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How much real money have you spent on GW 2?


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I am not sure, lol. It might be between $500 - $1,000 option or it might be the over $1,000 option. Between mine, my wife's, and both my son's accounts I am not sure the total. No I did not buy all of them the game or the expansions but I have bought some of them the expansions and some of them I got some extra things for birthdays like the tools or maybe a mini (the 10 yr old granddaughter has her own char on daddy's account, lol, she's not allowed to spend daddy's gems). It's probably over the $1,000 option.

I enjoy the game so I play and spend money on things I want in it.

If we are also counting the first Guild Wars then I can safely say that yes I have spent well over $1,000 in the 10 yrs that ANet's been live with both GW and GW2.

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I've been playing since the first anniversary (I wanted to see how people liked it vs GW1). I have the Core, HoT, PoF, and I would drop $100 couple few months. I would make sure what I got was not character specific (except a few inventory slots) and haven't spent much on armor/weapon skins. Shared inventory slots, unlimited harvesting tools, a couple upgrades to material storage, and a rarely seen weapon skin or two that rounded out my profession look have probably been my best purchases.

I figure for all the time I played, it evens out for what I would drop on a pay-to-play game (plus add-ons).


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> @Batelle.1680 said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @Batelle.1680 said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > 7.5k hours. $10 spent.

> > > >

> > > > I'm the last person to support microtransactions.

> > >

> > > Those microtransitions support ongoing updates to the game, but okay. I've spent just under $1K, so I got you.

> >

> > Since the introduction of Fractals back in 2012, i haven't enjoyed a single live update (living story etc). So i'm not supporting what i dislike.


> Not all updates are about content- there have been quite a few QoL updates since 2012 that I'm sure you take advantage of, not to mention the server juice over the _312 solid days you have played the game_, but whatever. It just seems weird to sink so much time into something that requires human effort to maintain, and to be smug about how little you've done to support its existence.


I simply do not like their updates. And the reasoning is very simple. PVE wise, i enjoy dungeons, difficult ones. There are no such thing in gw2. So im not supporting a company that doesn't offer the standard of the mmo industry.

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I've played since the initial release of GW------------bought a lot (usually spend ~$100+/month on gems for "needed" accessories/goodies. But------what I appreciate is that the money I spend on GW2 is completely VOLUNTARY-------------if I don't want to (or I need the cash for other purposes) I don't HAVE to----------and either way, my enjoyment of this game isn't impacted. As an estimate, my "investment" in GW2 is probably in excess of $2k and continuing.

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The two expacs, a few gems every two months or so to spend, mostly in utilities like bank tabs, bag slots, farming tools and recycling machine, but also in a few fancy things like gliders and armor. Also quite a few gifts for friends... Since I have played regularly for the last 4 years, I don't think it is too much money, really.

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Core was a Christmas gift and PoF was also a gift.


I only bought HoT.

Core is my favourite.


I will absolutely never. Ever. Pay cash for pixels outside of buying a game. Full stop. Especially when I can in game earn ANYTHING.


I do not judge. But I consider buying gems cheating. It circumvents gameplay (gold to gem). Vs "outside help" (gems to gold)

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Got Core GW2 and later HoT as a gift, bought PoF and bought gems once I think. I don't really care about most of the stuff in the cash shop, the only things I bought where bank tab and bag slot expansions, one character slot one mini (Avatar of the Pale tree) and one Armor set - the only things I'd buy would be more armor sets unfortunatly we mostly get outfits, which is despise personally.

Maybe I'll have to buy storage expansions at some point but I'll do that with Gold, I don't like spending money for gold either since.. well what's the point of playing the game if you're just gonna throw money at it to achieve your goals?

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> @Jinroh.4251 said:

> I don't want to know. It's bad enough that one day I calculated how much I spent on WoW over the years (I quit in March) but this game...no sub but the gem store. THE GEM STORE! How many gems?! THE HORROR! I don't want to think about it!


My thoughts exactly. _So many TMKs_. And worse yet is what I use them for... changing hair color from one shade of black to a slightly different shade of black. Changing eye color from one shade of brown to a slightly different shade of brown, and maybe moving one slider a quarter of an inch over. Changing the length of a charr's teeth. Oh! No! Who even cares about a charr's teeth? Apparently me!

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