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Would you pay for Housing DLC? - Similar to ESO


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> @Umut.5471 said:

> Both expansions have brought an important feature add on to GW2 so far. HoT=Gliders, PoF=Mounts, maybe the next expansion can bring player housing to the game.

> If they sell housing as a seperate feature, I don't think it ll be successful, but if they include it with the next expansion I can support that.

> I think player housing is another base feature for all modern MMORPGS, after mounts and gliders. It will improve GW2 a lot.

> I have always wanted to see mounts and gliding in GW2 after trying other MMORPGs and seeing how it makes the travel more enjoyable.

> Now, GW2 has those too. And as a returning player I'm enjoying GW2 more. Housing will do the same effect.


Exactly, if you look at the expansions what have they brought as a core feature of the mastery system? Something that can change the base game and can also be monetized in the gem store. Which makes sense, why throw away years of work before them when you can give it new life and earn money from the new thing instead? Housing is something that checks both boxes, not that there are not other things as well. Hopefully we have seen the last of masteries that are only useful in their expansion or chapter.

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> @Donutdude.9582 said:

> I feel this is a feature that simply would not fit in with Guild Wars 2. Considering we have so much more we could expand on for character personalisation, such as joining the race-specific organisations like the Seraph, Adamant Guard etc, I think these should be expanded on first.


Or allow us to pick a side.


Warden/Night Court

Charrs get to pick a legion except one

Same for Asura.

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I personally would love housing. Guild halls are a waste of time it doesn't belong to me and I've never gotten a chance to decorate one. Ive put heaps of mats towards a couple of guilds and if u leave its all for nothing. Wildstar had events when holidays were on and you had to go different houses for quests which was great because it was a chance to show off your house. It would be great if I could have my garden there instead of the hidden valley as I hardly ever go there. Maybe they could do it so u could grow what u like. I personally know lots of people ingame that would love housing.

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I've never been bothered about housing features but I know some people love them, so by all means. I do have one important caveat though - nothing practical can be contained within (no crafting stations or bank or auctionhouse) as it would decimate the population of the cities and kill the feeling you're in a populated game (which is bad for everyone).

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> @Halbarz.3854 said:

> Housing could be a big feature for this game, as it could fit perfectly in the housing instance. Could feel like a tiny village in some cases.

> Would you pay let's say 10-15 EURO's to unlock this feature in the game?

> - includes housing for each home instance (you get a house and can decorate it as your will)

> - Scriber craft can also craft furniture (basic stuff)

> - Some achievements rewards you with decorations

> - Includes crafting stations, vaults and etc to make it your personal base.

> - Furniture packs could be sold in the gem store as well.


After what happened with mount skins, Anet would probably just make more gamble boxes for housing items. No thank you.

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Here's how I had my house in FFXI.

You ever seen those Pack Rat/Hoarder tv shows? My Mog House was just piles and piles of storage containers and items the boosted my bank/storage space.

Didn't care much to decorate it at all or anything.


In Skyrim I think you could've built multiple houses. I don't think you could've customized them though. Or if you could, I just built them to the default way and left them as is.


Phantasy Star Universe/Portable 2/Infinity had rooms and I did make the best I can to make the room work the way I wanted. Mostly because your room in that game was also your shop where you sold things.

So at times I would either be in there with friends or something talking just to see who comes to my room to buy things or I would be stocking up items to sell. It's a small room, so I didn't have a problem decorating it. It turned out nice.


Phantasy Star Online 2 I tried to recreate my room in the last Phantasy game but it's much bigger and more customizable. Readded my shop there and such. The rooms also did work as you would craft things there or see past cutscenes/scenarios that you have played before in the story and other things so it wasn't just a room to decorate.


Thinking about it now, the only time I really cared about any houses or rooms or whatever is if they had any real use to them other than decorating them. I mean... if I can customize and I will be seeing that area quite a bit.... I might as well make it look nice, right?

But the problem here is Guild Halls already pretty much do this. You customize them, you can get nodes, boosts, scribing, guild missions and such.

What would a house add? Like honestly? If it's just to make it look pretty... then, I'm 1000% not for it as it will not benefit me.

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I've never enjoyed housing in any MMO and even less how it was handled.


I like the theory behind it, but the implementation was always terrible. What I dislike most is the non congruent design between players usually.


More often than not it ends up in desolate or shoddy enviroments with no harmonious design between houses (in case of housing areas), a massive required time investment to reap benefits (see Archage), some type of area ripoff price wise (in case of limited space) or just massive wasted developer ressources for optional content which a minority engages in (if it offers no benefits).


I would love for people to have housing options, just not in MMOs I play. Sorry.


EDIT: I voted "No, price to high" but would have voted "No, not ever" if I had the chance. It's not a monetary issue for me.

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**ANET and BLTC are proud to present you, the innovative HOUSING SYSTEM 2.0**


You will be able to buy and personalize your house.

Here's the prices


* **Small House** - 2500 gems

* **Medium House** - 5000 gems

* **Large House** - 10000 gems


Houses will be unlock through a **EPIC QUEST**, which will require a **NEW MASTERY**, which will require **NEW MASTERY POINTS**!


And once you are done with your house, it's time to furnish it!


**BLTC presents you the innovative FURNISHING SYSTEM!**


![](https://i.imgur.com/OjG01bY.jpg "")


All furnishing items will **ALL** be **RANDOMLY** avaible through **GEM STORE**


Try the thrill of the game!


> I want a table for my house.




> Aww... well at least i won't be able to get the sofa anymore...




> Geez i was totally unlucky... well i guess i will sell my stuff and buy a Table with the earnings




ANET: We do think that add random content will bring joy and fun to players. I mean, we don't need to read forums or receive feedback, because we do know exactly what our players desire, and we will always work toward that goal.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Not included in your poll: "no, I don't think ANet should work on it at all, regardless of whether it's optional content sold for a fee."


This! Home instances already are useless unless you have lots of nodes there. A place to decorate & spent some alone time in? Considering how the game struggles with lag already why would you want to create so many more instances. Why would anet want to put effort into content that most wont use or enjoy. As it is they put a bunch of masteries & other collector items attached to their hidden stuff just so we would find & appreciate it. Wouldnt have known it was there if I hadnt had to go there. To be fair I rarely bothered with guild hall either as it doesnt have a bank. Now I have mislock I have nearly zero reason to visit. Can you even sit in those chairs that cost like 600-800g of mats to make? They would be far better off breathing life into the halls. More npcs & some minigames. Ofc too many useful npcs & they wont sell passes.

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I would potentially pay for housing instances, but not in the Home Instance. They really should make several locations and have some be earnable exclusively earnable, some earnable or buyable, and some be exclusively Black Lion, just like ESO. Adding these to collections could be a really good way to create more rewards, which many feel are lacking currently.

And also, I'd say an absolute max of $25 for any given location. ESO has had a few that cost like $70, maybe even over $100, (correct me if I'm wrong), and I simply don't agree to that.

Could also be a nice way to fill out tiny spots of the map, just like Guild Halls and Raids. So I'm all in favor of it.

I'd also like a portal like for FotM that let us see all locations, as well as our friends (perhaps requiring mutual Following) and guild mates homes.

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