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No Downstate Week


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> @"Jeran.6850" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > I'm sorry, but I freaking _love_ this event! I'm as giddy as can be!

> >

> > _Finally_ a week where huge squads and zergs don't rule with an iron fist. _Finally_ a week where people can actually band together and take on bigger groups. For all the haters out there, think just for a second: this is yet another no-downed-state event, one of several that we've had in the past. There's a REASON for that. People love em.

> >

> > I'm sorry, but I'm just going to say this: **make it permanent**!


> SOME people love it. The majority doesnt. Im fine with this event, actually - i will not die not playing a certain computer game for a week- but just looking at your Avatar picture lets me...somehow laugh and chuckle in the same moment.


> Enjoy your run while literally invincible. Must feel great.


If the majority of players disliked anti-downstate as much as you claim, reset night this week wouldn't have had some of the highest queues in months and every map but EB would be empty. What is more telling is the number of smaller guilds that have come out of the woodwork to run havoc because they can actually contribute instead of following the karma train for 3 hours. Instead of attacking TEMPORARY change to WvW, you could just own up to the fact that it's fairly obvious you are a bad player who positions himself poorly in fights and is deleted immediately.

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No downstate week is my favourite week event.


I'm a solo roamer that loves to tackle and harass any sized groups. I don't die easy and I sure will make you try hard to earn my bag.


When solo, getting downed or not means the same thing. End of story, back to respawn.


But when fighting outnumbered, this event means the world to me. It levels out the playing field, putting odds in favour of the good smart roamers. I get to pull off more great feats. Even if I'm alone to witness it. Makes every fight epic. I love it.


Because face it otherwise I had to down the same person 4 times in row to endure a kill because others would revive so fast.


It makes the role of culling the herd so rewarding and appealing.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> Everyone just runs with more people because no one wants a challenge,havent seen anyone running solo or even duo yet,and the rest is hiding in their blobs. Bwahaha.


> And all these wannabee roamers are back next week running with their 3fb's for support while still needing to rely on downed state. Its funny.


What are you talking about, this is great for roaming, solo or in small squads. You don't have the luxury of ress anyway like you have with zergs so it is an advantage for roamers.

I haven't seen so much play as a roamer in a long time as I did yesterday evening.

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Anyone who isn't a roamer enjoy this week? As a guild of 15-20 this event has been boring so far. Its a case of who hits first wins, whether that us or the enemy, it makes for short boring fights.


Then you have the 'pro' roamers trying to gank the backline while you are running to a fight. Making us turn around and kill them, which just slows us down getting to that fight and its over by the time we get there.


Been so boring we are thinking of just doing meme raids of deadeyes the rest of the week.

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> @"Too Frisky.9165" said:


> If the majority of players disliked anti-downstate as much as you claim, reset night this week wouldn't have had some of the highest queues in months and every map but EB would be empty. What is more telling is the number of smaller guilds that have come out of the woodwork to run havoc because they can actually contribute instead of following the karma train for 3 hours. Instead of attacking TEMPORARY change to WvW, you could just own up to the fact that it's fairly obvious you are a bad player who positions himself poorly in fights and is deleted immediately.


You sure about your theory? Of course the reset is queued when it's 100% more WxP after Anet made the legendary stuff way easier to obtain. And that's the only way they make people want to join into this Instagib Mode. They bait with a huge reward.


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> @"Jeran.6850" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > This has been the greatest day of WvW ever for me so far. And I was roaming on s/d core thief.

> >

> > How about all the complainers just stop letting your HP hit 0? People trying to argue that it is "healthy for the game" for larger groups to be able to put their downs back on the training wheels are just delusional. Smaller groups almost NEVER have rez spam advantage compared to larger groups, learn to think.

> >

> > Last night was all about harassing and sending slow tanky zergers home 1 by 1 and it was great. No 50k downed health, no worrying about random aoe counter cleave, you just die when your HP hits 0 how crazy is that? I can't go back to 'normal' WvW.



> Is this a joke post? So, you are playing the class that was always the best in picking favorable fights, then just leave when things go downhill. What do you even want to say by saying AND you was on s/d core thief... that you are playing a "high skill"-thief in a way?

