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[Suggestion] Offhand axe for warrior reflect projectiles


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* The offhand sword reflects projectiles if traited.

* Off hand dagger reflects projectiles


Warrior could use some love in offhand axe, make it like thief stealing axe from warrior to reflect projectiles.

The only reason i don't go 4 dual weapons is because of mobility issues, but if you were to make axe reflect projectiles we would have a chance at reflecting some damage and fight range individuals. Keeping in mind that warrior becomes the most slow class when welding 4 dual weapons, so this suggestion is reasonable and needed.


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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> Shield's entire purpose is to counter ranged and provide defense. Rather than buffing weapons intended to do other things, how about buffing the weapon already built to do the exact thing you're looking for?


Shield is nice, but Axe does sort of feel like it needs a defense (Mace has hard CC, Sword has a block. Shield has both Hard CC and a block. Warhorn has Swiftness and Weakness+Vigor.) Then again, with so many defensive options, a "Pure damage" offhand is nice.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> Shield's entire purpose is to counter ranged and provide defense. Rather than buffing weapons intended to do other things, how about buffing the weapon already built to do the exact thing you're looking for?


You are clearly not a warrior main; Shield blocks attacks in its raw state, Shield blocks AND reflects when traited.

What you fail to see is the fact that wielding 4 melee weapons makes the warrior the slowest class in GW2, so to compensate that issue Anet has made:

* Offhand sword blocks and reflects projectiles if traited.

* Offhand dagger reflects projectiles


But Anet has still not made a reflect projectiles for offhand axe. Reflect projectiles is not the same as block attacks, so axe will not be the same as shield.

See it from the perspective of a 4 melee weapon warrior, by becoming a 4 melee warrior you become the slowest in GW2, so in return warrior should get skills that help overcome the range damage and kitting that you will encounter in fights.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > Shield's entire purpose is to counter ranged and provide defense. Rather than buffing weapons intended to do other things, how about buffing the weapon already built to do the exact thing you're looking for?


> You are clearly not a warrior main; Shield blocks attacks in its raw state, Shield blocks AND reflects when traited.

> What you fail to see is the fact that wielding 4 melee weapons makes the warrior the slowest class in GW2, so to compensate that issue Anet has made:

> * Offhand sword blocks and reflects projectiles if traited.

> * Offhand dagger reflects projectiles


> But Anet has still not made a reflect projectiles for offhand axe. Reflect projectiles is not the same as block attacks, so axe will not be the same as shield.

> See it from the perspective of a 4 melee weapon warrior, by becoming a 4 melee warrior you become the slowest in GW2, so in return warrior should get skills that help overcome the range damage and kitting that you will encounter in fights.


My point is specifically that there are several good weapon options that do the thing you're after. Three of them. Why, specifically, does axe need the same ability tacked on to it? Weapons type choices in GW2 are about functionality, and if anything I'd be more in favor of Axe being better at the thing it already does (solid damage on offhand) than just making it do a thing three other weapons already do. As far as I can tell you're asking for axe to have this property specifically because you don't want to use options already avaliable. That's like saying mesmer GS or Thief rifle need to be more AoE based because you're worse at group fights when you wield them. That's sort of the point. Not all weapons are built for the same job.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > Shield's entire purpose is to counter ranged and provide defense. Rather than buffing weapons intended to do other things, how about buffing the weapon already built to do the exact thing you're looking for?


> You are clearly not a warrior main; Shield blocks attacks in its raw state, Shield blocks AND reflects when traited.

> What you fail to see is the fact that wielding 4 melee weapons makes the warrior the slowest class in GW2, so to compensate that issue Anet has made:

> * Offhand sword blocks and reflects projectiles if traited.

> * Offhand dagger reflects projectiles


> But Anet has still not made a reflect projectiles for offhand axe. Reflect projectiles is not the same as block attacks, so axe will not be the same as shield.

> See it from the perspective of a 4 melee weapon warrior, by becoming a 4 melee warrior you become the slowest in GW2, so in return warrior should get skills that help overcome the range damage and kitting that you will encounter in fights.


You don't know what slowest class means. The slowest class in this game is a necromancer.

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Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?


I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?


> I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.


Shield would still be the norm because the shield blocks and reflects attacks, but axe will only reflect. It is a tradeoff blocks for damage.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?

> >

> > I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.


> Shield would still be the norm because the shield blocks and reflects attacks, but axe will only reflect. It is a tradeoff blocks for damage.


