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What entertains you in GW2/keeps you playing?


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I'm just curious to hear from others. I am essentially done with PoF. Have all the mounts and classes now. I am already feeling that pull towards other MMOs which always happens to me in GW2. What do you guys do to keep the game fun? I usually find myself just hopping around LA. Even right now with the halloween event.. It's not *fun*. It's just an alternative grind to SW. I know when I play WoW I can easily find a group in raids which seems impossible here without 800 LI and full clear experience, I can do a plethora of quests that have pretty good rewards. Here I just find myself... Yearning to do something, but I can't think of anything. I have my ascended armor. I do my daily fractals..


What keeps you guys going? I need a little inspiration here :) I'm not trying to make a comparison post, bc both games are different and I love both.

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I set a project for myself, something in game i want and then i just play the content i need to get it. In the meantime to break the monotony, i do something different, maybe do a VB or AB meta, help some newbies with starting fractals, go play PoF maps, find some cool events or complete the maps.


There's tons of stuff to do in this game, and not only that, there's various game modes to do. Tired of PvE? Try some WvW, you might like it. WvW not your cup of tea? PvP maybe. Also, you're probably not bored with the game, you're probably just burned out a bit which means you need to take a break or you're going to start hating it. You don't need to play GW2 every day.


The game is fun. If you had fun so far that means you enjoy the game and are capable of having fun with it. If you're not having fun *anymore*, it just means you need a break.

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^ Sames. A completionist here. So many achievements/collections to finish, even in PoF.

Gearing up weapons/armours for all nine toons, one of each class.

Getting the look right for each toon - that's the difficult part, figuring out who they are.

Mapping the world on each toon.

Unlocking all the elites.

Working towards the griffon.

Maybe crafting that first legendary....


Yeah, there's enough to keep me busy for years. But if you've run out of things you find fun, play something else for a while. If you feel like coming back, you will.

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Build crafting and the combat system..

I also love how you can make 1 class into 5 or more subset classes which probably comes under build crafting. (refer to sig in regards to ele)

Not being locked into a playstyle just because I chose a class but having freedom to use that class in a variety of roles.

The lack of grind needed to have a level 80 (I have 27) fully geared up.


Running around the game in first person mode with graphics turned up high playing a P/P thief.. (anet could almost make this game another genre by adding arms/weapon to the side of the screen while in first person mode)


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Gathering gold for my first legendary right now. I do that through every kind of content: HOT, POF, SW, Fractals, even did some dungeons for the fun of it. If I get bored with that, I go into wvw and have some fun there. Tweaking my "fashion". These are just the things that ocuppy my time right now, but there are plenty more. I've had my pvp craze (when I did only pvp) and wvw craze. I like that the game lets me, very easily, choose what I want to do. And also I've played other MMOs inbetween.

As someone said above, you've probably just been hardcoring a casual MMO and you're burned out.

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I want to do, collect, and experience everything. This includes having a separate character set up for each elite specialization. Plus, I'm closing in one my sixth month in the game, so still lots to do even without all those characters left to max out. Normally I'd have burnt myself out long ago on any other game. The world is large and varied enough that it keeps everything feeling fresh just by switching between characters or maps.

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I keep making plans on doing certain things like a legendary (I already have the precursor dropped from a trash mob) or any number of other things and since I have what we term as SOS (shiny object syndrome) so I keep getting distracted and going a new direction. Then after a few I go back then the SOS kicks in. So much to do and so much to complete. Always astounds me when I hear about people that are bored BUT then again no one is exactly like anyone else so I can kinda understand being bored.

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The living story has been great for keeping me invested in the game, allowing me to return with regular intervals. And with PoF a bunch of my irl friends made a return to the game which has been great fun seeing them discover all content that has been added.


I really enjoy chasing achievment no matter how large of small because there is just so many of them with great variety.

Beyond that I like leveling alts and enjoying the beautiful enviroments.


Finally, the Fashion Wars is a thing that I have spent way too much time and gold on than I'm afraid to admit!

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I don't. I haven't even finished the expansion yet. I will do but at the moment I am busy with other games. The expansion isn't really long term imho. There is not much to do besides completing the maps and do the story. The rest is - as usual - tedious achievement stuff. It's a bit of a shame be cause at the beginning I was really astonished by the sheer greatness of the map design. They are great actually, but there is nothing to do. Ironically they told us that this expansion is about content. Where the heck is your content? I mean there is not a single dungeon, no raid, no new game mode, no new race nor anything else to do.

