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Are you happy with the current state of WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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> @Soulock.1752 said:

> The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg dying to unorganized Zerg (or sometimes NO tag, just Wasp swarm around them to death with imbalance classes LOL) and there is no real objectives in WvW that can give us the motivation to strife for something. Except capping stuff and wait for timer = more points and get meaningless rewards zzz


> Few ideas:


> **1. Balance the Condi spam meta (or better yet, Nerf it for glob sake!)**

> Been there, done that. & it has'nt helped.

> **2. Anet should socialize with its community or well known players (PvP champions or youtubers) of all 9 different classes to summarize for ideas with other devs to start brainstorming on class balance that the community has been asking in the forums for years. (Take out pen and notebook!)**They already & have been in communication such as Woodenpatatoe & others. & Yet we still stand where we are now.


> **3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)**

> It don't matter how you tweak it. The amount of interest from players has gone. It has been proven any change has not maintained a healthy amount of players.


> 4. When your in EBG and home keeps is underattack vice-versa, how about something that tell us "Acension Bay is under attack" with reports of enemy number and siege + direction? From experience not a SINGLE player report about it to us on Teamchat or was already too late when he/she saw sword on bay and went to scout ahead = enemy already in Lord's room (Get creative with this one.)


> **5. Give us better rewards that forced us to strife for = teamwork like people needs to defend, capture and win big fights for loot that doesn't give you a FINE boot for winter... (this one can be connected with "3.") and not smacking flies in the swamps while friending frogs that has no real beneficial mechanisms for offense or even defense.**

> What do you think they have done in the last 2 seasons? Rewards is not the solution.




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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> > @Soulock.1752 said:

> > The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg...


> WvW has never had anything but class imbalance, what you mean is, you were fine when the class imbalance suited your tastes, but now it doesn't, it is a problem, there is a word for that.


Sorry, English is not my native language xD

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This game mode doesn't promote competition. No leader boards, guild rankings, no weekly winners.

Pirate Ship meta is a game breaking design. It doesn't promote large scale battles. That turns off a lot of players.

Balance is just (blank) for this game mode. More Developer communication would be great to understand what they are really trying to achieve, also a little bit of listening to player base would go a long way for this game mode.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @Soulock.1752 said:

> > The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg dying to unorganized Zerg (or sometimes NO tag, just Wasp swarm around them to death with imbalance classes LOL) and there is no real objectives in WvW that can give us the motivation to strife for something. Except capping stuff and wait for timer = more points and get meaningless rewards zzz

> >

> > Few ideas:

> >

> > **1. Balance the Condi spam meta (or better yet, Nerf it for glob sake!)**

> > Been there, done that. & it has'nt helped.

> > **2. Anet should socialize with its community or well known players (PvP champions or youtubers) of all 9 different classes to summarize for ideas with other devs to start brainstorming on class balance that the community has been asking in the forums for years. (Take out pen and notebook!)**They already & have been in communication such as Woodenpatatoe & others. & Yet we still stand where we are now.

> >

> > **3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)**

> > It don't matter how you tweak it. The amount of interest from players has gone. It has been proven any change has not maintained a healthy amount of players.


> > 4. When your in EBG and home keeps is underattack vice-versa, how about something that tell us "Acension Bay is under attack" with reports of enemy number and siege + direction? From experience not a SINGLE player report about it to us on Teamchat or was already too late when he/she saw sword on bay and went to scout ahead = enemy already in Lord's room (Get creative with this one.)

> >

> > **5. Give us better rewards that forced us to strife for = teamwork like people needs to defend, capture and win big fights for loot that doesn't give you a FINE boot for winter... (this one can be connected with "3.") and not smacking flies in the swamps while friending frogs that has no real beneficial mechanisms for offense or even defense.**

> > What do you think they have done in the last 2 seasons? Rewards is not the solution.





Mind sharing some ideas on how to "Make WvW great again!"? :/

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The pirate ship meta has just become a more common place word used in wvw since the stab changes because its what pug fights have resulted in.