I guess, but it'd still be a 3.5s projectile reflect (that nobody would want to stand in at melee) on a 12s cd when traited (also granting a bonus 300 ferocity), and effectively superspeed for the entire duration (if it gets the +50% movement). That's waaaaay stronger than shield in my book. It free you up to take Cull the Weak, which would synergize well on a high power spec. Some might prefer Dogged March, mind you, but I don't find it nearly as useful as it used to be.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?

> > >

> > > I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.

> >

> > Shield would still be the norm because the shield blocks and reflects attacks, but axe will only reflect. It is a tradeoff blocks for damage.


> I guess, but it'd still be a 3.5s projectile reflect (that nobody would want to stand in at melee) on a 12s cd when traited (also granting a bonus 300 ferocity), and effectively superspeed for the entire duration (if it gets the +50% movement). That's waaaaay stronger than shield in my book. It free you up to take Cull the Weak, which would synergize well on a high power spec. Some might prefer Dogged March, mind you, but I don't find it nearly as useful as it used to be.


Shield grants might when it blocks attacks, reflects attacks, reduces cooldown on shield skills, stuns, removes boons (if traited), removes boons from up to 5 targets (if traited), gives health with might (if traited), deals extra damage when a boon is removed, gives a combo finisher with diverse effects such as healing, stealth, fire field, frost aura... Reflected projectiles can become combo finishers. Shield is obviously more useful and powerful that the stupid axe, but don't mind me, I have been playing this game for 5 years with warrior, I must not know what i am talking about.


So, now that i have said all the things shield does, lets say the things axe does:

Whirl combo finishers, 50% speed (which has been bugged since forever), 300 ferocity.


Asking for a reflect on axe now does not seem OP as hell does it? Axe needs to reflect projectiles, if this is implemented in the game, warrior will have more diverse play.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > > Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?

> > > >

> > > > I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.

> > >

> > > Shield would still be the norm because the shield blocks and reflects attacks, but axe will only reflect. It is a tradeoff blocks for damage.

> >

> > I guess, but it'd still be a 3.5s projectile reflect (that nobody would want to stand in at melee) on a 12s cd when traited (also granting a bonus 300 ferocity), and effectively superspeed for the entire duration (if it gets the +50% movement). That's waaaaay stronger than shield in my book. It free you up to take Cull the Weak, which would synergize well on a high power spec. Some might prefer Dogged March, mind you, but I don't find it nearly as useful as it used to be.


> Shield grants might when it blocks attacks, reflects attacks, reduces cooldown on shield skills, stuns, removes boons (if traited), removes boons from up to 5 targets (if traited), gives health with might (if traited), deals extra damage when a boon is removed, gives a combo finisher with diverse effects such as healing, stealth, fire field, frost aura... Reflected projectiles can become combo finishers. Shield is obviously more useful and powerful that the stupid axe, but don't mind me, I have been playing this game for 5 years with warrior, I must not know what i am talking about.


> So, now that i have said all the things shield does, lets say the things axe does:

> Whirl combo finishers, 50% speed (which has been bugged since forever), 300 ferocity.


> Asking for a reflect on axe now does not seem OP as hell does it? Axe needs to reflect projectiles, if this is implemented in the game, warrior will have more diverse play.


Like I said, axe 5 with reflect and the aforementioned granting of +50% movement speed and the ability to benefit from quickness would have it replace shield. We don't need really need shield to block melee attacks with all we have going, and most people won't be able to stand in a zerked out warrior channeling axe 5 anyway. That's assuming they could even keep up with a warrior moving at a +50% rate. The uptime on the axe reflect (and all the associated benefits) would by much higher than shield stance, lasting a 1/2 sec longer and having a 40% shorter cooldown.


Also, don't discount axe 4. It does nearly 3x the damage of shield 4, cleaves, and grants 3s of quickness. TO put in perspective, it does more damage than an Arcing Slice when the target is below 50%, but it does that regardless of the opponent's health. Traited, it would be off cd every 9s or so. It's a strong skill.


In any case, note the bit in my first post when I said I wouldn't oppose adding reflect to the skill. That said, I can't imagine they'd add a reflect after all of this time without doing something in compensation... lengthening the cd if nothing else.

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> @Juba.8406 said:

> Off hand weapons in general needs some love.


> For example off Hand Mace skills needs a cooldown reduction, Shield Bash cast time reduced.


Shieldbash just got cast time increased couple months ago, which all warriors believed it is an unnecessary nerf in the first place.


It is unlike anet to undo thier change...


