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Pure pvp arena without point capture.

Tom Hsiao.9705

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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> > > > > Can we have pvp content like 1 vs 1 arena without capturing stupid points or just the good old days 4 vs 4 like GW1 without the capture points (yes I know I’m repeating myself but I really hate capturing points!!). I’m really tired of running around capturing points and totally miss out the pvp a lot of time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Like literally the team can beat the other team in team fight but because we don’t have people capturing points fast enough we still lose.. like who on earth thought of this horrific idea?? Please give me one map in pvp that’s just pure pvp without capturing some points. Come on GW2 you can do better than this!

> > > >

> > > > Class design does not function in GW2 for a game mode like this unless it's a tiny little arena like 2v2/3v3 and then class design STILL doesn't function because it just makes thief/mesmer/ranger(?) useless.

> > >

> > > How are they useless 1 vs 1? Or death match?? Do you play those classes?

> > >

> >

> > Classes were designed to be unique. Even though in theory everyone can do everyting, there are things class A does better than class B. A thief will never be as good as a healer as a firebrand, but will outrun it in every scenario.

> >

> > Some classes are best at quick roaming, and sidenode duels. Their AoE cleave, overall damage and support is lower to balance out their enchanced mobility/survivability. If you want to play thief/mesmer/ranger/warrior effectively, you avoid getting into teamfights as much as possible. When the efficiency of half of the classes depend on conquest not devolving into TDM, it might be a bad idea to have TDM as a serious gamemode wouldn't you agree?

> >

> > With current class design, conquest is pretty much the only sPvP gamemode possible. 2v2 and 3v3 are fun distractions at best.

> >


> Have you ever tried 1vs1 mode? If not how would you know it wouldn't work?


Conquest has everything in it, sometimes you 1v1 for a sidenode. Playing 21K conquest matches over 8 years I had plenty of experience being in 1v1 situations. So yeah I pretty much tried every 1v1 matchup possible, for every meta this game ever had.


>and why does pvp must have roaming?? you can roam all you want at wvw nobody is stopping you there. All I'm asking is a mode for straight up pvp and not run around is that so hard for you to understand?


It is pretty easy to understand. Also it's a terrible idea, wouldn't work in this game.


>Don't tell me thief/mesmer/ranger/warrio cannot straight up pvp they can only roam lol! also I can't tell you how many times I see thief/mesmer/ranger/warrior <-- the classes listed above carry their team in team fight.


I have personally carried teamfights with those classes. You know how? I was put in a gold 1 match with my plat 2/3 rating, there was a huge gap in player skill and I was able to win 3v1-s due to terrible matchmaking. When all players are roughly equal in terms of skill, it's an objective fact that these classes are worse at teamfighting. They should be, after all they are better roamers.


>who says pvp must be aoe cleaving or healer firebrand??


Well thankfully not even the developers, after all they made conquest the default gamemode. They recognised that TDM would devolve into bunkers spamming AoE-s, so they designed a gamemode that actively breaks the teamfight apart.


>bursting a huge amount of damage on focus fire is another strategy too. OMG you never seen pvp people call target and focus fire??? class like deadeye or berserker mesmer and soulbeast excel in taking out low toughness target in a combo (sorry I didn't mention warrior because I don't play that class but I did get killed by some godly warrior quite a few times in **teamfight** in fact that warrior was so good it tanked all our damaged and killed us one by one).


Oh you can kill targets with focused fire? Good to know. I bet you played at least several PvP matches already.


>So HOW on earth are they bad at teamfights?????????? This is crazy assumption I can't believe I have to answer to this.


I explained why they are bad at teamfights. It's by design, they are good at other things: dueling and/or +1-ing. The only one making assumptions here is you, assuming all classes could compete in 1v1 or TDM. The game wasn't designed with TDM style PvP in mind. For it to work, you'd need to remake almost everything from the ground up.


> What rank are you anyways??


PvP rank is completely irrelevant in this game. It only reflects how much time you've spend playing the gamemode, your actual skill is reflected by your rating. My PvP rank is 923. Why does that matter I have no idea, but as you can see it's a big number, I play(mostly played, I'm really getting bored and frustrated with this game) PvP a lot.

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team death match without auto ress and rounds can work very well, people will have to think before they just jump on the enemy team because they will not ress and will lose the round.

also conquest team composition matter, a thief conquesting everything is a sure win even if the team is losing fights

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