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[Poll] Weapon for the next Elementalist Elite Specialization


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*What weapon would you like to get for the next **elementalist** elite specialization?*



I added an option for "other" weapons, too, so you can tell us what currently non-existant weapon you would like to get as an elementalist.

You are only allowed to specify 10 poll options so I scrapped **sword (offhand)**, and **mace (mainhand/offhand or both)**. If you would like to get those weapons for the next elementalist elite specialization, vote for "other" and tell us why!


I would appreciate if you voted and told us why you'd like to see your chosen weapon for the next elementalist's elite specialization!

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We got long range aoe with staff;

We got mid range burst with scepter;

We got short range PBAoE with dagger;

We got melee range with sword;

We got OH defense with focus;

We got OH offense with dagger;

We got OH support with warhorn;


We had an OH Espec with tempest warhorn...

We had a MH Espec with weaver sword...


We have shortbow, hammer, axe, shield and greatsword conjures...


The logical option next is a long range single target **_LONGBOW_**.


**Arcane Archer Elite spec.**

Longbow and offensive support. Attunements become weapon enchantments you provide to the group for bonus dmg and effects.

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> @lLobo.7960 said:

> We got long range aoe with staff;

> We got mid range burst with scepter;

> We got short range PBAoE with dagger;

> We got melee range with sword;

> We got OH defense with focus;

> We got OH offense with dagger;

> We got OH support with warhorn;


> We had an OH Espec with tempest warhorn...

> We had a MH Espec with weaver sword...


> We have shortbow, hammer, axe, shield and greatsword conjures...


> The logical option next is a long range single target **_LONGBOW_**.


> **Arcane Archer Elite spec.**

> Longbow and offensive support. Attunements become weapon enchantments you provide to the group for bonus dmg and effects.


I hope it doesn't end up as an abomination like Renegade.

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I'd love to see a Pistol/Pistol Spellslinger type.

A really fast and mobile class that can switch attunements really fast and utilize combos to surprise and adapt and just overwhelm the enemy through fast adaptive gameplay. Should be midrange single target dps focused.

And I'd love to see some more offensive Water Skills, CC heavy Air Skills and Defensive Earth Skills with lot's of barrier and self Condi clear while Water acts more as a ranged DPS attunement (with Ice stuff) and Fire more Midrange Melee to gain distance again (for example some sort of quick "rocket jump" with an explosion in melee range that propels you backwards)


But most importantly it should be very quick to switch attunements and there should be some Spec Mechanic that allows us to do combos, I think it would be great if we could get back the lingering attunements Trait as a minor (when you switch attunements all boni from the last attunement linger for 5 seconds) and get a class mechanic that interacts with those lingering attunements by adding effects to all spells based on that lingering attunement.


Yeah now that I've spend so much time thinking about this I'll be really disappointed if this isn't gonna be the next ele spec... :expressionless:

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> (Both)


> I'd love to see a Pistol/Pistol Spellslinger type.

> A really fast and mobile class that can switch attunements really fast and utilize combos to surprise and adapt and just overwhelm the enemy through fast adaptive gameplay. Should be midrange single target dps focused.

> And I'd love to see some more offensive Water Skills, CC heavy Air Skills and Defensive Earth Skills with lot's of barrier and self Condi clear while Water acts more as a ranged DPS attunement (with Ice stuff) and Fire more Midrange Melee to gain distance again (for example some sort of quick "rocket jump" with an explosion in melee range that propels you backwards)


> But most importantly it should be very quick to switch attunements and there should be some Spec Mechanic that allows us to do combos, I think it would be great if we could get back the lingering attunements Trait as a minor (when you switch attunements all boni from the last attunement linger for 5 seconds) and get a class mechanic that interacts with those lingering attunements by adding effects to all spells based on that lingering attunement.


> Yeah now that I've spend so much time thinking about this I'll be really disappointed if this isn't gonna be the next ele spec... :expressionless:


This sounds really cool! Just having no attunement swap cooldown would be so much fun!

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> @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > (Both)

> >

> > I'd love to see a Pistol/Pistol Spellslinger type.

> > A really fast and mobile class that can switch attunements really fast and utilize combos to surprise and adapt and just overwhelm the enemy through fast adaptive gameplay. Should be midrange single target dps focused.

