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Is there some easy way to earn gold?


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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> Spend real money. $10 = 100+gold. Done. ;) Why spend hours of your time and your life grinding away at something completely boring when you can work for an hour at your job and get that gold in an instant? Piece of cake.


> It also contributes to Anet meaning better expansions and more stuff for us in the long run!


Well. After hours of research this response made my day! Haha it is a very simple yet a very solid way. You are totally right... unless you live in a third world country where you make $15 in almost a day like me :( But for you guys who are in euro or dollar zone, it is nonsense to invest so much time into game. You need days to make that 100+ gold in game while you can get it for 1 work hour..

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> @"Ulion.5476" said:

> You can gather for gold. Flax, seaweed, iron and platinum nodes are the best ones to gather:

> https://tinyurl.com/y8yrzqm9


I currantly do this method. just the ones that are over 20 silver. I get about 6 gold per hour. if ya can grab a clan flag. (usally in bitter frost) Thank you BTW. Today I made 8 gold doing the run. so 5 toons * 6 gold = 30 g in 5 hours.


granted all toons need full map. also look in to crafting..

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If it hasn't been mentioned, we now have the easiest farming possible. Beats SW and requires less effort. Go to Istan, farm Great Hallx2-3 then do Palawan meta. All you h ave to do is loot chests and tag mobs. That's it. 20g/hr. Use your magic to buy trophy bags @ the vender, tell all the unid items if you can't get at least 800+%mf, and all the t6 mats+other goodies you can store or sell. There's nearly always 1-2 groups up in LFG, it does't get much easier


Oh and upgrade your karma for Istan, then you'll make even more with how awesome the karma farming is, AND wait.. THERE'S MORE.. each meteor is 1-2/g in mats. Free gold just there, but it's up to you to decide if you just want to play to farm gold or mix it up with other metas.

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> @"seo.8092" said:

> Just wondering, since what I do currently to earn coin is to salvage items and sell the components/stuff on the Trading Post.

> I don't do any sort of crafting, mostly because I never quite liked it in other MMOs like WoW.


> Am I doing things wrong?


If you're doing that you should be getting pretty rich. Also obviously exploit nodes whenever it's convenient for minerals and lumber - less so veg, and sell all that as well.

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> @"Vivilett.8509" said:

> Fastest and easy way to earn gold is gamble


No. Absolutely not.

Just like any casino game, while you *can* win (by inital luck and stopping while ahead) it's more likely that you'll lose initially and on further playing either continue to lose or merely reduce your losses.


All drop rate research points to it being a statistical loss to play.

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