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Which "expansion" did you most enjoy the first time you played through it?


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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > Honestly. Mordremoth got me frustrated. Angry. Wanted to punch his face. And that's honestly what I like about games. Something that get me angry but I get through it to finish that ish. POF was easy compared to hot. And I wish they made it a little harder. I took maybe a week or two with a friend to finish but only because I was waiting for my friend. Took me much longer for hot. The stinking mobs. Trying to lvl up but can't cause this hp boss killed me. Or do an event and die instantly. POF just didn't do it. Now story was much better. However the stress level they should've added. The final boss the climax of the event. Mordremoth definitely. The most biggest booger on the planet. I want to kill him again just cause he gave me a hard time.


> I am the opposite. I hate things that make me angry because I don't like the destructive person it makes me become. There is a reason I avoid jumping puzzles and a lot of HoT stuff; they make me very frustrated. I prefer to remain clam under any circumstance because stress is bad for me.


If things are normal and constant for me. It becomes easy and sooner or later, I finish it too fast. Leaving me not wanting to repeat because there isn't a challenge. The heart pumping. Being focused with a twitching hand, not wanting it to do anything wrong. Thats what gets me into a game. If I can't get that focused in a game. I beat the game and find something else that's a challenge.

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If I look at all stories both gw1 and gw2 I'd say this


Guild wars 1 was (way) better in personal story. This is not even a competition.

I preferred Factions(Cantha) over Phrophecies (Tyria) over Nightfall (Elona). If I visit I tend to go to pre searing ascalon though...


Guild wars 2 is more difficult to place


Vanilla is nice, but I've done the story 15+ times,

Hot is nice and I finished it 5 times and did the better part of it for another 6 or 7 characters I do meta's if I fall into one. I've got the maps unlcoked on ALL 24 characters.

PoF is nice but I do not find myself tempted to try it after I finished my 1st character. I rarely visit the maps at all. There is no need to get tokens for new stats at this time or do a meta...

I cannot find the motivation to do it on more then the 5 of 6 characters who got to go there. I even farm the heropoints for alts in HoT and ignore PoF maps. Even if they have the PoF elite specialisation It's not said they ever visited the crystal desert...


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I voted for the original because nothing could capture that magic of stepping into Tyria for the first time. I came from a game that was pay to win and grind was a way of life so GW2 was such a breath of fresh air.


I did like HoT but it still confuses me. I am a mostly solo player, with a very bad sense of direction, so I tend to get a bit turned around and muddled whenever I go there. I still haven't been to Dragon's Stand and have barely stepped foot in Tangled Depths but I do love the gliding and the updrafts and bouncing on mushrooms.


However, I do love PoF. The mounts are funny and adorable and very useful everywhere and I am enjoying exploring the maps. Having gliding as well makes life even better in PoF.

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The introductory mission in HoT is way better than the one in PoF. The one in PoF had heart that made you put out fires and res npcs, that was an awful introduction. The final mission, is again, better in HoT too. You actually felt that you were fighting something fierce. In PoF, you just get a sword with skills to carry you, It's like the devs gave the player a babysitter. Everything in between, not sure, way too much talking though.

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PoF was super boring. Boring events, boring scenery, boring maps. If it wasn't to unlock the mounts, there's no reason to visit there.


HoT is like an onion with multitude of layers. Mystery and suspense around every corner. Not only did it stretch beyond the expectations of MMO or any video game, it even defies imagination and creativity of any kind. Not just the first few times, but on every visit, you can't help but be awed by the pinnacle of map design ever conceived.


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For me it was vanilla.. i remember first time i created my first character, a sylvari, and saw Caldedon Forest and the The Grove. I thought "wow, what a beautiful, dreamy place, i could just move here and live with the sylvari in a tree house..." =)


Then HoT came and it was again "wow, wonderfull maps...! this complexity...GLIDING!!!" :) - Tangled Depths is still my favourite map followed by Draconis Mons.


And yeah.. PoF, beautifull maps, really like them - but it didnt amaze me the way vanilla and HoT did. And though i like the mounts meanwhile, i enjoyed first time gliding more than first time riding a mount.


And story... well, as a GWC player, i like the Pof Story most of all 3 "Expansions".

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Nightfall. Vanquishing Elona solo with Hero/hench before the update is still the biggest achievement in my GW journey. By "original" I assumed "the original".

HoT will never reside on my Hard drive. You don't take things away and then put them behind a pay wall. Ever. Anet won't see any money from me for that.


I bought PoF because it seems more of a return to GW roots, and to be very honest because of one former writer no longer employed. So far it seems ok.

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Core, because it was open world and had real sense of exploration and progression.


HoT had its ups and downs. Loved the first map, but after that it got too mazey. And the whole expansion was linear, no sense of 'go where you want to go' like in core. And the enemies got tiresome quickly. On the other hand, I liked the story


PoF is, again, too linear for my tastes. Too many roadblocks for exploration, especially in Desolation. And the story was garbage. I've never liked the One-Man Army trope, and the Departure made it worse: "you died, but you're such a special snowflake that death doesn't stop you". Urgh.

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I am enjoying Path of Fire more than Heart of Thorns as a first playthrough.

HOWEVER, after going back and beating HoT on a different character, without the excess hype, without the expectations...

I really enjoyed it. My score went from 5/10 to 8/10.

I love Taimi and Canach, I love the dialogue, I enjoy the massive events and the coordination required.

It just feels epic.

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Voted HoT due to how much actual play time i got out of it. PoF story was over far, far too quickly for me and i really tried to make it last. Looking back, i actually enjoyed not being able to progress HoT story before getting certain mastery lines done. It prolonged the experience and forced me to learn the maps.

I liked the PoF story but my god is it dull to play through again, especially the first act. I've taken six characters through HoT story and a mere two have done PoF yet only one has completed it.

For me it seems like the entire expansion has been built around a story and a shed load of collections and nothing more. Mounts are cool of course but hardly something that required hours and hours of work besides the Griffon which in itself was a collection or sorts.


Maybe i'm just too old now and am not enjoying things the same way. Or maybe i need to approach the game in a more roleplay mindset, although having said that, PoF made me hate my own characters' personalities.


As it happens, i've decided to go back to gw1 and finish the campaigns and EoTN. Completing certain areas actually feels rewarding and like an achievement.

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Remember guys, OP says first time through. Not judging on repeat plays and back through with alts.


Vanilla will always win on a first time through for me. Not knowing anything about gear, stats, builds, where we were going, what the story was going to tell and just seeing old GW1 locations again was a fantastic experience. Even Divinity's Reach had that initial wow factor for me.


PoF probably second because Amnoon is just such a wonderful place to start the campaign. I spent 3-4 days there before setting off again and the expac whilst fun, didn't quite live up to the initial days as it became clear some of the maps were quite empty and unengaging in places.


HoT only gets pushed back due to the terrible story. When I realised what I thought was the end of Act 1 was actually the last 2 instances of the game, I realised what a colossal miscalculation in the story the writers had made. The rest of it was all fantastic - the dififculty, the maps, the metas, Rata Novus, the music, the mobs and the real sense of progression with the masteries taking time to get (unlike PoF sadly)

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