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Why the player quality on pvp is so low on gw2?


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Because the balance and skills team refuse to accept the fact that most balance issues actually have root causes in mechanics that have been in dire need of improvement for years.


But to make things worse, a lot of the community doesn't get it either. So you get thread after thread of nonsensical balance suggestions coming from people who never even played the class they are complaining about.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> There’s nothing to do with balance when people goes suicide in mid even if the entire team is dead...

> Or if the team keeps 3x1 a ranger that is kiting them in the middle of nowhere while the node is capped by the ranger and no one decaps...


> I’d love if it were only for balancing. But it seems people want to play Call of Duty by rushing as sonos as spawn and mindless pressing buttons in the middle of a battle (even if that battle is 1v4) and ignoring nodes


∆ this


the eternal gw2 PvP issue, people like to play conquest like death match and ignore minimap

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The ranked and unranked mode is largely throwing a bunch of random people together and hoping that it works. It's hardly a good setting for people to get skilled. I've played just over 100 matches, only once has anyone ever talked strategy constructively. There is very little talk overall, maybe someone getting salty or someone just saying hi (maybe checking there are no bots). Maybe it's just if you play at a new level, you just end up in teams full of random people that don't know what to do, so noone ever learns anything. I don't really see how a matchmaking system that throws random people together can result in skilled people. Especially one that keeps new players grinding each other and not learning.


I know there are tournaments with organised teams and I guess those are more competitive and would be where I looked if and when I want to go that route but the thread is called "why is player quality so low" and that's why I think it would be. People aren't going to be invested in some 10 minute team.



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After a long enough queue time the match maker will put you up against anyone. These players might far outrank you in terms of matches played and experience.


Not enough people PVP so the match maker gets desperate and throws anybody together. New player keeps being thrown into matches with more experienced enemies and give up.


PVE being unfair, players can understand that. Living in a dangerous world. Whereas players see PVP as more equivalent to a competitive sport.


I.e you don't have the local school basketball team vs the NBA, you have the local school basketball team vs the other local basketball team.


As much as it's temporary killing of other players, it's more a sport and less of a war. Which is why having teams that are equal in experience is so important to people.


And none of that the teams are equal on average nonsense. We all know that some of the experienced player spot the noob and want to hunt them down.



**Learning the theory of the practice**


Easy enough.



**Practicing it before you hit the floor**


Probably not as a new player thrown into a match with no real balance since there wasn't enough player availability.



**Ways PVP can be fixed imo.**


More players. The more selection choice the match maker has the higher the chance of being put with people with equal experience.


I keep coming up with ideas on how the match making system could be better, but every suggestion I think of has flaws players would complain about. Creating a good match maker is no easy task, there might even be copyright or patent issues with deliberately copying another game's far superior matchmaking system.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > the game is advertised for casual players,


> This game is being advertised?

> I haven't seen any official Arenanet advertisement in **years.**

> I've only seen it a few times in videos about current MMOs, but that hardly counts.


The game isn't advertised for casual players so much as it's aimed at casual players. This game didn't even have a raid in PvE for the first 3.5 years. There were no real ladders, very few individual accolades, nothing like a elite dungeon even, not really. I mean you could say Arah is an elite dungeon I guess, but the speed runners could still do most paths pretty easily in 5 minutes.


The open world of this game has never been hard, but enough people complained about the difficulty of Orr to have it nerfed fairly early on. The game wasn't really ADVERTISED as a casual game, but many hard core players left early on leaving mostly casual players in behind...most of the content is pretty easy after all, and there's nothing forcing you to do harder content. Not like you need to raid to get BIS gear. I'd say this is one of the more casual MMOs on the market, whether it's advertised for casuals or not.

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