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What makes a good team?


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Besides the regular communication and jolly cooperation, I never really understood what to look for when pairing up with another person or going for a full 5 man team.

Bunkers, supports, and damage dealers are good, but is there more to it? Who initiates? Which class spec should hold the line? I hope these questions aren't redundant to just having class knowledge, but when I watch 5v5 vids I have a hard time learning a teams order of operations.

Thanks in advance.

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Harmony between Players , general mind-setup. Flexibility. Self reflection

Class knowledge is a big thing. Buffs/boons , key abilitys. For competetive gaming it's probably good to have a set 5 man team with 2 professions on each player. Know the strengths and weak-spots of ur members and especially on URSELF. Find a way to work and improve as a team with those issues.


League of legends talking says ; Grops with flamers loose 30% more then groups with nice advicing. (something like that).


Have a Plan. -> Use the 1 minute pregame time.


Happyness -> loosing 5 games in a row happens. It's nothing to rage about -> seek mistakes, try improving.

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I was hoping for some advice involving the meta, like if guardians compliment rangers well and such. I've played plenty of solo games and duels but never had a duo partner. If the classes all compliment each other in general, then that's cool. I would like to hear what people are running with in duo teams at least.

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Always have at least 2 members of the team who have enough sustain to contest points, preferably 3. 1 of which should be a dedicated support (firebrand or tempest), 1 off-healer in lack of a better word like druid or scrapper who can still support allies to some extent but can also win some duels. Scrapper/Druid also have the ability to double rez either with function gyro or a pet with the nature magic trait Allies' Aid so having one on the team is always handy.


Then also take a necro (scourge preferred), the class with some of the highest condition pressure and boon removal. This will be the bunker killer but will also require some babysitting through one of your supports.


So now the team is 3/5 full, you'll need a roamer and 1 more damage dealer. Best roamer is still thief by far, amazing mobility and burst.


The 5th one is kinda flexible. Anything that does damage and has some degree of self sustain will do fine like Revenant, but Spellbreaker is the best for this atm. Mesmer will always be A+ at this role because of portal too.

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These two compliment each other for main team fight presence:

* Firebrand Bunker

* Scourge


Then these two compliment each other for super burst roaming:

* Mirage or sometimes Chrono still

* Daredevils or sometimes Deadeyes


Then your 5th is debatable but honestly:

* Spellbreaker = Just diverse as all hell and compliments anyone he supports in a team fight


Pretty much same thing Smurf said.

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  • 1 month later...

I, as a shout power ranger, usually run with a scourge necro duo just to make sure I have one. On occassion I might duo with a good thief or mesmer - but that is more of a friend-thing than a tryhard win setup. In general I attempt to make sure I bring a heavy damage dealer - and this is because I myself got the means to "support" them through ress, peeling, boons and healing while bringing some fair damage to the table.


In other words, I myself always found myself doing better when looking for people doing some other job than I do - in this case either roaming or super team damage. I have tried duo with an scrap engi / supportive ele... But that usually goes pretty terrible since we do not have the means to together focus down high priority targets in team fights. I usually do best with scourge necros (I wonder why...) but have been doing well with revs n warriors too.


My personal tip would be - if you play a supportive class, look for a damage dealer. If you play a heavy damage dealing class, look for a supportive class. Obviously anything works, but bringing different roles always improves chances of having a well-balanced team setup :) I hope this somewhat answers your question even though the reply is late.

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