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Salt of a casual, dedicated Chaos Mirage


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> @"c u again.3267" said:

> Bring back 2nd dodge and mirage is fine


I disagree. Mirage has a crazy amount of evade frames and damage avoidance even with the one dodge, due to its design I think one dodge is more balanced. Mirage would be in a better place if it's one shot meme build burst got lowered and it recieved proper buffs throughout its skill sets/weapon kitts and utilities to allow it be effective at providing damage without having to rely on one trick burst attempts. If u avoid that big burst mirage feels easy to fight in most cases and that's not fair to the players playing the class nor to players fighting it, neither side enjoys one trick meme builds, another example is gunflame zerk etc. Mirage needs buffs in area's its weak in not in the one area it's already strong in.

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> @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > OP, what rank are you?


> I don't buy that anything constructive is going to come from that question.


Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.


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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.


Did you even read the post? No? Just a knee-jerk reaction to the tone and nothing else? Alright then, return to me when you've got any idea what's going on.

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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > OP, what rank are you?

> >

> > I don't buy that anything constructive is going to come from that question.


> Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.



Mirage is no where near op below plat lol it has one burst than is a free bag.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Mirage is no where near op below plat lol it has one burst than is a free bag.


I'm in the middle of gold and I wasn't under that impression either. Also, the matchmaking system doesn't seem to be that great. I meet Gods Walking Amongst Mere Mortals and Gods of PvP and all sorts of deities which don't seem to have any business being in the same division as me. I suppose it's because there are so many veteran players that plat is 'basically' filled up, so the overflow is stuck fighting other players in the gold division who should be in plat. I hope that we get a lot of fresh blood into PvP once the game launches on Steam, it should allow those players to get into plat, I presume.

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> @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.


> Did you even read the post? No? Just a knee-jerk reaction to the tone and nothing else? Alright then, return to me when you've got any idea what's going on.


I read the whole post and it seems you have an issue with PvP balance. If that isn't the point of the post than you have done a horrible job of getting your point across. The problem is this forum is filled with people who complain about balance without the slightest clue how to properly play their class. If your issue is you're straight up bad at playing Mirage, that can be helped. I am not one to argue that Mirage is in a great state, it is not. But it is more so that a few classes are a bit overtuned than Mirage being undertuned.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > > > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > > OP, what rank are you?

> > >

> > > I don't buy that anything constructive is going to come from that question.

> >

> > Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.

> >


> Mirage is no where near op below plat lol it has one burst than is a free bag.


I played the game at release for a couple months and came back a few months ago with no clue how to play. I was sitting comfortably in Gold 2 my first month before I even knew how to shatter (an absurdly important mechanic for the class)! I had the displeasure of having awful placement matches this season and my first few placed matches that dropped me down to the lowest end of Silver 2 due to actual monkeys as teammates. I then won at least 90% of my matches to Gold 3. During my entire run through those ELOs I was a raid boss demolishing absolutely everything in my path. I was hitting at least 35% team damage and even hit 48% in one match and taking almost all the top stats every game. I am no god at this game, like I said I just came back a few months ago. In these ELOs people have no clue how to handle condi pressure. There is a reason many bots are Mirage in those ELOs. People are just straight up bad in these ELOs and the Mirage kit is more than enough to handle it. If you are a "free bag" after you blow your load as Mirage below plat you are bad. Plain and simple. I am sorry to tell you that.


The problems with Mirage become more apparent the higher you climb. But below Plat they literally do not exist.

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> @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Mirage is no where near op below plat lol it has one burst than is a free bag.


> I'm in the middle of gold and I wasn't under that impression either. Also, the matchmaking system doesn't seem to be that great. I meet Gods Walking Amongst Mere Mortals and Gods of PvP and all sorts of deities which don't seem to have any business being in the same division as me. I suppose it's because there are so many veteran players that plat is 'basically' filled up, so the overflow is stuck fighting other players in the gold division who should be in plat. I hope that we get a lot of fresh blood into PvP once the game launches on Steam, it should allow those players to get into plat, I presume.


I'm mainly playing wow these days but would love it if steam brought a large portion of players, not only to help the game in many ways but to maybe wake the devs up as to the success the could have if they put more resources into the game and actually gave it the support it deserves. It could be thee mmo. One thing ull have to get ready for is when a large amount of new blood joins the game ull see a ton of nerf x threads due to lack of knoledge, I mean after playing the game for few yrs ull see these threads and be like what the f....? Lol

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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.

> >

> > Did you even read the post? No? Just a knee-jerk reaction to the tone and nothing else? Alright then, return to me when you've got any idea what's going on.


> I read the whole post and it seems you have an issue with PvP balance. If that isn't the point of the post than you have done a horrible job of getting your point across. The problem is this forum is filled with people who complain about balance without the slightest clue how to properly play their class. If your issue is you're straight up bad at playing Mirage, that can be helped. I am not one to argue that Mirage is in a great state, it is not. But it is more so that a few classes are a bit overtuned than Mirage being undertuned.


> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > > @"Argonil.6970" said:

> > > > > @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > > > > OP, what rank are you?

> > > >

> > > > I don't buy that anything constructive is going to come from that question.

> > >

> > > Well Mirage is borderline OP below Plat. So if you are having issues in PvP with Mirage below Plat, that means there are fundamentals you are missing about the class, your build, or pvp in general.

> > >

> >

> > Mirage is no where near op below plat lol it has one burst than is a free bag.


> I played the game at release for a couple months and came back a few months ago with no clue how to play. I was sitting comfortably in Gold 2 my first month before I even knew how to shatter (an absurdly important mechanic for the class)! I had the displeasure of having awful placement matches this season and my first few placed matches that dropped me down to the lowest end of Silver 2 due to actual monkeys as teammates. I then won at least 90% of my matches to Gold 3. During my entire run through those ELOs I was a raid boss demolishing absolutely everything in my path. I was hitting at least 35% team damage and even hit 48% in one match and taking almost all the top stats every game. I am no god at this game, like I said I just came back a few months ago. In these ELOs people have no clue how to handle condi pressure. There is a reason many bots are Mirage in those ELOs. People are just straight up bad in these ELOs and the Mirage kit is more than enough to handle it. If you are a "free bag" after you blow your load as Mirage below plat you are bad. Plain and simple. I am sorry to tell you that.


> The problems with Mirage become more apparent the higher you climb. But below Plat they literally do not exist.


No u missunderstood lol I dont play much mirage, I'm saying their free bags for me after they blow their load, i have zero issues fighting mirage which is why i said their no OP, no matter the rank bracket really. U just fought some real bad players that made u feel godly, can happen on any class especially in this game as a lot of ur opponents are pve casuals farming pips

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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> I read the whole post and it seems you have an issue with PvP balance. If that isn't the point of the post than you have done a horrible job of getting your point across. The problem is this forum is filled with people who complain about balance without the slightest clue how to properly play their class. If your issue is you're straight up bad at playing Mirage, that can be helped. I am not one to argue that Mirage is in a great state, it is not. But it is more so that a few classes are a bit overtuned than Mirage being undertuned.

Do you concern yourself with how the game feels and plays and whether it has barriers to entry, rather than just what the top-end hypothetical idealistic PvP scenario has potential for? I'm not wailing at the top-end balance because I don't feel confident making remarks about it (there's a breath of fresh air huh?), what I'm wailing at is how terrible the design is as a whole. I don't think ArenaNet should be very interested in having a handful of dedicated PvPers play at the top level while the rest of playerbase leaves the game. To each his own I guess.


> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> I played the game at release for a couple months and came back a few months ago with no clue how to play. I was sitting comfortably in Gold 2 my first month before I even knew how to shatter (an absurdly important mechanic for the class)! I had the displeasure of having awful placement matches this season and my first few placed matches that dropped me down to the lowest end of Silver 2 due to actual monkeys as teammates. I then won at least 90% of my matches to Gold 3. During my entire run through those ELOs I was a raid boss demolishing absolutely everything in my path. I was hitting at least 35% team damage and even hit 48% in one match and taking almost all the top stats every game. I am no god at this game, like I said I just came back a few months ago. In these ELOs people have no clue how to handle condi pressure. There is a reason many bots are Mirage in those ELOs. People are just straight up bad in these ELOs and the Mirage kit is more than enough to handle it. If you are a "free bag" after you blow your load as Mirage below plat you are bad. Plain and simple. I am sorry to tell you that.


You're worse than me. You're not in plat either, so stop pretending that you know everything about it.



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> @"Argonil.6970" said:


> You're worse than me. You're not in plat either, so stop pretending that you know everything about it.


I am playing condi Chrono mostly now as I am bored of playing Mirage. I will glady whoop your ass with my chrono to prove you wrong lol. And I have been playing with a berserker DH build. Neither of which I played on ranked before.


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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > @"Argonil.6970" said:


> > You're worse than me. You're not in plat either, so stop pretending that you know everything about it.


> I am playing condi Chrono mostly now as I am bored of playing Mirage. I will glady whoop your kitten with my chrono to prove you wrong lol. And I have been playing with a berserker DH build. Neither of which I played on ranked before.



You know I gotta' say yeah. Condi chrono is hella' fun in ranked, more effective at whatever the hell Mesmer is supposed to do at core level (we don't what that is and neither does A-net apparently) and I've been able to literally stand at 1200 away and pelt Mirages (amongst other classes) to death off-point with winds of chaos (in Gold at least) and supersped up Confusing Image death rays.


And it's honestly not even worth taking Chaos in even that scenario when you have close to full alacrity uptime anyway.

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