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Season 9 Queue Changes

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Is it that hard to understand the necessity of having ranked for solo queue only? Or Anet are you afraid your completely dead PvP scene have even less player after removing the duo queue option?

Coz what I see from this change is that sind asked for it or you have no balls to make the slightest change to respond to the community.

Well Pvp is dead a long time ago so might as well fire this so-called Pvp game designer lmao.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

A couple > @Miyu.8137 said:

> > @Seiken.3176 said:

> .... so they now will duo queue with plat, no difference.

> >


> Legendary players won't be able to duo queue, means they can't duo at all? So they can't duo not even with platinum. That's how I understand it.




This is correct. Legendary players cannot duo queue with anyone.

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Guys, i really don't understand why are you crying because they restricted LEGENDARY players to not DUO queue. I bet almost no one here is legend, this wont change anything for you until u get there, until u get LEGENDARY. This was a BALANCE change to make the teams not so unfair. Isnt fair 1 of the teams have 2 legends and the other dont have any. Stop saying that everything ANet do is bad and think about it too. This will help a lot plat+ games that sometimes are really one sided matches. And please, im not saying that PvP dont have its problems, but stop blaming ANet on every single move.


About playing with friends, if you want to make a 5-man queue, you can do it in daily tournaments or unrated games. The ranked games increase YOUR ranking in the scenario, playing them in 5 will only mask the current MMR of each player.


This is a good change, well done ANet :+1:

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> @Malandain.9532 said:

> This post clearly states that anet has absolutely no clue what is going on in legendary pvp:


> Everyone i know even the slightest, has a 2nd account, which they use to preserve their main acc rating when soloq or to incidentally or mischieveously drop other peoples rating. There is no sweet-talking!


> The only thing you do by denying lege players to duoq, is that they now have even less chance of defending themselves against qsnipes, afkbots and all the beatuties: No, now they also have to face duoq plat altaccounts while beeing solo.


> And to the forum"experts" that think they might get to lege because they would beat any real lege player if they have to solo. Not really, it only makes it harder to stay in lege, because of the new ruleset, but they will still steamroll you when they get bombed back to plat. and plat+ lege is the same mmr range, sadly. The only way for you into lege is, by making all good people quit and this change, will surely help, so good job, have fun!


> To Anet: Do not go through with this change, unless you want to sell more 2nd accounts (Oh wait, everyone already has one and most get them from friends that quit gw2 anyways, so not the way to go).


> Downgrading this soloq to plat, you might at least be honest and remove duoq from all leagues!


So true, even more wintrades/snipes in the future :disappointed:

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Kuya.6495 said:

> Just leaving my daily reminder that this change needs to include plat division as well, otherwise there will be duo q plat smurfs sniping legendaries.


We're going to start with just legendary for the start of Season 9. If platinum smurf sniping becomes a bigger problem than it already is, it's something we can change easily on our end without a full release. Potentially mid-season.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> A couple > @Miyu.8137 said:

> > > @Seiken.3176 said:

> > .... so they now will duo queue with plat, no difference.

> > >

> >

> > Legendary players won't be able to duo queue, means they can't duo at all? So they can't duo not even with platinum. That's how I understand it.

> >

> >


> This is correct. Legendary players cannot duo queue with anyone.


Ben please consider making this platinum and upwards as the number of legend players is quite small. Or perhaps top 250 and up as others have said. Don't do half measures go all the way.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > Just leaving my daily reminder that this change needs to include plat division as well, otherwise there will be duo q plat smurfs sniping legendaries.


> We're going to start with just legendary for the start of Season 9. If platinum smurf sniping becomes a bigger problem than it already is, it's something we can change easily on our end without a full release. Potentially mid-season.


Alright then. Thank you!

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I can't tell if some are being sarcastic or not... is it really a good thing? Why can't we just split Solo queue / Team queue? No matter what rank people are, I can't help but feel a bit of unfairness if some people can duo and others not, in the same game mode. The only positive thing I can see is top players having more chances to get more enjoyable and challenging matchups.

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I like this change because it means people can no longer get carried to top spots, we should change the pvp titles to reflect that this is the end of the "I got carried to top 25 by the god of pvp's alt" era.


Also what does this mean for players who hit legend before the end of placement matches? If you win your first six games then games # 7, 8, 9, 10 would all technically be legend games.


I play this game from the time I am off work until I pass out from exhaustion like a true basement dweller and this only allows me to play one AT, this is because of how the tournaments are scheduled. Not to mention that there is no external resource such as an API to find out when the next tournament is happening without being logged into the game. Please make AT's more frequent and reduce the prize amounts to compensate, I want to be able to play like 5 AT's a day. This will make the LFG tool for tournaments used more often and tryhard players will queue with randoms more often.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We're going to start with just legendary for the start of Season 9. If platinum smurf sniping becomes a bigger problem than it already is, it's something we can change easily on our end without a full release. Potentially mid-season.


If this is your choice than what does this even solve. As already stated the number of legend players is such a small fraction of a percent of players because no one else can get there already you're only going to effect literally a dozen or so players. If you think abuse is happening then approach it with punishment if you think the advantage of duo queuing is too large than change it for more than just people that could be named on a small list. You might as well just be putting duo queue restrictions on certain peoples accounts honestly. There's no protection to keep you within Legend rating for any amount of time and Legend is so difficult to get already that you're just going to continue to breed an unhealthy environment rather than just fully addressing the problem as a whole even though you know it could be a problem. This change should be made to promote the health of the ladder but instead it just opens up more obvious ways to abuse those who actually want to play games rather than just sit on the minimum amount of games or play during off hours.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Hi folks!


> Starting with Season 9, legendary players will no longer be able to duo queue. Because we have so few legendary players, it’s very difficult to get legendary players into an appropriate match. When legendary players duo queue, it greatly compounds this difficulty. Our goal with this is to improve matchmaking at higher skill levels.


> Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base.


> We’ll be keeping a sharp eye on how this affects Season 9. This will be a fairly easy thing for us to adjust if we feel it necessary in the future.



I said you had to do this for these reasons 18 months ago . Finally you did it I guess, but 18 months too late for the hundreds of good players who quit.


The problem was that try hards would duo queue with their legendary friend and win 90% of games by about 400 points. This ruined many of the games at high plat level. Now these people must solo queue it means they will be split as to be one on each team so the game will be much more fun and balanced.

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I know this is off topic but right now we have two queues: Unranked and Ranked. The Unranked is a mixed (1-5) players and the other, Ranked is (1-2) players during the active season. By that logic couldn't we do away with the Unranked Queue and just have a Ranked Solo Queue and a Ranked Mixed Queue. And During the off-season have both queues change there name back to Unranked Solo Queue and Unranked Mixed Queue. Now, we effectively have the population for two queues. This should solve the problem of people constantly clamoring to be able to play with their friends and also please the people who want it to be solo only. Then you could put real effort into improving solo queue experience with the above mentioned post, profession specific MMR, and Profession specific leader boards for solo queue with a different set of title rewards. And for Mixed Ranked Que just keep rewards as is and have match making consider the MMR of the highest party member to avoid smurfing.



Wouldn't this solve have of people's complaints lol.

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This would be disastrous. It would really hurt anyone trying to stay in legend. It's hard enough as it is to get there through duo queing when only two people can carry a terrible team. Now, whoever is in legend really just has to get lucky and hope they don't get matched with bad teams.


Terrible, terrible decision.

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