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Hmmmm depends on what I want to achieve. I think I like to complete everything. I always set a goal what I want then I move on and do something different. I first did story for characters. 500 to all crafting. Then for 3 classes I got both elites. However for the 6 characters I have I want to get all. Now what keeps me going is things that are fun to me. For the past 2 years IV played. Iv never done fractals so now IV been doing fractals and having a blast. The reason why. Well because I'm on the griffon gold grind. And the fact that you get gold from fractals is two birds in 1 stone. Have fun killing mobs and getting the booty. What is better than that? Nothing jk. I also do PvP that keeps me going. Also I want to get all masteries for hot. Since I've finished POF story. I don't want to be that behind so I've been doing that too. I think when people say they are bored is because you need a goal. When you find the goal and start it, You will have fun and then not realise you been playing for few hours. If I could I would raid too but each time I'm in a new guild that does raiding, they are ether rude. Or they just don't talk to me. Which I hate so I stick to my first guild. And we do missions, story. Fractals. Dungeons, wvw. Depends what you want to do. Do what you feel and have fun. There's too many things to do in this game to not know how to keep the flame going.

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WoW player here too, from vanilla to Legion. I recently grew bored with grinding instances for iLevel in Legion and came back to GW2 late in HoT.

What keeps me playing GW2 right now are events, whether it's HoT metas, SW cash grind or alting (and currently ofc Mad Lab grinds, which I love). PoF is sadly lacking in the event department right now, but I do enjoy slowly checking off achievements there more than in either Tyria or HoT. Alting is something I usually hate but love in GW2, because even the lowbie zones are alive with people doing events. That open (dare I say living) world vibe is what keeps me here, together with the excellent combat.


What is really boils down to though is that I greatly enjoy the actual gameplay i.e. combat. Most classes/elites offer a unique take on the combat, almost making it feel like I'm playing a different game on different alts.


Seeing you have PoF finished & one of each class.... maybe you're burned out :-) If and when I am, I simply go play something else. MMO-wise though, there's no game I'd rather play.

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Well, I did the PoF story so slowly, that I took like maybe a month to complete it. And I'm still doing PoF map completion >.>

I have alts, but I really only play on my main. So when my main is all caught up with the story and map completion and masteries, I usually follow achievements. And I'll get distracted while doing achievements and hop into events or talk with guildmates in a spiraling chat, and soon enough I'll look at the clock and be like "oh time for bed."

But the key is that I don't have 8 hours a day to play. I have... real-life stuff to do, so I only get a couple of hours in gw2, usually. Days when I have more than that, I don't usually spend all on gw2. I watch Netflix or something instead

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Raiding, Living story, holiday events , any of the thousands of achievements, dungeons, jumping puzzles, adventure games, activity games, exploration, map clears, dailies, WvW, fractals, challenge modes, gearing and playing alts and legendary crafting, Of all the MMOs I've played, this one has the most to do.

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If I am being completely honest with myself... so I can live in the past.

Thats probably why UI and game changes piss me off so much.


But to answer, only PvP and PEOPLE keep me here. Love the game world, the style, etc... but never bothered with Personal Story because I dont care about Tyria. I dont want a peace with Charr. Im noy buying what Jennah has to sell(I absolutely LOATHE ALL NAMED/MAIN NPCS EXCEPT CANACH.


So for me, I live a quiet life in Queensdale picking berries and fighting bandits. Sometimes bears. Sometimes I da.. oh wait, used to dance for cows.


Currently have 5 precursors in bank. No intention to make. Gave away 11 pres in my gw2 lifetime.


No raids.


Story is donkey.


The true gem of this game is the background noise, the enviroment. Little things.


And festivals. Except SAB. I hate that shit esthetically.


Pls bring back joobalee.

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Completing achievements.

Hanging out with my guild friends on TS.

Living World


There are so many things that keep me playing. I set goals for things I want to do. Most of the time it is PvE achievements or collections and once in a while it is WvW goals. i.e. finishing the Legacy Armor Track.


There are so many things to do in the game, that it is nearly impossible for a normal player to get them all done.


The game is really what you make of it. Some people rip through story content as quickly as possible and after they are done think, "There's nothing left to do." The game is much more than that.

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