However, the pirate ship word and meta has actually been around for a while in the gvg scene but for different reasons. The main reason was because everyone ran super glassy ranged with plus condi, and had enough damage to 1 push each other, so people became to scared to push most times and a lot of gvgs resulted in pirate ship battles battles of range focus for about 3 minutes until someone spiked down an enemy and from there, people would use that downed to try to snowball the fight.

2 years ago



Playing like a kitten bores me sometimes. But in wvw history, the meta has alternated between pirates and hammers. People complained about boonshare which enabled the hammers. Now people complained about the pirates. I guess finding the in-brtween is nigh impossible or am I too stupid to see

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> @Soulock.1752 said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @Soulock.1752 said:

> > > The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg dying to unorganized Zerg (or sometimes NO tag, just Wasp swarm around them to death with imbalance classes LOL) and there is no real objectives in WvW that can give us the motivation to strife for something. Except capping stuff and wait for timer = more points and get meaningless rewards zzz

> > >

> > > Few ideas:

> > >

> > > **1. Balance the Condi spam meta (or better yet, Nerf it for glob sake!)**

> > > Been there, done that. & it has'nt helped.

> > > **2. Anet should socialize with its community or well known players (PvP champions or youtubers) of all 9 different classes to summarize for ideas with other devs to start brainstorming on class balance that the community has been asking in the forums for years. (Take out pen and notebook!)**They already & have been in communication such as Woodenpatatoe & others. & Yet we still stand where we are now.

> > >

> > > **3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)**

> > > It don't matter how you tweak it. The amount of interest from players has gone. It has been proven any change has not maintained a healthy amount of players.

> >

> > > 4. When your in EBG and home keeps is underattack vice-versa, how about something that tell us "Acension Bay is under attack" with reports of enemy number and siege + direction? From experience not a SINGLE player report about it to us on Teamchat or was already too late when he/she saw sword on bay and went to scout ahead = enemy already in Lord's room (Get creative with this one.)

> > >

> > > **5. Give us better rewards that forced us to strife for = teamwork like people needs to defend, capture and win big fights for loot that doesn't give you a FINE boot for winter... (this one can be connected with "3.") and not smacking flies in the swamps while friending frogs that has no real beneficial mechanisms for offense or even defense.**

> > > What do you think they have done in the last 2 seasons? Rewards is not the solution.

> >

> >

> >


> Mind sharing some ideas on how to "Make WvW great again!"? :/


I'm not sure there is a solution.

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First of all, I care for the reward tracks. It helps the completionist in me for a small mount of AP regarding dungeon tokens. It also enables me the possibility to work toward a legendary armor.


I can not say much about the state wvw is in to be honest. I never gave a flying skritt about my class beim fotm and meta or not. When I am not good enough or the other guy can spam a hammerstun every 2 seconds or turns the floor into an airport full of lights at night, then ok, good for him. I could do the same, but choose not to do it.


I would try to instill the fighting spirit of people again and make it a system close to like eve online has it. When guilds build their own castles and really have to hold their ground for honor, fame and some ressources, wvw will probably fill again. Maybe also medieval tournaments for guilds at a neutral place. I know a lot of people will say that there must be more than just honor, but I think that most people who seriously play wvw are not in for the reward. If that were the case wvw would have been a ghost town from the beginning.

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In my opinion WvW is done so bad. The idea was good but reality shows that concept was wrong.

ArenaNet should finally **totally** remake this mode.


They could replace WvW by 3 things: Battlegrounds, GvG and one big open WvW map.


- **Battlegrounds**: People could join solo or with friends and have a fun there. It would be the essence of current WvW mode: e.g 30/40 minutes of attacking/defending a castle/towers/camps. Tactical gameplay. 30v30v30 or something like that. And after all players could get a real reward for the win - per battleground. While right now people have to look for epic battles, whats so boring.


