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[Poll] Weapon for the next Necromancer Elite Specialization


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I once spent a boring PD day envisioning a new elite spec with a mainhand sword as its weapon and a focus on shadow magic, mobility and blindness. It's basically meant as a pure power spec with no condi applications (unlike reaper) and party wide USEFUL buffs (outgoing damage increased by 10%, incoming damage decreased by 10% etc). I envisioned it as Sword/Warhorn working best for melee (Axe and focus for range). I lost the paper I doodled everything on though :/

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> @Ghotistyx.6942 said:

> Necro is mainly missing melee condi and ranged power, so I could see sword being that melee, and Rifle being either. A Shotgun focusing on conditions and cc, or long range with lifestealing and elixirs for a Plague Doctor vibe.


Erm, what? Axe is a great power range weapon and focus is a great compliment to it. With the Reaper spec, Greatsword is the go to melee condi weapon with Deathly Chill and Chilling Darkness (highly ironic considering GS is also our best melee power weapon).

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I'd like a sword/shield or a mace/shield combo. Or maybe sword/axe.


Call the elite specialization "The Fallen" -- necromancers who died on the field but refused to stay dead. Dying affected their control over magics, causing them to spill out uncontrollably. The shroud mechanic is replaced by veils -- plague veil, darkness veil, and blood veil -- and like elementalist attunements, you're constantly in one of these three and each adds effects to your five weapon attacks. Veils are a little bit different than regular attunements, though. They're always on, and as you gain life force, the swirling veils increase in size around The Fallen, affecting additional enemies. Your life force degrades, though, so if you don't stay in combat, you lose life force and your veils shrink back down. At any point, The Fallen can activate their veil, similar to how necromancers enter their shroud and tempests overload, enhancing the veil (ooooh, pretty visual funsies!) and decaying at a set rate that is **NOT** as stupidly fast as barriers. Activating the veil, though? Once your life force decays down to zero after the veil is activated, you're randomly tossed into another attunement and cannot re-enter that attunement until it comes off cooldown.


I envision them as hybrid dps, self-sustaining bruisers that lead the charge and excel at close range combat to fully utilize their veils.


Ah, to dream...

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I'm a bit surprised so many have voted for the main hand sword. Seems rather unnecessary considering we have dagger, axe and gs as our melee power options. That's already quite a few.


I _would_ suggest a main-hand focus but thats kinda re-using a weapon already offered to us. (maybe a neat vanilla elite spec - if there were to ever be such a thing)


I think what might be fairly nice to see is a ranged power option. We have so much emphasis on AOE it becomes a bit tiresome which is why I wouldn't really be interested in another cleaving power option. A rifle or longbow would be the obvious suggestions but I think there are other possibilities.


I would like to see a main hand mace act like a long-range power nuker (power version of a scepter). Some cool dark magic blasts.


Quick Main-hand Mace Concept


[M1] Soul Crack: Does damage to foe and leaves behind a floating black wisp that will detonate on contact with an enemy for extra damage.

[M2] Nullcore: Fire a slow moving ball of destructive energy in chosen direction. Deals X damage based on the enemies remaining hp. The ball will detonate black wisps in its path. Reactivate - Detonate orb to deal a third of its damage in an area instead.

[M3] Vex Smite: Slam your mace against nearby foe, converting 3 boons into conditions. For every boon converted, gain a stack of swiftness.

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My vote is for duel sword because I'd love to see my necro dual wielding The Shining Blade, or at the very least sword MH and like others I think it should be Condi.


Some ideas I drafted up while bored at work:



Sword/Dual Sword - Condi or maybe hybrid if that's the direction ANet is going; Somewhere between short and mid range possibly; Some much needed mobility.

New Skill Type: Torture/Confession.

Mechanic: Judge Shroud; Sins.

* Sins - stacking buff/debuff like Kala's Fervor? Applies to Necro _**or**_ target? Only obtained from humanoids? No decay like 'on kill' sigil effects?

* Sins can only be absolved(consumed by abilities) while in shroud?

* Shroud weapon is a whip or lash.

* Shroud makes you look like a shadowy version of Grenth's Judge?

* Shroud skills are PBAoE's _**or**_ single target skills (foe or ally)? PBAoE's could be like shouts or maybe channeled like Overload Attunements?

* Shroud or Torture/Confession skills have added effects if a Sin is absolved?


Also, what's everyone's thoughts on maybe instead of a selfish shroud you instead pull nearby allies into the realm of torment/death and effectively grant them all a limited shroud?

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Ages ago I remember suggesting a necro spec with a detachable shroud that functioned like a customisable ranger pet/spectral minion thing, that got a shield as the new weapon to make up for losing the defensive aspect of shroud, but sand shades kind of already take up that design space so let's see, what else might I like to see...


They could go the valkyrie/shepherd of the dead kind of route. Assuming that we won't be getting land spears in the future then hammer would probably be best, functioning as a melee power/support kind of hybrid role with some form of increased mobility on the skills. Might share too much design space with guardians but it could still be cool.


They could go back to Marjory's detective roots and give us a pistol and a (trilby/fedora)? I really loved their necromancer detective idea so going back to that could be a lot of fun. I'd visualise a ranged weapon with a bit more mobility/shadow magic vibe. Besides, named bullets and cursed rounds are great. Couple that with some padfoot flavour and I'd be in love.


I'd still like to see a shield as an option for some necro elite spec but I can't think what else I'd like it to come with (besides still being full of bias enamoured with my original idea haha!)


I think I'll pick pistol.

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It would be cool too see a dual pistol Necromancer Elite spec and call it Death Dealer or something cool like Gravedigger and have the trait lines focus on bleeds and raising Skelton Army as a hybrid Minion Master skeleton build and Blood trait line. Utilities could build bone armor for tank build. and utilities can focus on blood and bone stuff. The Shroud could be an undead army theme or control minion army? Idk just throwing out ideas.

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I was going to vote hammer, but ultimately I don't care so much about the weapon as about the mechanic of the spec. I'd like a spec that allows you to control and command darkness itself, using it as a shield or forming weapons out of it. Being able to turn into a living shadow to evade. Create puddles of darkness that when stepped on can trap or teleport enemies all over the place. Cool stuff like that. What weapon would most suit that? I don't know.

Or, if not darkness, then blood will do. Being able to control blood: pushing enemies away with waves of blood, raining blood with conditions on your enemies, cover enemies with blood to suffocate/stun them, etc. Good potential for gruesome graphics. A sword could work with that. The Blood Sword .

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