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[Suggestion] Allow Converting "Apply Now" Skins Already Unlocked Into Transmutation Charges


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Pretty much as stated in Title.


All those skins we can apply to weapons and armour one time at no cost/charge, they're cluttering up banks and inventories. I would love the ability to convert them each to 1 transmutation charge, or something similar that will be stackable. Take all those slots being used by these items and free them up.


If there is already this ability, I have been unaware of it for years, and would love someone to inform me.

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I also agree with this suggestion.


I have several mule characters that are currently used to store skins that I've not found a look for yet. I'd love to easily convert them into transmutation charges (which is what 'Store in wardrobe' _should_ do) instead of eating storage space until I find some look that they would go with.

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Agreed but with some limitations, considering that you can simply pull an infinite number of item skins from the achievement tab for any unlocked skins you have there. I don't think anyone was going to suggest achievement tab skins be converted to transmutation charges, but it's a thought that needed to be put out there.


But yes, this would be nice

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Agreed but with some limitations, considering that you can simply pull an infinite number of item skins from the achievement tab for any unlocked skins you have there. I don't think anyone was going to suggest achievement tab skins be converted to transmutation charges, but it's a thought that needed to be put out there.


> But yes, this would be nice


Any skin that's Free to Apply would of course have to be excluded, or maybe even shut off the function of getting them from the achievement panel as that's just unnecessary hassle now.

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  • 1 month later...

I and others have been asking for this for years. One day ANet will at least say they've noticed us asking! Raaaawwwr!


My bank is on its knees *pleading* for this. Please make unlocked, account bound skins convertible to transmute charges. I had not considered the zero-cost skins exploit but surely those can be made exceptions that cannot be converted? There are so few of them in the game that they can't be hard to list.

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Why do you even keep those things...did you know that once you attempt to place them on an item they unlock that skin in the wardrobe and you no longer need the item? IF it's a skin already unlocked and you get another why not just trash it, you no longer need it...either way there's no need to keep those things in your bank or on a mule.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Why do you even keep those things...did you know that once you attempt to place them on an item they unlock that skin in the wardrobe and you no longer need the item? IF it's a skin already unlocked and you get another why not just trash it, you no longer need it...either way there's no need to keep those things in your bank or on a mule.


As an example:

* You buy a full armor set from the gem store

* Each skin of the set is unlocked the moment you receive the skin items upon opening the armor chest, not when you apply the bought skin to an item.

* If you only use 1 or 2 items from that full armor set right away, those unused skins sit in storage/on a mule until you find a look that would be fitting for them.

* We essentially prepay the application/transmutation cost when we buy the item. They aren't free applications, they are applications we already paid for that are baked into that particular skin.

* If we delete those prepaid applications of those skins, when one does find a look then it'll require a transmutation charge and we would need to pay _again_ to apply the skin.

* Deleting them simply because they are not used immediately upon acquiring them is equal to deleting transmutation charges because a later application of the skin would require a transmutation charge.


I normally do not throw things out that I paid for simply because I haven't had a need to use it yet - it usually sits in a closet or something, but it is there should I eventually have a need to use it instead of having to go out and pay for another because I threw that one out.


Alternatively, someone may just want to buy and unlock a temporarily available skin while it is available in the gem store before it 'goes away' to prevent a situation of building a look it would be perfect for in the future, but finding that it isn't available to be bought just then. This leads to the prepaid application skin item sitting in storage until you find a look that it would be good with and it wouldn't need a transmutation charge to apply it since you already paid its application cost when you purchased the skin. Maybe a look it would fit with is never found. It would be nice to be able to use that paid-for application to apply another skin instead of that one.


I believe myself and others are requesting that @ArenaNet remove the application limitation of the charge being tied to this one skin and let it be applied to any other skin - store the skin in wardrobe destroys the skin item and converts the baked-in transmutation charge into one like any other that can be used to apply any other skin.


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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Why do you even keep those things...did you know that once you attempt to place them on an item they unlock that skin in the wardrobe and you no longer need the item? IF it's a skin already unlocked and you get another why not just trash it, you no longer need it...either way there's no need to keep those things in your bank or on a mule.


> As an example:

> * You buy a full armor set from the gem store

> * Each skin of the set is unlocked the moment you receive the skin items upon opening the armor chest, not when you apply the bought skin to an item.

> * If you only use 1 or 2 items from that full armor set right away, those unused skins sit in storage/on a mule until you find a look that would be fitting for them.

> * We essentially prepay the application/transmutation cost when we buy the item. They aren't free applications, they are applications we already paid for that are baked into that particular skin.

> * If we delete those prepaid applications of those skins, when one does find a look then it'll require a transmutation charge and we would need to pay _again_ to apply the skin.

> * Deleting them simply because they are not used immediately upon acquiring them is equal to deleting transmutation charges because a later application of the skin would require a transmutation charge.


> I normally do not throw things out that I paid for simply because I haven't had a need to use it yet - it usually sits in a closet or something, but it is there should I eventually have a need to use it instead of having to go out and pay for another because I threw that one out.


> Alternatively, someone may just want to buy and unlock a temporarily available skin while it is available in the gem store before it 'goes away' to prevent a situation of building a look it would be perfect for in the future, but finding that it isn't available to be bought just then. This leads to the prepaid application skin item sitting in storage until you find a look that it would be good with and it wouldn't need a transmutation charge to apply it since you already paid its application cost when you purchased the skin. Maybe a look it would fit with is never found. It would be nice to be able to use that paid-for application to apply another skin instead of that one.


> I believe myself and others are requesting that @ArenaNet remove the application limitation of the charge being tied to this one skin and let it be applied to any other skin - store the skin in wardrobe destroys the skin item and converts the baked-in transmutation charge into one like any other that can be used to apply any other skin.



I'm going to say that's people being to picky with the look of their character...and/or changing the look way to many times. I, personally, see no reason to change the look of my character once I pick the armor I like...about the only time I'd need to use that skin again is if I upgraded from rare to exotic or exotic to ascended...once that process is done, I'm done. I do understand that some people like to change looks a lot, in which case they run out of Transmute charges or heaven forbid they support the game and buy more rather than complain about. I guess to me it's not a big deal to just chuck that one-time free use once the skin is unlocked.


I have the opposite issue, I completely dislike the free application because I never or almost never use it and the only way to get rid of the item since it has unlocked the skin is to delete it. So instead of making it so that it saves or converts the item into a transmutation charge why not give us the OPTION of choosing whether we want to immediately transmute an armor piece for free or unlock that skin in the wardrobe with the knowledge that you will have to use a Transmutation charge in the future. **In case this is to hard to understand...you buy or get the skin/item, if pops up a two option menu: Store in Wardrobe(the skin unlocks and the item disappears from inventory) or Change your armors appearance now for free. Presto, problem solved and almost everyone is happy.**

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I doubt it will happen given that it's a product they sell and that you could straight up buy an endless amount of one of the five-badge skins in WvW and convert them into charges.

That said, I wouldn't mind the ability to store one of those items as a a free application "charge" of the specific skin, just so they don't take up as much space.

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Anet already give transmutes away for free. They are in the daily login rotation, they are part of map completion, and I believe you get them from WvW and possibly other avenues. Not only that, it is a fallacy to suggest that they would be giving these away for free. These are gem store items that come as specific transmutation charges. Instead of having the freedom to choose, the charge is already spent on that specific skin and you need to store the skin before you can use it. All that's being asked is for that limitation to be removed to avoid the stockpile. It's giving people the transmutation charge they've already purchased embedded in the skin, it's not giving them one for free.

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