- **GvG**: a cool place to compete for guilds. With leaderboards and stuff.


- **Just one open WvW map**: something we know from the current mode. But one big map of it could be enough if some1 likes to run around and zerg.

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> @Soulock.1752 said:

> The terrible class imbalance destroys any real meaningful effort of "teamwork" = rip GvG and organized Zerg dying to unorganized Zerg (or sometimes NO tag, just Wasp swarm around them to death with imbalance classes LOL) and there is no real objectives in WvW that can give us the motivation to strife for something. Except capping stuff and wait for timer = more points and get meaningless rewards zzz


> Few ideas:


> 1. Balance the Condi spam meta (or better yet, Nerf it for glob sake!)


> 2. Anet should socialize with its community or well known players (PvP champions or youtubers) of all 9 different classes to summarize for ideas with other devs to start brainstorming on class balance that the community has been asking in the forums for years. (Take out pen and notebook!)


> 3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)


> 4. When your in EBG and home keeps is underattack vice-versa, how about something that tell us "Acension Bay is under attack" with reports of enemy number and siege + direction? From experience not a SINGLE player report about it to us on Teamchat or was already too late when he/she saw sword on bay and went to scout ahead = enemy already in Lord's room (Get creative with this one.)


> 5. Give us better rewards that forced us to strife for = teamwork like people needs to defend, capture and win big fights for loot that doesn't give you a FINE boot for winter... (this one can be connected with "3.") and not smacking flies in the swamps while friending frogs that has no real beneficial mechanisms for offense or even defense.


> I tried thinking of all the solutions the people in WvW (Darkhaven and friends from other servers that roams, defend and commanding for guild ops + pugs) has been seeking for years while making it less a hassle for Anet to work on. If Anet truly doesn't start reading what we have to say... then the people of WvW will slowly disappear 1 by 1 till everyone we once knew with all the precious times and memories we spend together... is gone.


> R.I.P WvW


Add to this 1v1 servers rather than colluding slugfests that end up being so lopsided there's no balance possible.


One server against another server.


No three way.


The above suggestions are also good.


Oh, and how about unlinking - so we can have our identities back and get to know those on our own servers...?


Last, math matters in WvW - numbers are exponential from one tier or even one server to the next - this has never been addressed.


Fix WvW, please.



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When they don't even care enough to keep their core information about the world vs world current.


Imagine being told to just show up at the football stadium to figure out which teams are going to have that EPIC battle... cause we didn't bother printing that on the ticket.


They have re-linked all the servers and opps - the server pairing information isn't right. Did they correct it with yesterday's "WvW Maintenance"? Nope.


Servers that are links stopped existing except in name only on the notations in the wiki and the few WvW stat/intelligence sites that exist. And now, not even that information is correct.


So, who is paired with whom?


When did the pairings change? 4 weeks ago! That's how little it matters. Evidently, it won't get corrected until .... 4 weeks from now ........ when the new linkings happen. Quality work that is!


And yet, we are told to trust that the data they have around WvW, that drives their decisions, is correct.


This is just one example of why people lose hope for WvW as they see it bleed out - their friends, their guild members and their competitors.

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I'm not going to vote yes or no, because I still play, daily. There is good, and there is not so much.


Overall, I enjoy WvW, because it offers a level of strategy that neither PvP nor PvE can offer. I don't mind changing builds, or switching classes, and some of our server pairings have worked quite nicely (some not so much...) and over-all, that's all about adapting to change. Is something OP.? Well then, play it until it gets nerfed, or come up with a better build on your own.


What has caused me continual distress is the freebie alt-accounts that sit at spawn, tag watching. I truly wish new freebie accounts were relegated to the Edge of the Mists where new players can learn the basics of WvW and potentially meet people from other servers (isn't the point to meet people and learn the game?). Otherwise commanders have to find ways around tagging which is really unpleasant for those who follow. If you want to support community, a war zone (WvW) not the place to put free accounts.. as competition ensures abuse.

