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Trick or Treat bag request: Finishers

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Would it be possible to change the loot tables on trick-or-treat bags so that you don't get the limited-use finishers if you already have the permanent version unlocked on your account? I got the permanent Scarecrow Finisher years ago and I am constantly annoyed with having to destroy the limited-use versions (especially because you have to fully type the name) as I open my bags.


Similar coding is already in the game. Black Lion chests will not contain account-bound unlocks that you already have, for example. Can this be applied to trick-or-treat bags (and probably Wintersday gifts?)

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> I don't own the permanent versions of the finishers, but I have over 700 Mad King and over 700 Scarecrow limited-use finishers. I'd love an option to not get those anymore . . .


As would I. I don't WvW or PvP and I have over 1,000 of each that will never be used, and that number is increasing daily.

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1. Put scarecrow and mad king finisher in a empty invisible slot bag

2. open as many trick or treath bags you want.

3. reach a full stack

4. Delete the full stack

5. ???

6. Profit!


Ps: this knowing the fact that is a pain if you already have the permanent one, but they won't change it just for that reason ( you have to think the best way to save time is to trash items you don't want. That's why, though i do understand that using a dedicated slot for both of em could be a pain, i think it could really be the best deal for you ).


I do this for Essences of luck ( i already capped it ) and once per month i transmute all essences i have into exotic ones.

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Probably the easiest thing they can do is to give one-use festival finishers a vendor value, e.g. 1 copper. Then we could sell them with a couple of clicks per stack. The economy wouldn't be affected much, the implementation wouldn't be more than ensuring that finisher don't bug out having a vendor value. Presumably, that's less work than having the game check to see if someone did or didn't get the perma version.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Probably the easiest thing they can do is to give one-use festival finishers a vendor value, e.g. 1 copper. Then we could sell them with a couple of clicks per stack. The economy wouldn't be affected much, the implementation wouldn't be more than ensuring that finisher don't bug out having a vendor value. Presumably, that's less work than having the game check to see if someone did or didn't get the perma version.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Probably the easiest thing they can do is to give one-use festival finishers a vendor value, e.g. 1 copper. Then we could sell them with a couple of clicks per stack. The economy wouldn't be affected much, the implementation wouldn't be more than ensuring that finisher don't bug out having a vendor value. Presumably, that's less work than having the game check to see if someone did or didn't get the perma version.


That would be bliss... maybe even the same for those Luck essences.. or maybe allow them to be exchanged for other mats or buffs like the old karma pots and such with the vendor in DR trading post .

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Can they make it a currency?

If you get like 5000 of one, you change it in to an npc to turn into a permanent which would just kill off any extras you have and you can't gain more in bags?

And after that, any who had the permanent prior loses all of their limited ones and get the same treatment of never getting them in bags (or enemies as I've had it drop from enemies before).

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Id be personally just happy, if this garbage gets the moment you receive it just auto activated, if you receive it, so that you dont have to double click it anymore and so that it cant clutter your inventory fully anymore..


Does anet even ever think about it whenever they design items for the game with the mind of a player, that has to handle and manage all this stuff??? I think not, I just beleive, they think only with $ notres in their mind, that so more junk they can put into container items , the miore likely it wil l be that they force is this way to buy more bag slot unlockers so that they can make more money from us...


But on a serious note now, it can't be really wished to much to expect from an item designer, that they create those things at least with some quality of life aspects in mind out of the view from a player, not from a designer that just wants to make money, because they have to know, that if they play in the end their own game, they self also have to handle and manage all this inventory clutterign crap that creates only just tons of obsolete and unneccessary clicks and makes the whole inventory management much more of a chore, than it needs to be ...

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> @Nidome.1365 said:

> > @Bloodstealer.5978 said:

> > all those low level cakes that cant be sold.. after opening my bags I feel like the phantom pie flinger off Tizwas


> [https://youtube.com/watch?v=6baUgSXXpaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6baUgSXXpaY "https://youtube.com/watch?v=6baUgSXXpaY")


Yep that what I'm talking about :)


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> 1. Put scarecrow and mad king finisher in a empty invisible slot bag

> 2. open as many trick or treat bags you want.

> 3. reach a full stack

> 4. Delete the full stack

> 5. ???

> 6. Profit!


Alternate recipe:

4. Move full stack to weekly key-grinding character.

5. Get key.

6. Delete character and all finishers simultaneously~


I'd like for those finishers to have a Consume All, though.

And bonus points if OP's request can get processed.


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