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Are you happy with the current state of PvP?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> For me ele is in a bad place, its basically melee and run away, melee run away. On top of this Is sceptre (most traditional range for a caster class) is not in a good place and has not been for several years now. we have enoughmelee class, and ele should not be one of them.


Scepter is the strongest its been in years.

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Power revenant is one of the weakest things I've played in any multiplayer game. I used to think revenant was bad when was playing other classes and feeling relief when I was capping an enemy home and I saw the incoming responder was a revenant. It wasn't until I made one and played over a hundred games with it did I realize the true meaning of garbage.

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No, because this game allows squishies to die within one to two seconds. Regardless of player skill level, I consider this to be ridiculous.

This never was the case with squishies in GW1. I've always played Elly in both games.

Sure. I'm only a bronze or silver ranked player. Sure, many other players are better. (My win/loss ration is around 50/50) But still. Damage should never be able to this high or armor/health this low.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> This thread is like asking "are you happy with politics" the answer will always be no, regardless of what year, decade, or century it is.


Sorry, but I disagree. Some balance cycles are much less enjoyed on average than others. Same with politics. I was really happy with pvp before the expansion came out. I was really happy with pvp during most of HoT (except a few seasons).


The game needs work, and I really hope the devs are planning something, although their silence is disappointing.

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"We don't want to do balance patches midseason because we don't want to upset the meta too much without giving players time to adjust."


Proceeds to release several blatantly over tuned brand new elite specs right in the middle of the season with no follow up attempt to actually balance the subsequent chaos.

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no ,,, all I got to say is I wish they balanced a lil more often I like to see balance patches and bug fixes..


balance patches are not hard it does not take much to change a few numbers that can all ways be changed back ,,, its still a little early after the expansion release so I don't expect one just yet ------but I believe part of the reason people freak out so much over a bad balance change on these forums is because they know ANET can take ages before they do something about it unlike other gamer that are slightly more reactive



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I feel that Anet need to look into other games with instance based PvP like dota, lol, hots and so on.


I feel that we need banning phase for ranked matches. In begining of a round, where each member of a team vote for an enemy traitline to ban, one per class. Trait line with most votes get locked from use till rest of match.


In my honest opinion, it would benefit balance more (see scourge, daredevil, spellbreaker, firebrand), and also increase build variety, increase team coordinated actions.


Also community as whole would be able to lock out specs that are clearly overperfoming.

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