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> @Soulock.1752 said:

> 3. Give us less objectives to defend, and more objectives on offense (since most players can't be bothered to defend or lack any real manpower due to major difference in Time zone and server population to defend our tier 3 towers/keeps = wasted people's time and commitment to upgrade it.)


How in the heck are you supposed to accomplish that? Applying paradoxal quantum mechanics to WvW objectives?



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Trailblazer builds do as much damage as 100% zerker/marauder gear sets... while having toughness/vitality on every gear piece. Top this off with said Trailblazer build game play literally mashing keys (ie. 9687...33333... 876933...3333 with condi thief). Tried out scourge for a day and just mashed condition aoes to win 1v2 and a 1vX without even knowing what I was doing. Nobody in their right mind enjoys this meta. Scourge is considered broken in SPvP with the Deadeye amulet which has about the same DPS as WvW's Trailblazer stats but with way less sustain. That's the ridiculousness people have been complaining about since Heart of Thorns.



More of a mindless spam-on-tag gameplay than HoT. 15v15 and 20v20s were a joke before PoF and now is even more ridiculous with the low skill ceiling. More mind numbing than roaming when comes to organization. Unorganized zergs also suffer from the aoe condi mashing via Scourge to a point of boredom.


Overall the pvp aspect of WvW is a joke. Going to hit up World of Warcraft or TERA again.



**1)** Nerf the toughness and vitality on Dire/Trailblazer gear pieces. Example may be a reduction of 50-75% stats to bring balance toward power-based builds. Will also not affect PvE as the damage will be the same as I'm sure PvE players aren't that concerned with tankiness. Reducing vitality and toughness on Dire/Trailblazer would bring back a ton of players; especially roamers... which means more gem sales. The player retention and accumulation of older players from doing this would probably be one of the *most* overlooked simple fixes which would benefit the company overall.

**2)** Remove the grandmaster trait from Scourge which increases the field size of shades. Lowering the default shade size along with Desert Shroud would be great. What is making Scourge kill zerg fights is the ease in which necromancers can dish out DPS. Imagine staff elementalists being able to instant cast Meteor Shower. There is no skill factor in scourge's aoe damage. The skill factor from necromancers pre-expansions were the long cooldowns from wells and lichform. Right now necromancers have wells with no cooldowns and a pulsable 1200 yard range aoe at their feet. There needs to be a skill factor. Along with this there is no 'umph' when playing builds which mash aoe conditions. Like hucking a fistful of sand into the ocean; doesn't feel like you're doing much. Back in HoT tried a burn guardian build. Felt like wasn't doing much in fights at all until a person mentioned was top on the DPS from just throwing out Purging Flames where/there and spamming 1 on staff.


Having skills either be aoe and skillful to cast or very narrow in area of effect would make an enjoyable experience. Skills should feel like they have impact and/or make the player feel good from landing skillfully/effectively. Nobody is having fun mashing condition aoes in a fight which are almost instant castable along with having a huge area of effect. The person casting the aoe's is bored and the other party gets irritated. Very important factoring as to why players absolutely hate zerg fights in PoF.

**3)** Reduce mashable aoe boon application and mashable aoe healing in group fights. Increase heal from water blast/leap finishers by 200-300%. Bring back skill-based zerg fighting. Organized guilds are desperate for you to not treat them like mentally impaired children. Many organized guilds disbanded or moved to other games due to Heart of Thorns not having the potential in zerg fights being swayed by skillful gameplay. Guilds need the incentive of other players somewhat respecting them for winning zerg fights -- there is no incentive when everyone realizes the players in the guild just mashed their skills. The direction of hand holding organized zergs is the direct opposite of what you want to be doing as a balance team both for the rewarding aspect of the guild and players on an individual level for good play.

**4)** Not that important but the reduction of arrow cart / cannon damage. Glass builds like staff elementalists are pretty fun, but some have to resort to class switching with objectives that are sieged up.

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