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Missing Mad Realm skin for Skyscale

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Its now 3 years since the Skyscale was added to the game, and there is still no Mad Realm skin for it available.

Its annoying to have all mounts in one nice style, except the most used one in a different style.

And I cannot believe that it is so hard to create that skin. and I believe that there are willing & paying customers for this...

Please Arena Net, add this missing skin.

This is probably also correct for some other skin sets, but I fight here for the Mad Realm set.


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yeah, 3 years was a miss interpretation of mine. I looked in the wiki and there its says something about Path of Fire... but if I look more close I see that it was added in Episode 6 of Living World Season 4, War Eternal, which was released May 2019. Sorry for that miss information.

I still wonder why ANet does not create these skins - they would sell. And I do not think that this is a lot of work (expensive), because they just need to adapt the skins & effects to a new 3D model. Sounds for me like a few days workd for a designer...

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> @"Hobin Rude.1672" said:

> yeah, 3 years was a miss interpretation of mine. I looked in the wiki and there its says something about Path of Fire... but if I look more close I see that it was added in Episode 6 of Living World Season 4, War Eternal, which was released May 2019. Sorry for that miss information.

> I still wonder why ANet does not create these skins - they would sell. And I do not think that this is a lot of work (expensive), because they just need to adapt the skins & effects to a new 3D model. Sounds for me like a few days workd for a designer...


If they did create them, they would probably be premium skins at 2000gems.


And it's probably a lot more work than we realize.

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