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Thoughts on today's "balance"?


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Burn is still way overtuned.. I'm just sitting there getting rid of 10 stacks burn, cleanse, get another 10 stacks immediately, cleanse, get another 10 stacks, run out of cleanses and die because each stack ticks with like 3k and I get like 50k damage within 5 seconds or something. Not to mention all the other conditions that get spamed atm. But while they are kind of annoying they are also decently manageable now imho.

I am pretty much dominating 3v3 except for rounds with burn guards or something like that.. can't do shit against those builds.

Other than that I can't really complain tbh.. didn't play conquest lately tho.


> "Instead of asking a nerf of FB why not buff other classes that are left behind?"


Don't start this powercreep again!.. Anet has balanced with this mindset for years and you see how small the pvp community is.. Probably can't even recover anymore..

Nobody likes his main class to be nerfed, I get that, but do not fucking continue powercreeping everything.. Anet almost manages to get a decent balance to pvp, we don't need to buff other classes to be on par with 1 dominating one.. bring the must-pick class down in line with the rest, not the other way around.. This obviously doesn't focus FB in particular, it's my general opinion for the "flavor of the month"-class (or in case of GW2 it's rather a "flavor of the year"-class tbh)

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Burn is still way overtuned.. I'm just sitting there getting rid of 10 stacks burn, cleanse, get another 10 stacks immediately, cleanse, get another 10 stacks, run out of cleanses and die because each stack ticks with like 3k and I get like 50k damage within 5 seconds or something. Not to mention all the other conditions that get spamed atm. But while they are kind of annoying they are also decently manageable now imho.

> I am pretty much dominating 3v3 except for rounds with burn guards or something like that.. can't do kitten against those builds.

> Other than that I can't really complain tbh.. didn't play conquest lately tho.


> > "Instead of asking a nerf of FB why not buff other classes that are left behind?"

> NO!!!

> Don't start this powercreep again!.. Anet has balanced with this mindset for years and you see how small the pvp community is.. Probably can't even recover anymore..

> Nobody likes his main class to be nerfed, I get that, but do not kitten continue powercreeping everything.. Anet almost manages to get a decent balance to pvp, we don't need to buff other classes to be on par with 1 dominating one.. bring the must-pick class down in line with the rest, not the other way around.. This obviously doesn't focus FB in particular, it's my general opinion for the "flavor of the month"-class (or in case of GW2 it's rather a "flavor of the year"-class tbh)


how the fuck do you even eat 30 burn stack in 10s, have you considered dodging and kiting? I mean fuck, you dont have to brute force everything with cleanses and use some strategy jesus

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> how the kitten do you even eat 30 burn stack in 10s, have you considered dodging and kiting? I mean kitten, you dont have to brute force everything with cleanses and use some strategy jesus


Dude... I have no idea if it were 10 stacks or what not.. these are just semi-random numbers, I've just looked down at my condi bar when cleasing burn and after an auto attack of a Reaper in Lich form I had 10 stacks again.. That's where the number '10' was coming from.. And previously before writing the comment I was spiked down by some fb with 52k burn dmg while the guy next to me even ate 67k, I have no idea how much stack there actually was. To be fair I didn't expect him to be burn fb so I didn't pay much attention at the engage.

It's just incredibly annoying because it is still like the old conditions in 2018 Anet tried to fix, but on steroids.. Super short tick amount but crazy high tick damage so if someone can quickly stack some (which is pretty easy considering some builds can just pulse them out around them or apply them on teleport) it doesn't even take long to take a crazy chunk of your health off..

Especially since guard can burn on teleport so you can easily get ganked with a couple stacks and immediately tick down 15k or something, that's massive.


Also I didn't q_q about burn being "broken af pls nerf" but in my opinion it's just still very overtuned. Playing a burn build is not a free win or anything, I'm not saying that.. But it's not particularly difficult to spike someone down either. Which in conquest wouldn't even be that op, especially for team comps with a support class that can cleanse in team fights but turning a 3v3 into a 3v2 early on is pretty substantial.


Thanks.. now I'm disappointed by myself for even replying to this nonsense of a comment to begin with and salty for taking the time to write quite a lengthy response.. Have a pleasant evening/day tho.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> > how the kitten do you even eat 30 burn stack in 10s, have you considered dodging and kiting? I mean kitten, you dont have to brute force everything with cleanses and use some strategy jesus


> Dude... I have no idea if it were 10 stacks or what not.. these are just semi-random numbers, I've just looked down at my condi bar when cleasing burn and after an auto attack of a Reaper in Lich form I had 10 stacks again.. That's where the number '10' was coming from.. And previously before writing the comment I was spiked down by some fb with 52k burn dmg while the guy next to me even ate 67k, I have no idea how much stack there actually was. To be fair I didn't expect him to be burn fb so I didn't pay much attention at the engage.

> It's just incredibly annoying because it is still like the old conditions in 2018 Anet tried to fix, but on steroids.. Super short tick amount but crazy high tick damage so if someone can quickly stack some (which is pretty easy considering some builds can just pulse them out around them or apply them on teleport) it doesn't even take long to take a crazy chunk of your health off..

> Especially since guard can burn on teleport so you can easily get ganked with a couple stacks and immediately tick down 15k or something, that's massive.


