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My elemental creatures are getting buffs instead of allies.

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I run a core elementalist. In my build I put out Auras and associated protection to "allies." :

![](https://i.imgur.com/VPDjaln.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/kOLmRjx.png "")


I also run multiple minor elemental creatures in a fight.


Recently I noticed in a fractal that not all my allies where getting the aura/protection buff. At first I thought it was a distance issue. I have to be a certain distance from them in order for them to get the buff (600m). But that is not the case. The reason they were not getting the buffs is because my elemental creatures where getting the buff instead. I can run as many as 4 or 5 elemental creatures at a time. So they take up the buffs that would normally go to my 5 actual allies in a fractal.


In the following pic you can see the fire "aura" spheres on me and underneath the fire elementals (for some reason it shows up beneath them and not on them. My guess is because they are flying around. Go figure.

![](https://i.imgur.com/kdCA5AH.png "")


Now, I dont consider my elementals to be "allies." They are the equivalent of a weapon or ammo to be used and discarded. They are not even the equivalent of a Ranger's "pet." I would no more expect a buff to affect my elemental than I would a buff to affect my scepter or focus. That plus it robs the original intent of buffing my actual group allies.


So is this a bug or intentionally designed to function as is? Seems more of an oversight IMO.




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