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WvW link

Raven Wings.8379

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Can we please get something, because has a FR/RoF player we get messed up with this relink and this one is going for 10 week it's really frustrating,don't know what to say WvW is unplayable due to lack of people and also other server were reaaly fair play and didn't go at 2 versus us, it the very unfun relink i ever have and you say it will last 10 week really...

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tbh for me it is really bad that the failed the relink this time exactly :P or rather, for my playtime in it, since there's another game release next thursday, means won't have less time for Wvw.


@"CrimsonNeonite.1048" stacked link? which one lol. the only one that was good was the one french server with tF... rest just buffed our numbers.

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