only to be ripped apart after 8 weeks again.



> That is the proof that there isn't very much of a server loyalty or community left (or that there never really was a server community because the pillars of the communities may always have been guilds). The only server I can think of that may still be regarded as a server community in EU is Gandara. Almost every other server I see is dominated by a larger guild or a couple of larger guilds. If those guilds befriend one or two GvG guilds that server immidiately becomes a powerhouse that rolls most other servers.


Heh, I AM on Gandara. ;) But still people transfer to us and leave us often, but we kept quite a bunch of people I wouldn't wanna miss.


> It seems like this discussion always ends up here and never really goes on, then someone new comes around and starts talking about server culture again.


Yeah well, the most important point is that there are too many variables here whose effects we may not be able to fathom. Like if they also balance daily participation in night times.....that would rip Baruch Bay, the only spanish server, apart. I already see how English/French/German server links sometimes run into big problems. Now a mixup of all languages with "talk English or GTFO"? ;)


Or how would you structure maps? With all servers rolled into three factions, how many maps would we need? Could we transfer instances? How would Emergency Waypoints work there.......and and and.


I suspect about all of the resources of the GW2 devs would have to go into WvW for quite a while and we know how likely that is to happen.



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