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Are Macros ok?


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The only real solution would be to have a cast time for every skill and a cooldown between skills. 1/4 second or more and macros would be useless- no more instant 7 skill downs.


Players would have time to react and fights would become more interesting. Instant anything isn't good pvp.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Turk.5460 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @apharma.3741 said:

> > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > @apharma.3741 said:

> > > > > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > > > > apharma -- Posts are removed when they name and shame, either in text or through images. Posts about exploits are removed because, well, they may serve as a "tutorial on how to cheat" until the exploit is closed. Posts that share concerns about an issue generally are left intact as long as they don't harass and don't expose a temporary game vulnerability that we all, as players, should want to see fixed, not exploited for personal gain. If you have a concern about a removed thread you can drop an e-mail and I'll take a look to make sure it was properly handled. We honestly don't want to squelch such discussion, we just want to make sure the FCoC is being observed.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yup I know about the name and shame rules and such I was drawing attention to that there’s a lot of high profile cheaters and exploiters who even record themselves doing it, get shown up on forums, but nothing is ever done or to be more exact we don’t _see_ anything happen to them. The person from GH originally has been using the macro or 3rd party program for nearly a year and afaik is still playing with no repercussions that we’ve seen.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like I say, we don’t see what happens, maybe a cheaters demise debuff for 2 weeks when an account is warned about their deliberate breaking of TOS but it isn’t enough to be an outright ban might help in allowing for players who play by the rules to see action is being taken.

> > > > >

> > > > > So... essentially you want a public execution. Public shaming. That's what this is about? Getting some perverse satisfaction that someone is warned or banned?

> > > > >

> > > > > Please.

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess you don't work? You haven't seen an employee get disciplined, but your boss can't tell anyone that it's happened. HR would fire that employer.

> > > > >

> > > > > And THIS is a game...,

> > > > >

> > > > > At some point, you will see that public shaming isn't helpful.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Yet here we are at a point where people lose confidence in ANet and their ability to actually punish people ruining other people’s fun. Do you remember the infamous Blacktide hacker? I do, I remember a lot of match ups and being thankful every week we didn’t get matched up vs blacktide because of it. I also remember months and months of FoW and UW deliberately refusing to play because absolutely no action had been brought on this duo, only 1 account was publicly destroyed but there were in fact 2 of them doing it, with many threads in this forum and reddit showing them exploiting with nothing happening.

> > > >

> > > > Don’t confuse wanting a system where we can actually see that action is being carried out against people playing unfairly with your extreme of public execution (oh the irony GW1 actually had that and it was one of the most celebrated aspects for some people) for a falsified claim of enjoyment. If you had ever worked a day in your life you would know that while you never see a disciplinary happening, you often see the outcome and the prelude, you also don’t see the cause of it going on for months and months in plain sight either.

> > > >

> > > > This is a video game people play to enjoy, when they are not enjoying it because someone is breaking the rules it is ANets job to enforce the rules and demonstrate that rule breaking has consequences. Many do not see that happening.

> > >

> > > Again, you DONT see it happening. That doesn't mean it's not happening.

> > >

> > > 'Ever worked a day in my life.'

> > >

> > > You might see the outcome if someone is termed, yes. But if you work at a company with an HR department worth its salt, you would never see that someone was disciplined short of termination or suspension. If you do, consider another place to work.

> > >

> > > If someone is perm banned, you just won't see them come back. Otherwise, unless they tell you, (and I am sure they would (/s) then you wouldn't know either.

> > >

> > > A-net has stated they aren't going to publicly shame anyone. They have stated the penalty for doing that if a player does it to another.

> > >

> > > Have a good day.

> >

> > While I agree with your sentiment and application of this practice in the real world, Strider, evidence suggests you are wrong here. I was under the same assumption as you a few years ago until proven wrong by ANET.

> >

> > https://kotaku.com/hackers-mmo-character-publicly-stripped-killed-banne-1702670398

> >

> > This is the "public execution" that apharma is referencing. The video was made by ANET, officially, then posted by an ANET employee on the official forums. You can probably still find it in the archive if you dig.


> And I believe that was the one exception that proves the idiom: never say never.


A better way to put that might be: ANet tried this. They found that it didn't work. They didn't repeat the exercise, because they are not silly enough to think that doing the same thing that failed will suddenly magically start working.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I read this, sometimes. And I have yet to see where someone making what they believed to be a legitimate report was actioned, while someone else (the person they reported) was not punished at all. Sure, it makes for spicy reading and it forms the basis for a solid bit of conspiracy theory, but is it accurate? **Not every report is acted upon. Not every report *should be* acted upon**. But do we punish people for making a legitimate report? Not to my knowledge.


> If this happened to you -- where you filed a *legitimate* report and received an infraction in response -- and where you were not using reports to harass players, obfuscate your own misdeeds, or game the system in ways that a gentle flower such as I might not divine -- send me your ticket number. I'll give it a read and if there's a problem, maybe we can correct it.


> Right now, I'm inclined to say I've got the popcorn ready for some lively reading but I have a feeling it won't be forthcoming. ;)


> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > The problem is NOTHING will ever be done about it. Look at the times where players have shown proof of people hacking and cheating and its the person that SHOWS it that gets into trouble...



> Thanks for posting that. It's relevant and helpful.


> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > Anet's policy:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/352/policy-third-party-programs-multi-boxing-macros#latest

> >

> > In short:

> > "Macros

> > Guild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a one-to-one function protocol. This means the following:

> > 1. If you program a macro, it must require one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions. For example, if you Press A and it results in the casting of a single skill, you're ok. If you Press A and it casts multiple spells, you're not ok.

> > 2. You cannot program a macro to perform the same or multiple actions on more than one account at a time.

> > 3. You cannot program an "auto-clicker" macro that, for instance, opens chests while you play elsewhere, or that opens a quantity of chests with a single click.

> > 4. NOTE: We make an exception for macros used for music composition or musical performances. As long as a player employs such a macro solely for the performance of in-game music, we do not place restrictions on its use."


"Not every report is acted upon. Not every report *should be* acted upon". No wonder there are so many leechers in ranked PvP who don't get banned. It's the same person over and over too. Please check all of your reports. If you leave some out, players who report are not going to be happy knowing that they are being ignored. No wonder people are not afraid to win-trade by leeching on their other team. Their is no threat of being banned.

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> @"Gondolph.7201" said:

> But Emotes ...


> " if you Press A and it results in the casting of a single skill, you're ok. "


It's complicated, and I think "one server action" is a much better mental model to have for what is (likely) to pass muster.


> So it should be possible to put emote commands on a single key, since they result in one single action and give no fighting advantage. like "/sit


It doesn't just have to be a "fighting" advantage: auto-clickers for opening things are banned because they give the player an advantage. That said, I think you are right, and that using a macro to automate the process of performing an emote should be fine. There is even an overlay app for the purpose out there.


That said, unless you see ANet specifically say it is OK, you are in a gray area: we think it is safe, because there is no advantage in any part of the game to faster emotes. (As far as I know.)


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> @"syntohras.1064" said:

> There is so much hardware nowdays which gives advantages that skill is a joke itself. P2W i would say. The only Genre left where you really show your skill without any Makros/Or Asus Sonar what eva cheater crap is RTS.


Using "hardware" macros is equally forbidden by the ToS. Taping a popsicle stick over the 1-5 keys and using that to press them all at the same time is also forbidden. :)

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