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karma farm

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> whats quick way to do some karma farm daily? i try PoF meta chain, take forever to do the entire series, and didn't get much karma as i expect in term of time played.

> what about current halloween event?


If your goal is obsidian shards then the quickest way is to farm LS3 maps such as Bitterfrost.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> LS 3 and 4 dailies, too. And if you like mindless killing, buy karmic enrichment in one or more of the LS4 maps and go out slaughtering random mobs.


There's a spot on the south shore of the Strait of Panube in the Sandswept Isles that's perfect for this, where you can run back and forth slaughtering drakes and moas and crabs and get a loop where things respawn shortly before you get back there.

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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> Wintersday (in ~6 weeks) is a great place to get karma - all sorts of events to get lots of karma. Not sure how urgently you need the karma.



When you max your karma buff/booster stack you can earn 2.1M karma during the 22 days of Wintersday festival giving gifts to Orphans in 15 minutes a day. ( /wiki Karma - to see the buff stack chart so you know what to have on hand when it starts )


I farm Karma just once a year doing this. ( IIRC 3100 karma per orphan, 30 in all each day )

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