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Big Tech Support Compliment!

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I am so impressed, I just had to get on and tell people about my experience! I joined a few years back but then there was a bunch of issues, house fire, health probs, etc and I just never got to play. So I recently picked this game back up. I bought the expansions and I saw a bunch of people on mounts and asked my friend (someone that's been playing for years) how to get a mount. She told me to use my lvl 80 boost and get my raptor and I can change its skin by getting a skin in the Black Lion Market. So I did all that last night and debated long and hard on the awesome skins for my mount and finally settled on 2. I purchased them and went to try them on my raptor annndddd... I found out there's actually different mounts that you have to achieve, the non-raptor skins don't just change the appearance of the raptor. I was so upset. I had just spent all the gems I had left to get these skins and I couldn't even use them. I wrote to the support team and explained my situation but was fairly certain they weren't going to do anything about it. When I got up this morning, I already had an email stating that they would do a one time refund of all my gems! And when I logged on today, they even left the skins I'd paid for! So now I get to use my gems to get a raptor skin, but also have those other skins for when I eventually get those mounts! I was jaw-dropping surprised at the quickness and efficiency of their response! I am singing their praises from the rooftop, so I thought I'd make a post in here as well. Thank you all for listening!

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I love GW2 Support, especially after being exposed to the "support" in other games. They may not be perfect, but they try to provide human decency.


I suggest you take your time getting the other mounts (hurray for your 'eventually' in your post). While they are all amazing to use in their distinct use-niches, the game was designed without them until the expansion that created them. So you'd get huge story spoilers if you pushed to unlock them all before you get to Path of Fire in your story progression.


Welcome back to Tyria :)

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I love GW2 Support, especially after being exposed to the "support" in other games. They may not be perfect, but they try to provide human decency.


> I suggest you take your time getting the other mounts (hurray for your 'eventually' in your post). While they are all amazing to use in their distinct use-niches, the game was designed without them until the expansion that created them. So you'd get huge story spoilers if you pushed to unlock them all before you get to Path of Fire in your story progression.


> Welcome back to Tyria :)


Yes I definitely understand all that and I agree! I didn't want the spoilers but really wanted a mount. I quit that chapter as soon as I got the mount and went back to my beginner story. haha I'm going to go through the whole thing!

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