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the lag is unthinkable !

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9 days passed since we heared last from A-net about the currect lag issue where they blame the client side

link -> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues#latest

quote - The reality is there's no single sweeping change that can fix latency issues for all players, or even most players. There are a large number of factors and situations that can cause lag, and so members of our Engineering, Infrastructure, Design, QA, and Production teams are working with a group of affected players to help identify underlying causes and find solutions.


this lag gone too wild with no solution!! all lw4 maps lag.. and sometimes even lw 5 maps

lag spreads like cancer so fast with out control..


why a net does not care about there community? and letting this sh1t goes for such long time....



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Actually, 9 days is not that long if they've indeed put together a team across departments to try and figure out what's causing it. I'm sure they're working on it just as they've told us, so we just have to be patient and hope they can resolve it within timely fashion.


And by timely fashion, I'm thinking 2 - 4 weeks. The lag - though irritating I'll be the first to admit - is hardly critical. You can play, but with sub-par performance, no one's lives are at stake, it's game... just chill while we let Anet focus on doing the job.


And I seriously hope Anet are picking up on the massive post / inquiry on Reddit calling for an upgrade to dx11 to improve performance.

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> Actually, 9 days is not that long


I've been online gaming since 1996. Other companies have always solved lag issues in like 2 to 4 hours. Maybe on a couple occasions I've seen Blizzard let Diablo servers remain with splotchy lag for nearly 3 or 4 days before correcting it, but we're talking small latency here in that case, nothing like this 500 ping shit I'm getting on average from GW2 servers. That's like virtually unplayable lag.


They need to get this problem sorted out or they're for real going to lose A LOT of player base, who otherwise wouldn't have wanted to leave to begin with.



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I wish it was just 9 days!

The increasing lagg has been going on on pof and s4 maps for more than a year and now even season 5 start lagging.

Anet just doesn't care!

My guess is their recent post about ptting together a team is just to say they are aware about the problem but in reality they still don't do shit!

Sorry to say it like this but it's just the truth!


For more than a year players have been constantly complaining about this and NOTHING has been done!

There are HUNDREDS of forum posts about this!

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Add the Eye of The North hub to laggy places as well... Today I was there and all seemed fine... But there was no way I could open my Hero Panel. It would just refuse... (checked for higher ping or so but nothing to see). Ported to Silverwastes and could open Hero Panel immediatly. Have seen skill lags and animation lags from enemies everywhere but core maps now. I still think they may have put more maps on the same servers (and the expansion in the making including) and I also feel their weather system may contribute (the first lags I experienced started at Jahai Bluffs when they changed their weather system (big flashy animations which got copy pasted onto anything gem store and new in new maps from then). Since Icebrood Saga the lag became terrible with loading screens and from there on it only went downhill (skills lags in lots of maps, porting of enemies, etc) to the point I barely play the game. This lag is definetly not something from the last time or due to Corona, it was there before even the layoffs.

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