> Also I didn't q_q about burn being "broken af pls nerf" but in my opinion it's just still very overtuned. Playing a burn build is not a free win or anything, I'm not saying that.. But it's not particularly difficult to spike someone down either. Which in conquest wouldn't even be that op, especially for team comps with a support class that can cleanse in team fights but turning a 3v3 into a 3v2 early on is pretty substantial.


> Thanks.. now I'm disappointed by myself for even replying to this nonsense of a comment to begin with and salty for taking the time to write quite a lengthy response.. Have a pleasant evening/day tho.


you realize that dying after 3minutes of facetanking is not being " spiked " right ?

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If what we had before was power creep then what we have now is power decay.


Unfortunately, it looks like many of us are so afraid of the former that we whole-heartedly throw ourselves towards the latter, not realizing that both are equally unhealthy for the game.


Many of anet's nerfs have missed the mark. To name a few:


Mantra of Solace - Deserves to heal the firebrand for more than nothing. FB's main issue was their symbols, which have finally been toned down. Both nerfs do not need to exist in conjunction.


Core Engi/Core Ele nerfs - Already the weakest core classes, but still constantly nerfed to bring down their elite specs.


Celestial Avatar CD nerf - Druid is/was already underperforming. They already had the brutal pet nerf keeping them in check in PvP, and we saw a removal of their stunbreak and a reduction in the stealth from Celestial shadow. This was unnecessary.


300 CD Traits - These need to be reworked. It's been long enough, these traits should get priority over other PvP focused changes.


We can afford to give some love to these underperforming classes/builds. We could try bringing everything down to this level, but I don't think giving every heal skill the smiter's boon treatment just to make FB's heal relevant by comparison is a good strategy.


We need to accept that some buffs will be necessary moving forward in order to balance the game.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> If what we had before was power creep then what we have now is power decay.


> Unfortunately, it looks like many of us are so afraid of the former that we whole-heartedly throw ourselves towards the latter, not realizing that both are equally unhealthy for the game.


> Many of anet's nerfs have missed the mark. To name a few:


> Mantra of Solace - Deserves to heal the firebrand for more than nothing. FB's main issue was their symbols, which have finally been toned down. Both nerfs do not need to exist in conjunction.


> Core Engi/Core Ele nerfs - Already the weakest core classes, but still constantly nerfed to bring down their elite specs.


> Celestial Avatar CD nerf - Druid is/was already underperforming. They already had the brutal pet nerf keeping them in check in PvP, and we saw a removal of their stunbreak and a reduction in the stealth from Celestial shadow. This was unnecessary.


> 300 CD Traits - These need to be reworked. It's been long enough, these traits should get priority over other PvP focused changes.


> We can afford to give some love to these underperforming classes/builds. We could try bringing everything down to this level, but I don't think giving every heal skill the smiter's boon treatment just to make FB's heal relevant by comparison is a good strategy.


> We need to accept that some buffs will be necessary moving forward in order to balance the game.


I agree with what u said about gw2 players being so afraid of powercreep that their blind to the fact that the games also being stripped of it's fun while the de-powercreeping ensues. There was some classes that needed toned down 100% but some had completely useless traits and skills and what's basically happening is whenever something is effective these days players cry its OP and rally to get it put along side the rest in the useless pile. Only buffing is bad as is only nerfing, just as a huge blanket nerf across all classes was such a bad idea. Cant wait to see where these devs take this games pvp in the next couple years lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I agree with what u said about gw2 players being so afraid of powercreep that their blind to the fact that the games also being stripped of it's fun while the de-powercreeping ensues. There was some classes that needed toned down 100% but some had completely useless traits and skills and what's basically happening is whenever something is effective these days players cry its OP and rally to get it put along side the rest in the useless pile. Only buffing is bad as is only nerfing, just as a huge blanket nerf across all classes was such a bad idea. Cant wait to see where these devs take this games pvp in the next couple years lol


From my point of view, all Anet really needs to do is understand how to make abilities, and by proxy their builds useful. For example, we could buff some ability to do 20,000 damage, but if its a projectile with 100 range that never hits, and has a 500 second cooldown, then that ability is still going to be rather useless.


The changes Anet needs to make are on the order of reworking abilities and skills that make things in a general sense more useful....have synergies things...be unique and have interesting mechanics that not only synergize with your own traits but with other people. They also need to get rid of the joke that is tradeoff's and replace them with actual real tradeoff's that don't serve to neuter the class, but to prevent overpowered mechanics from manifesting.


Honestly, i don't believe Anet has the persons in place to make the necessary changes because it involves a deep knowledge of why some mechanics work and why some don't, and a huge investment of human resources and time. Looking at the way traits look right now it just looks like a complete mess....abilities that don't synergize with anything, abilities that do stuff completely unrelated to their class themes, and abilities that are just redundant copy pastes of other abilities on the same trait tree's. Runes and Sigils that do the same thing or absolutely nothing impactful, abilities that are just...clunky. and then some mechanics that are just stupid and have no counterplay (actual tradeoff mechanisms)


It's a huge mess and all these years of trying to tweak numbers and bad reworks to address problems that weren't even the actual problems have cascaded into this mess we currently have.

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