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Nerf or Rework Unrelenting assault and remove it from Zawadi the turncoat


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Dear ArenaNet I don't know if your balance team plays the game to test mechanics. I honestly don't know what you were thinking when you added Unrelenting Assault into the game. This toxic mechanic gives evasion and burst damage and when a champion like Zawadi the turncoat summons minions with perma-unrelenting assault the fight doesn't feel like a fair challenge but more like a toxic fest. This ability is pure toxicity and it's not interactive at all. Please rework it or remove it completely. I tried Zawadi with a squad of 8 players and the boss just evaded till the time ran out. I'm so annoyed about this mechanic that I had to take a break from the game because it really feels unfair and unbalanced when playing against it.

There are more mechanics and monsters who need a balance check, before you release the new expansion please hire a team of competent people and balance the game mechanics.

I am really enraged by the lack of balance in this game, it's very frustrating to enjoy it when facing monsters or players with unrelenting assault. This mechanic needs to go for good.




A very unsatisfied customer who invested a generous amount of money on GW2 and have a few regrets


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yes I agree to an extent that skills should not provide high damage if you are evading at the same time.

A simple fix to this could be that damage is reduced to the caster by 50% while the attack is going on. This means they will still hit you, they will still jump from target to target, however they can still be attacked with a 50% reduction in damage.


Should this skill be counterable by CC? I should coco.


However in the PvE setting, bosses imo need to be tough in openworld. We currently have too many open world bosses that are so easy , you can 1 them to death. Personally I have not had an issue with PvE monsters / bosses having overpowered skills.. quite frankly, they need them. This way it keeps you on the edge, knowing that you can die if you dont dodge or get out the way of the next attack.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> yes I agree to an extent that skills should not provide high damage if you are evading at the same time.

> A simple fix to this could be that damage is reduced to the caster by 50% while the attack is going on. This means they will still hit you, they will still jump from target to target, however they can still be attacked with a 50% reduction in damage.


> Should this skill be counterable by CC? I should coco.


> However in the PvE setting, bosses imo need to be tough in openworld. We currently have too many open world bosses that are so easy , you can 1 them to death. Personally I have not had an issue with PvE monsters / bosses having overpowered skills.. quite frankly, they need them. This way it keeps you on the edge, knowing that you can die if you dont dodge or get out the way of the next attack.


While I agree with you that bosses need to feel challenging I have to express my discontent with an ability that couples burst with evade and a boss that can spam unrelenting assault putting the boss on a difficulty level which is higher than the other non-Legendary bounties for a group of 5 to 10 players.

I am sure it has been suggested before, I would rather welcome a rework for Unrelenting assault than a nerf, a rework may not impact on how a profession performs in terms of DPS but a nerf will affect it negatively and will not solve the problem for player characters.

On the other hand a nerf on a PvE boss will tune it down to be on a difficulty level which is more appropriate for a non Legendary bounty and it's not going to affect mechanics.

I would be happier if Unrelenting assault was removed completely to be reworked into something that allows interaction, it's not the damage the issue, the lack of interaction is, because it gives evade while dealing damage and the evade mechanic doesn't allow me to interact with my opponent while I am being hit repeatedly.

Unrelenting assault is in my opinion a toxic mechanic because it's not interactive and doesn't offer a valid counterplay, it's a bad design and it feels unfunny to play against it.

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> @"Touchme.1097" said:

> > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > yes I agree to an extent that skills should not provide high damage if you are evading at the same time.

> > A simple fix to this could be that damage is reduced to the caster by 50% while the attack is going on. This means they will still hit you, they will still jump from target to target, however they can still be attacked with a 50% reduction in damage.

> >

> > Should this skill be counterable by CC? I should coco.

> >

> > However in the PvE setting, bosses imo need to be tough in openworld. We currently have too many open world bosses that are so easy , you can 1 them to death. Personally I have not had an issue with PvE monsters / bosses having overpowered skills.. quite frankly, they need them. This way it keeps you on the edge, knowing that you can die if you dont dodge or get out the way of the next attack.


> While I agree with you that bosses need to feel challenging I have to express my discontent with an ability that couples burst with evade and a boss that can spam unrelenting assault putting the boss on a difficulty level which is higher than the other non-Legendary bounties for a group of 5 to 10 players.

> I am sure it has been suggested before, I would rather welcome a rework for Unrelenting assault than a nerf, a rework may not impact on how a profession performs in terms of DPS but a nerf will affect it negatively and will not solve the problem for player characters.

> On the other hand a nerf on a PvE boss will tune it down to be on a difficulty level which is more appropriate for a non Legendary bounty and it's not going to affect mechanics.

> I would be happier if Unrelenting assault was removed completely to be reworked into something that allows interaction, it's not the damage the issue, the lack of interaction is, because it gives evade while dealing damage and the evade mechanic doesn't allow me to interact with my opponent while I am being hit repeatedly.

> Unrelenting assault is in my opinion a toxic mechanic because it's not interactive and doesn't offer a valid counterplay, it's a bad design and it feels unfunny to play against it.


One way to fix this could be by giving the skill a breakbar allowing CC to strike it, but reduce damage by say 70% while active, this will allow players to CC the target out of the skill, providing that enough CC is done.


I do not agree with evade attacks either in this game in all honesty, as they can be abused to achieve easy wins.

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> I don't think I've ever heard an NPC described as toxic...

> Well at least people can know what fighting karka back in Southsun felt like.


Toxic is a word people use when whatever they are mad at, is obviously not just bad, but socially reprehensible. Get out yer pitchforks!


But oh man, that Karka event. Yes yes yes :D

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Unrelenting assault is fine (it's actually a dps loss for rev's). How it's carried-over to mobs is different though and i can understand the frustration of a bounty using it on short cd, esp if you need to break its defiance first. On the other hand, some combinations of abilities on bounties should just be walked away from. Perhaps the issue is that your squad composition was lacking for the encounter, as there tends not to be much build diversity in pve (no need to tank or heal, generally speaking).

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