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Questions about buying GW2 Expansions for a friend.


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Hello! I hope this is in the right forum since I'm not sure where this is supposed to go.


I did research on this topic before posting but I want to have the most up-to-date information as possible on this since I don't like to make assumptions. The posts I read on this topic were a little old and a lot can change between now, and then. I was wanting to buy my friend the Heart Of Thorns and Path Of Fire expansion(s). I'm a bit confused on how to do it and if it's still allowed; so I have some questions:


1). Is that ALLOWED? If I were to buy the $30 bundle HoT and PoT expansions and give it to my friend? This isn't breaking any rules as far as the TOS goes? or has a policy been changed? I've seen a lot of mixed comments about it whenever this was originally asked and wanted a more of a straight-forward "yes " or "no" if possible!!


2). Is the method still: Buy Guild Wars 2 > Bundles > Select Bundle > Buy it > Go into my account and give my friend the key?


Or is the more efficient way to do this? There isn't a 'Gift' Option (unless it's hidden somewhere) so I wanna make sure all that information is still accurate since I don't want to break any of the rules. I'd appreciate any replies I get (constructive or negative), Thank you!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> All you need to do is buy Path of Fire (it includes Heart of Thorns) on the website, and when the Serial Key is sent to you, forward that to your friend. Your friend will make an account, if they don't already have one, and apply the Serial Key.

> Easy-peasy. :)


That's how I did it a few years ago for a friend. Not sure if anything has changed since then, though.

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Yes it is allowed. But make sure you do not make an account for your friend. Just buy the game, recieve the keys and give these keys to your friend. Make sure you understand it really is giving. You do not have any rights to the purchase after you give it to your friend and you have no claim over ownership.

To help this, explain when giving it to your friend that it is a gift.


Why I am saying this is cause there has been some ownership debates in the past. The person who creates the account and agrees to the user agreement is the owner. In this user agreement you agree to not give anyone else access to the account you created. There has been situations like this where support could do nothing but close the account for both people claiming to be the owner.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > All you need to do is buy Path of Fire (it includes Heart of Thorns) on the website, and when the Serial Key is sent to you, forward that to your friend. Your friend will make an account, if they don't already have one, and apply the Serial Key.

> > Easy-peasy. :)


> That's how I did it a few years ago for a friend. Not sure if anything has changed since then, though.


Nothing has changed.

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I'm thinking of buying the new expansion and I need PoF and HoT too.


If they allowed LS to be included, I would be inclined to get PoF now and then rebuy the next expansion. So $30 now, $59.99 later. Rather than wait till later and just do $59.99.


They should do a rule, if you have PoF and you buy a new expansion, you get all LS from PoF time.

Rewards players who bought, GW2 $59.99, HoT $59.99, PoF $59.99 New expansion $59.99

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