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What do you buy from the gem store?

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It's impossible to suggest things if nobody knows what you have already.

Most people have the copperfed salvage , character slots , bank space, candy corn gobbler, infinite gathering tools, mount skins, and Mistlock Sanctuary if they are PVE players. Shared inventory slots for things like the passes , salvage kits , and mist potions.

Openworld players probably have Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device or World Boss Portal Device.


If you're a WVW player in any fashion I would suggest buying Armistice Bastion pass + Snowflake gobbler when it returns and possibly warclaw skins or gliders. The Zhaitaffy Gobbler has the same boost as the Snowflake Gobbler so it technically isn't worth the hassle (Candy corn gobbler is a different sort of thing in that you need to spam candy corn due to the internal cooldown). If you don't have a dedicated WVW character and are playing support builds that aren't run in PVE I would prioritize an equipment template or two as well.

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Bought a character slot recently.


Bought gems to exchange for gold... yeah... don't do that in MMOs where it's not allowed, but here gold always seems to come in slower than it goes out. In 8 years I've only made it over 200 gold a few times. Was down to 40 earlier this week.


There was a limited sale to get tokens to exchange for your choice of outfit. Bought a 5 pack and used 4 of them. Should have bought a 10-pack as the reason I haven't used the 5th is my final choice locks out the others I want... O.o


Bought bunny ears


During a sale I bought 5 BL keys - first time I've done that, ever, I think. They were all junk but it was cheap. Lesson learned.


The history says I bought a weapons voucher but I have no recollection of that or what I used it on.


Bought Abyss Stalker and Aetherblade heavy armor - in my eternal quest to have a heavy armor character without a buttflap... And at this point we've managed to go back to 2018... so... that's how often I buy stuff. It took from 2018 to 2020 to get a look on one character that I liked using that Aetherblade armor skin's pants...


In 2017 I bought the feline familiar and a bunch of stuff in October... so that was a year gap. My history doesn't show before October 2017... if it did it would mostly show character slots and I think the bank slot thing 2 or 3 times over the years.




For me... the gem store fails to have the things I want... and when it does they're silly high in price - like mount skins. Only one I've bought was the Spooky because it was a sale... If those things were about $1 USA I'd probably have 100 of them... because it's easier to spend money in tiny bits to add up to an ocean than to buy the ocean outright... or worse... to buy a glass of water for the price of an ocean.


Likewise for skins and outfits. In some other games Outfits priced at about 1/3 of the price here has in past led to me buying a dozen or more a week... but the price here has cut that to... 17 over 8 years... 4 of which came in a pack, 1 was included in something, and I think 2 or 3 were free...


The prices here are just over the 'impulse buy' trigger, even for the gambling junkie junk (things with a random element)...


If they fixed that, this game would be more profitable.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> What do you buy from the gem store?


Nearly all the items listed [here](https://catchupguides.com/gw2-recommended-gem-store-purchases/). I've also converted a lot of gems -> gold (bought ~ $500 worth. I'm not proud :/ ) as well, as I brought a lot of "bad" habits with me coming into this game, having played Runescape for 6 years, World of Warcraft for 4.5 years, and Final Fantasy XIV for about 3.5 years. This game plays a lot differently from other MMOs, so it definitely makes for a "wish I knew then what I know now" moment.



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