But i do agree off hand weapon in general need buff or rework.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > > > @Choppy.4183 said:

> > > > > Do you think offhand axe would be strong enough if it just provided the +50% mobility in the description and also benefited from quickness (e.g. from axe 4)?

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not opposed to the reflect, mind you, but with that cd and the new trait/position, I imagine a reflect would make axe the go-to offhand. Add in the movement buff it's supposed to have and I can't imagine a power build taking anything else.

> > > >

> > > > Shield would still be the norm because the shield blocks and reflects attacks, but axe will only reflect. It is a tradeoff blocks for damage.

> > >

> > > I guess, but it'd still be a 3.5s projectile reflect (that nobody would want to stand in at melee) on a 12s cd when traited (also granting a bonus 300 ferocity), and effectively superspeed for the entire duration (if it gets the +50% movement). That's waaaaay stronger than shield in my book. It free you up to take Cull the Weak, which would synergize well on a high power spec. Some might prefer Dogged March, mind you, but I don't find it nearly as useful as it used to be.

> >

> > Shield grants might when it blocks attacks, reflects attacks, reduces cooldown on shield skills, stuns, removes boons (if traited), removes boons from up to 5 targets (if traited), gives health with might (if traited), deals extra damage when a boon is removed, gives a combo finisher with diverse effects such as healing, stealth, fire field, frost aura... Reflected projectiles can become combo finishers. Shield is obviously more useful and powerful that the stupid axe, but don't mind me, I have been playing this game for 5 years with warrior, I must not know what i am talking about.

> >

> > So, now that i have said all the things shield does, lets say the things axe does:

> > Whirl combo finishers, 50% speed (which has been bugged since forever), 300 ferocity.

> >

> > Asking for a reflect on axe now does not seem OP as hell does it? Axe needs to reflect projectiles, if this is implemented in the game, warrior will have more diverse play.


> Like I said, axe 5 with reflect and the aforementioned granting of +50% movement speed and the ability to benefit from quickness would have it replace shield. We don't need really need shield to block melee attacks with all we have going, and most people won't be able to stand in a zerked out warrior channeling axe 5 anyway. That's assuming they could even keep up with a warrior moving at a +50% rate. The uptime on the axe reflect (and all the associated benefits) would by much higher than shield stance, lasting a 1/2 sec longer and having a 40% shorter cooldown.


> Also, don't discount axe 4. It does nearly 3x the damage of shield 4, cleaves, and grants 3s of quickness. TO put in perspective, it does more damage than an Arcing Slice when the target is below 50%, but it does that regardless of the opponent's health. Traited, it would be off cd every 9s or so. It's a strong skill.


> In any case, note the bit in my first post when I said I wouldn't oppose adding reflect to the skill. That said, I can't imagine they'd add a reflect after all of this time without doing something in compensation... lengthening the cd if nothing else.


I have the impression that you think axe will be OP if it gets a reflection. The damage on the offhand axe is nothing compared the to the full potential of shield. I forgot to mentioned that shield can also be used to interrupt skills, so if someone attempting to heal gets interrupted, that is basically a damage of whatever the healing was going to be. With axe, you cannot interrupt the healing so you have to do damage by brute force and reduce the health bar earned by the healing skill.


I get the impression that you are thinking linearly and you do not see the pros and cons of switching shield for axe (with reflecting projectile). If you were to compare all the potential on shield to the potential of axe, then shield will still win even if axe gets a reflect.

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> @Sartharina.3542 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > Shield's entire purpose is to counter ranged and provide defense. Rather than buffing weapons intended to do other things, how about buffing the weapon already built to do the exact thing you're looking for?


> Shield is nice, but Axe does sort of feel like it needs a defense (Mace has hard CC, Sword has a block. Shield has both Hard CC and a block. Warhorn has Swiftness and Weakness+Vigor.) Then again, with so many defensive options, a "Pure damage" offhand is nice.


Your second statement was more accurate ... the off hand axe is clearly intended to be an offensive, high frequency attack concept. Any idea to add defensive features to it seems ill-fated when there are already defensive choices .. in fact TWO defensive choices that do exactly what the OP wants. Even the OP's reasoning makes no sense ... reflecting projectiles has zero to do with mobility, that being the reason he wants reflects added to off hand axe ... WHAT?


Axe certainly won't be OP if reflects are added to it, but the flavour of what it's intended to do (which is very strong) is diminished, it encroaches on weapons already doing reflects in the off hand and it does nothing to ensure mobility, which is the reason the OP cites for adding reflects to off hand axe. I see little reason to entertain such a request. If anything, it **shouldn't** get reflects, it should get something that isn't already available.

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