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Please Revert The Warclaw Back To Its Original State in PVE Mode


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.

> >

> > I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.


> You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug


Hardly someone wouldn't use mounts in PvE because of Warclaw speed boost, even in WvW the only people that really uses the speed boost are people without mounts and yet they still move a little slower. In PvE you have far better mounts so that would be a huge reason for to people buy the expansion.

His idea is good and I like it, it also should be implemented on PvE.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> Can I get a warclaw that doesn't get temporarily thwarted by the top step of a staircase?


Is that unique the claw? I'm avoiding PoF till i've unlocked the rest of LW, so i'm roaming around on a Warclaw. Figured this was just half-arsed implementation across the board...

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"blp.3489" said:

> > > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :)

> > > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests.

> >

> > I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small.


> You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug


So they can drag their own friends across a map? /shrug


So they can experience expansion content with said friends? /shrug

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> @"LSD.4673" said:

> > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > Can I get a warclaw that doesn't get temporarily thwarted by the top step of a staircase?


> Is that unique the claw? I'm avoiding PoF till i've unlocked the rest of LW, so i'm roaming around on a Warclaw. Figured this was just half-kitten implementation across the board...


I don't know. Normally with stairs, I'm using a flying mount.

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