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Bring back 5 que or 3 que


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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> also, like why do people think teams were hard to form?


> we used to play Duo or Trio all the time, and literally just invite good players we had in our matches (from either team) to get 5 man teams.


> gave a lot of incentive to not be a toxic player too, because if you did no one wanted to play with you. also meant you could completely avoid bots and afk players ever being on your team, which if the forum is still anything to go by- is something that makes a lot of players unhappy.


> perhaps that's a reason most of the pro solo queue players are so toxic. they play alone due to poor social skills. just a theory, a gw2 theory- now clap :tired_face:


Yes I really do feel that the people who are against this duo/3 que/team play are those who are either


A) Too toxic thenselves to have friends to que with

B) too bad at the game and don’t want to face the fact that they’re gold because of their own skill and not because of some systemic issue stacked against them.


Most good players I know who are not 1700+ But in the 1580-1650 range have ended up in the same ELO solo and duo give or take 30 ish mmr. You end up somewhere near where u belong anyway but eliminate toxicity from pugs who don’t know you and increase enjoyment by being allowed to play with your friends in a, lo-and behold, MMORPG


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