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Put the Anniversary Trailer on the Steam Page!

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Right now the Steam Page is very bare-bones with some decent and some less than decent screenshots. I haven't seen it myself, but apparently in some regions some weird trailer not even remotely representative of GW2 is used. If you're going to publish on Steam, put some effort into it.


To make it easy, just throw the anniversary trailer on there:





There you go, Steam page instantly improved. It's one of the more evocative trailers you ever made, please use it.


To the rest of the community: What specific trailers or screenshots should be on the steam page? Let's keep it to officially published Arenanet material, just to show how easy it is to give a better image using assets they already have.

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> @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> I know right, like what the hell? The current trailer on Steam is awful, and it does not represent the game at its best, not at all. Honestly, who makes these decisions?


Indeed. It's weird, because I feel like you could pick a random player to choose some trailers and screenshots, and you would end up with a better Steam Page.


> @"jokke.6239" said:

> They could also add Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire as a 2nd and 3rd trailer, they are both great and still relevant, since the content is still endgame content


Absolutely, I'm guessing you're talking about [this one](

)? I could foresee only two problems with that:

1. Would Heart of Thorns have it's own Steam Page as DLC? If so, it should be put on there.

2. This announcement trailer has different map designs from what actually ended up in the final release.

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