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Best all rounded spec for necromancer

Light Bearer.8931

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I won't speak for PvP.


But i've found a (Death, Blood and Reaper) Minion Master to be one of the best all rounders for PvE, you can make them damage focused or power tanks and they'll still excel in almost everything PvE while being able to fill the roles of hard to kill, decent damage, keeping friends alive and soloing stuff.


Raids being the exception and I won't speak for that since it's not content I personally play..

You might also find it hard to join strikes groups if you dps is too low but that's an easy remedy if you keep a specialised DPS build on hand for raiding and strike content.


But everywhere else in PvE sure, go nuts and be a one man army :)

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Reaper is the only necro spec that is at least "acceptable" for any game content. Also any traitline combination can work for reaper.

I would have to disagree while power reaper is great. Both scourge specs Heal and Viper also have their uses. Of course you wouldn't use the HS in anything open world accept maybe map metas but VS works pretty darn good as well.


Open world for me it comes down to personal preference if like melee fights go reaper if you want a mesh of range and melee go VS for open world.

PvP meta for the necro is Reaper but there are some that play bunker core necro/scourge

WvW meta is scourge

Raids you could use any of the three its really dependent on the Raid Boss encounter

Fractals you could use any of the three but only use HS if your team is really struggling it can carry even the worst of players.


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> disagree

The question was which spec is the best allround spec and that is reaper as it has an acceptable build for every content.


Core and scourge don't have an acceptable build for every content. This does not mean that core and scourge don't have an acceptable build for any content and I also never made such a statement. So you disagree with something I never said. ;)

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > disagree

> The question was which spec is the best allround spec and that is reaper as it has an acceptable build for every content.


> Core and scourge don't have an acceptable build for every content. This does not mean that core and scourge don't have an acceptable build for any content and I also never made such a statement. So you disagree with something I never said. ;)


I disagreed with this "Reaper is the only necro spec that is at least "**acceptable**" for any game content." Scourge has builds for all game modes I know because I play them. I have two necromancers one with 3 trait and equipment templates and the other with 5 of each. I only use my reaper specs when I am in open world. I play scourge everyplace else and I play all game modes and have obtained legendary items in every game mode all with my scourge heavily contributing to those items. I would very much say it is "acceptable". I know I say I use reaper in open world and that's mainly because you can borderline afk play it in most cases. Viper Scourge still works there as well.


I can agree about core necro not much place for it outside of pvp.


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For PvE and Dungeons/Low level fractals, anything works to be honest. Reaper is the fastest at killing things solo, but for open world... do whatever's fun for you.

People only really start caring at higher level fractals, raids, and GvG groups in WvW. Core necro and Scourge are better node-holder and team fighter specs at most skill levels due to Reaper's Shroud decay not favoring extended defensive playmaking/bunkering. I think Reaper still reigns dominant in raids/fractals as DPS on the other two (especially core) is too low.


Power Reaper is the most versatile build necromancer has, but isn't necessarily the strongest, depending on your desired play style of necromancer and build goals as a whole.

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