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New god of war (Spoilers for LWS3: Flashpoint)


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Rather than "will there be" it seems to be more "there is a new". Balthazar says he has been weakened, his "light" was dimmed. That seems pretty strong metaphor for losing godhood.


No point in Tyrian history have we heard of a god losing power except when it is taken by an usurper such as the case of Dhuum, Abaddon's precessor, and Abaddon. Only in the case of Dhuum had the prior god survived before, and why is unknown - though it seems now we have two cases. Abaddon was weakened, it should be noted, but by gates that were between him and what he could influence so rather than his power being sealed, it was more of a barrier around him by my interpretation.


Will PoF end with an new god from our group? No. I think ArenaNet learned their lesson with Kormir and Trahearne. The playerbase is *way* to greedy to stand for it, and will blame any such NPC with "stealing credit" even though no credit was stolen.


And you can 110% guarantee that the PC will not become a god. For many dozens of reasons - balance, story, MMO nature, etc. etc.


Most likely, PoF - or Season 4 - will end with us learning who took Balthazar's power and is now the god of war. It will be Menzies or some nobody more than likely. If it is Menzies, I hope they don't continue Peter Fries (iirc - maybe Bobby Stein?) on twitter saying Menzies is pronounced Mingus.


P.S. Your title spoils the topic making your spoiler tag pointless. Try to be more generic when you're making spoiler threads in regards to your title. A better one would have been, say "[s3 Spoilers] About our new enemy". Though in this particular case it isn't much a spoiler since EVERYONE will know PoF is about fighting Balthazar - honestly you spoil Flashpoint's reveal more than PoF's ending which is the subject of the thread.


Spoilers in titles isn't really a big deal atm, because the newest information in-game was 2 months ago now (and Flashpoint 4 months ago), but in 8 days it'll become a major issue without a doubt.

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Or maybe Menzies is the new God of War, after all Balthazar claims that he was betrayed... so maybe Menzies (that recently got a Gs skin on the gemstore) won the battle in the Fissure of Woe, because helped by another god, and absorbed Balthy's godhood? Just as Grenth did with Dhuum :/

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@"Deadly.5791" Ty :D but the mystery then will be ''Who and why betrayed Balthazar? '' He was in possession of the mirror of Lyssa in Flashpoint, so meybe he started plunder the realm of the other gods (in PoF trailer he states << They cannot escape my wrath. I'm done! I will be the only God!>> so I doubt Lyssa helped him in any way cause she seems to be a target too ^^' ).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Most likely, PoF - or Season 4 - will end with us learning who took Balthazar's power and is now the god of war. It will be Menzies or some nobody more than likely. If it is Menzies, I hope they don't continue Peter Fries (iirc - maybe Bobby Stein?) on twitter saying Menzies is pronounced Mingus.


That is how the name is properly pronounced though.

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Honestly, at this point, I feel we're close enough that any speculation we make on the subject will prove fruitless in mere days. At the time of this pointing, Path of Fire goes live in 59.5 hours, and we should be getting a lot of backstory from Balthazar about how he got like this, why it happened (maybe) and what we will do about it. Perhaps we won't be killing Balthazar, and somehow get back on his side and fight to get him back into "Heaven" (or whatever the godly realm is called). Honestly, I don't see us killing another god (for reasons like Konig mentioned in his first point, among others) and having to replace yet another god would lead to people wondering why we don't tear down all the Balthazar statues and erect ones to "Kratos" (just to have a generic god of war) instead. It's 3.5 days to launch, people: let's try to hold out into we can get some new lore that we can actually theorize on, rather than crackpot theories or jumping to conclusions.

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I get this feeling that Balthazar has already killed the other gods and that's when we'll learn more about it. He'll probably have certain items from each of the previous gods to use against us - then when it's all done, there will probably be a new batch of gods to take the mantle?


OR, with the appearance of the Grenth Regalia - we'll have the other gods help us defeat or subdue Balthazar when he accomplishes his weapon or whatever, which will take us, Aurene and the other gods to take him down.

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Idk I feel like kormir/abaddon has something to do with this. Maybe abbadons power and knowledge always corrupts so kormir turned insidious. Perhaps abaddon needed to posses another body to escape the realm of torment and basically bodysnatched kormir.


But whoever had the idea that the other gods have been killed, I like that idea. I hope they aren't dead, but I think it would provide for a meaningful and strong story line.

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> @Tseison.4659 said:

> I get this feeling that Balthazar has already killed the other gods and that's when we'll learn more about it. He'll probably have certain items from each of the previous gods to use against us - then when it's all done, there will probably be a new batch of gods to take the mantle?


> OR, with the appearance of the Grenth Regalia - we'll have the other gods help us defeat or subdue Balthazar when he accomplishes his weapon or whatever, which will take us, Aurene and the other gods to take him down.


I don't think the first one is a possibility here. Remember what he said in the announcement trailer: "When I am done, I will be the only god!" Implying, in a roundabout way, that other gods still exist for him to kill.


My pet theory: the other Five haven't been able to deal with Balthazar because they have their own problems to deal with. There have been hints, for example, that there's a serious hubbub going on in the Underworld. Giant angry monsters from Grenth's home opening portals to Tyria and trying to overrun the mortal world? That is not something Grenth would allow under any circumstances. If it's happening at all, it means he must really have his hands full.


While we might not have met them yet, I'm certain each of the gods has some kind of archenemy they'd like to keep down; a Dhuum, a Menzies, a Mallyx, what have you. After what happened with Balthazar, I feel like they'd all take this chance to strike. And that's kept all of them pinned down, unable to deal with the big threat.


Either way, I can't wait for the answers we do get in this expansion. I smell a mindscrew on the horizon...

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