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Minions dying when Mounting

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Above 2 comments are 100% correct.


Minions need time to fully respawn or they will die the next time you mount.

It doesn't take very long but if you're a regular minion player then this is something you have to get used to playing around.

It's quite easy to get used to it though so don't worry.

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I can easily reproduce this.


Repro Steps for ArenaNet:

* Repeatedly click the button to mount and dismount.

* Observe all of the minions dying and skills going on cooldown.


This is clearly a bug due to the fact that doing the same thing, but more slowly, does not kill all the minions and force the skills on cooldown.


Given the popularity of the "Minonmancer" and ArenaNet's many balance patch pushes to get players into this archtype, it would behoove ArenaNet to fix this Quality of Life (QoL) issue ASAP.


It would also be a huge QoL improvement to stop transformations from killing all of the Necromancer minions. It's super annoying to have to re-summon everything after taking a few boosts from the Candy Corn Gobbler.


If ArenaNet really wants to grow their player base, fixing QoL issues like this is extremely important! Nobody wants their leisure activity to feel like work due to poor designs forcing monotonous tasks.

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This is an incredibly frustrating issue for sure, it really demonstrates the inconsistencies in behavior between classes. There is another post of this issue here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/45231/mounts-still-dismissing-necro-minions


I do not quite understand the reasons behind some class's utilities and their inconsistent behaviors in de-casting them, esp with mounts/tonics/ect - and esp in PVE environments.


I recommend to not get your hopes up; however maybe something like this gets fixed before the Steam release.

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With the recent patch, all we need now is the ability move bug-tickets to a closed/completed/resolved area we'd be golden.


And maybe a separate ticket for other items that inconsistently de-cast utilities between classes (IE: tonics de-cast necro-minions, but do not de-cast warrior-banners - and a whole lot more!).

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