> > And I'd love to see some more offensive Water Skills, CC heavy Air Skills and Defensive Earth Skills with lot's of barrier and self Condi clear while Water acts more as a ranged DPS attunement (with Ice stuff) and Fire more Midrange Melee to gain distance again (for example some sort of quick "rocket jump" with an explosion in melee range that propels you backwards)

> >

> > But most importantly it should be very quick to switch attunements and there should be some Spec Mechanic that allows us to do combos, I think it would be great if we could get back the lingering attunements Trait as a minor (when you switch attunements all boni from the last attunement linger for 5 seconds) and get a class mechanic that interacts with those lingering attunements by adding effects to all spells based on that lingering attunement.

> >

> > Yeah now that I've spend so much time thinking about this I'll be really disappointed if this isn't gonna be the next ele spec... :expressionless:


> This sounds really cool! Just having no attunement swap cooldown would be so much fun!


Pistol/Pistol was my second choice after Greatsword.


Problem is I don't think ANet would actually provide pistol for both hands (which is ultimately why I didn't pick it as my first choice). If I'm going pistol, I want to tote two of those puppies. Build with P/D or P/F won't feel nearly as fun.


Designing 20 skills for elementalist is far more difficult than 8 (off-hand) or 12 (main hand).

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i'd like a **Healer Longbow** , but since we have already _Tempest Auramancer_ , an **Offensive Support** would be fine. But i'm afraid we'll end with a _torch off hand bleh_ . I think we need a long range weapon, no more meele pls (sword and dagger is enough). Though theres the conjure problem... the long range candidates longbow and greatsword are conjures. Rifle and pistol dont fit that much but who knows.


**I'd like a especialization that allow us to change weapons in combat, though i have no clue how to balance that.**

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i am in the boat thinking Anet won't give us anything that we already have on Conjures other wise I would vote gs ,,, but I think a longbow ele could be fun if they didn't skimp on the damage it would need to be a single target high damage spec ,,, :S would basically end up being a single target focused version of staff ,,


no one likes how slow the auto attack is for staff but loves the aoe , so give us the opposite a bow with less aoe and more single target burst.... IDK we got a war horn for HOT and now we have a sword brawler ,,, might as well get another 2 handed weapon


plus I think wings of dwayna would be a great skin on a elementalist

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> @Vissarion.6509 said:

> I think a Greatsword with 1200 range less aoe than staff but more fast attacks, give us an F5 (combine all elements for a brief period of time to get 5 new spells that will demolish the enemy).


> My wishful thinking elite Spec.


> Name: Catastrophic OR Demolisher


Maybe a specialization that mesh all elements toguether forming up a sort of arcane magic. Then **we wouldnt swap atunement anymore** but we could change weapons in combat and our skills would be fixed arcane skills for scepter, daggers, staff, focus and the new one! GS or longbow yayyy xD Please anet. Fixing skills for each weapon would be a nice way to balance the weapon swap.


Though an elementalist without atunement swap would be another thing altogether.

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Hrrrmn. I think there is call for an elite specialisation that's more focused on ranged combat. Tempest's overloads focus on diving into combat (and ArenaNet mostly marketed tempest as a dagger/warhorn spec) and weaver has sword as its weapon, even if technically it works just as well with long-range weapons like staff and scepter.


Could be interesting to see a weapon built around long-range single-target damage. Scepter kinda is, but still has a significant AoE presence.

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I was thinking something along the lines of Greatsword and the attunements will determine the range and role of the weapon attacks. For instance, Fire/Water could be ranged like Mes GS and Staff Water and Air/Earth could be melee dps/tanky respectively. I think this would be cool as it would use our attunements as a sort of weapon swap, although something like this would require a lot of rework for the base weapon skills to match up to their respective element attunement.

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Greatsword has the popularity, and while Ele doesn't have a two handed melee weapon it also doesn't have a long range single target/linear weapon (staff being aoe). Anet has already shown GS can accommodate both on Light classes (Necro and Mesmer).


Longbow and Rifle are both natural fits for long range linear weapons (though I do want to see a shotgun rifle, I don't think ele would be the best fit since it already has Dagger). Longbow would be a nifty option, and the Arcane Archer concept exists, but I'd rather see that on Mesmer personally, so my vote goes to Rifle.

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Rifle, pistol or torch I would think are the only real options left. I doubt they will give a weapon which already has a conjure as you can get them all as skins so people wouldn’t be able to tell if you were running offhand shield or earth shield!


You can get the ice bow skin for both longbow and short bow so it rules both of them out at the same time. They’d have to drastically change the way conjures looked to enable ele to use GS which would be my preferred option otherwise.

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