> And how convenient you forgot to mention your second weapon (set). What may it be...hm. Ah, thats sooo hard to guess, pleeaase help me out here...


> By the way, i do to play core thief. From time to time, when i am lazy.


As a zergling I'm loving one-shot week. All those awful gankers just get rolled over and die - we don't lose half the zerg trying to chase the invisible teleporting dead guy, instead, it's just [ONE BIG PARTY!](

) CHOO CHOOOOOoOooooOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!!




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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Jeran.6850" said:

> > > > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > > > > I'm sorry, but I freaking _love_ this event! I'm as giddy as can be!

> > > > >

> > > > > _Finally_ a week where huge squads and zergs don't rule with an iron fist. _Finally_ a week where people can actually band together and take on bigger groups. For all the haters out there, think just for a second: this is yet another no-downed-state event, one of several that we've had in the past. There's a REASON for that. People love em.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm sorry, but I'm just going to say this: **make it permanent**!

> > > >

> > > > SOME people love it. The majority doesnt. Im fine with this event, actually - i will not die not playing a certain computer game for a week- but just looking at your Avatar picture lets me...somehow laugh and chuckle in the same moment.

> > > >

> > > > Enjoy your run while literally invincible. Must feel great.

> > >

> > > I hear you're having a hard time learning to play this week...have you tried not getting hit and keeping your HP above 0?

> > If you have a hard time with downstate, have you tried actually killing your enemies?

> >

> > It's a stupid argument. People talk as if downstate is some sort of magical free win card as if the dominating, better and more coordinated groups never win even when they are less than what they're fighting.

> >

> > I get the lure of the cloud. I *like* clouding. And now being able to wear down big zergs without downstate, using pewpew rangers and whatnot. But I look at it at a grander scheme than just a killing field for the satisfaction of the few. Ultimately it would turn off pug commanders. Because who wants to herd around people that just instantly die against a cloud you cant do anything against. And when that happens, WvW dies. It's the same thing that the "fight guilds" get stuck on with their "wE dOnT NEed Ppt!" mentality. Maybe *they* dont, but without objectives, without the foundations of what WvW is, WvW would be a literal wasteland... and then who are they going to fight?

> >

> > Bleh I'm not going to argue anything more in this thread. Because it's stupid. Just going to try enjoy the week for what it is.


> You're gonna have to explain how the kitten you made a jump from no downstate to suddenly PPT not mattering LOL Mag has the highest KDR and is not even winning T4. Suggesting the game be balanced for the pugmanders! That's rich! If everyone can claim 'nOt bAlAnceD aRouNd rOamIng', surely I can claim the game should definitely not be balanced around anyone with a tag and the randoms following them.


Mag always has highest kdr. It's easy when you decide you will ignore everything except ebg and smc area and always have 50-60 ready to reinforce that small area and never take anything anywhere and watch their bl under control of anyone but them. Then as you see Mag and NSP have no one for a 14 hour span when hod/yb take everything. That's how you can have best kdr and rot in t4

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > I'm sorry, but I freaking _love_ this event! I'm as giddy as can be!

> >

> > _Finally_ a week where huge squads and zergs don't rule with an iron fist. _Finally_ a week where people can actually band together and take on bigger groups. For all the haters out there, think just for a second: this is yet another no-downed-state event, one of several that we've had in the past. There's a REASON for that. People love em.

> >

> > I'm sorry, but I'm just going to say this: **make it permanent**!


> As a roamer/havoc, am enjoying it too, same with group. It was nice today to thin out the zergs moving around there was all size fights including a lot of open field fights. That said, no I don't think it should be permanent but I still think that it shows that downstate needs adjustments. But there is too much (including the joy of spiking) tied into it for all out be removed. Again since they can do this type of week it would be a positive to try other changes to downstate.


> Good hunting!


Yup! Picking off the tail end of the squad is where it's at! There's always a few that get pinned down with range, left behind and isolated from their group. I've been there myself! Yeah, permanent downstate is a big change. I suggest it because I doubt that downstate can be adjusted in a wvw environment - there's just too many people that can contribute.


And yup...good hunting!

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