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Simple QOL suggestions for the Fashion Wars enthusiasts!

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I just thought of two easy to implement changes that could make the lives of those who enjoy customizing their character so much easier.


1) A "appearance locked" search option in the Black Lion Market, allowing players to only see weapons, armor pieces or dyes they have not unlocked yet.


2) A new item slot: "shirts".

This one I 100% stole from WoW, I'll admit. I'll elaborate a bit for those who haven't played WoW and may not see the purpose.

In WoW, shirts are an "armor" slot with no stats that does not contribute to your power in any way whatsoever: they're purely aesthetic. They go under your chest armor, and they only have one purpose: to fill up the "bare skin" space that your current torso armor skin may have. For example, if you're a human male in GW2 rocking the Warbeast jerkin, you may be bothered to have some parts of your torso and arms not covered by the armor itself. The shirt would cover that, and you'd be able to dye it whatever color you see fit. Because sometimes, the color of flesh can ruin an otherwise perfectly good outfit.



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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Hello.

> I just thought of two easy to implement changes that could make the lives of those who enjoy customizing their character so much easier.


> 1) A "appearance locked" search option in the Black Lion Market, allowing players to only see weapons, armor pieces or dyes they have not unlocked yet.


> 2) A new item slot: "shirts".

> This one I 100% stole from WoW, I'll admit. I'll elaborate a bit for those who haven't played WoW and may not see the purpose.

> In WoW, shirts are an "armor" slot with no stats that does not contribute to your power in any way whatsoever: they're purely aesthetic. They go under your chest armor, and they only have one purpose: to fill up the "bare skin" space that your current torso armor skin may have. For example, if you're a human male in GW2 rocking the Warbeast jerkin, you may be bothered to have some parts of your torso and arms not covered by the armor itself. The shirt would cover that, and you'd be able to dye it whatever color you see fit. Because sometimes, the color of flesh can ruin an otherwise perfectly good outfit.


> Thoughts?


1. basically a "hide: unlocked" setting?


2. basically underwear but for the chest?


1might easily be implemented i believe but as for 2 it depends on how many layers our armour system has.. if it's only 1 layer and wearing an armour replaces your characters underwear (or whatever they wear when "naked") with the armour then i believe it may require a lot of re-work done to how our armours are worn.

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Whenever you think of something as "easy to implement" remember that ANet fails to implement a counter for defeated world bosses during the third itteration of an event where players are asked to kill world bosses. I doubt that there are "easy to implement" things in this game with its 10 year old custom made engine, most of the people who originally worked on the game gone and the spaghetti code that goes along with that. The change you suggest might bug out an event chain in the harathi hinterlands or stall an NPC in a story instance...

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