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Standard meaning for squad markers in the Labyrinth?


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Is there some sort of standard, accepted meaning to the different squad markers in the Labyrinth? I'm on an EU server, in case that's relevant.


I know many commanders set squad markers in the Labyrith, but I've never noticed any particular pattern to it. Sometimes they mark where banners are, where doors appear, or where the Horror spawns and other times they're in seemingly random places around the outside which I assume is the commander's personal system for marking the route they're using. But I've never noticed any pattern or consistency to which symbols are used for what.


Then today I was in a squad where the markers were in seemingly random places - one in each corner, one in a corridor to the north, one to the south and one in the middle where the race starts. The commander left, a new one started and the first thing they did was complain that the rotation was a total mess and the last commander must have been running around randomly, removed all the markers and then placed new ones in almost the same locations. The symbols were different but the positions were basically the same. From then on they would regularly swap symbols around as we were moving between doors.


I completely understand individual commanders having their own personal systems where the symbols go in a particular order or each mean something specific, but if it's a personal system I can't understand why they'd complain about someone else doing it differently.


It made me wonder if I've been totally missing something all this time and there is actually some sort of standardised meaning to them which many/most commanders use.

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