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Used 50 keys got all garbage. Now one of your 3 slots is always taken up by crap on rolls

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> @Halbarz.3854 said:

> Buy gems get gold by on the TP the skin you want :smiley: that's how I do it xD

If only ANet would let me give them money for the Balthazar Helmet Skin. I'm not going to gamble for it, and since there's no guaranteed way to get it they don't get any gems from me and I get frustrated that I miss the rare gem store item I _really_ want. It's a real shame!

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Even when you get luck you can still come off badly. I wanted to get the spooky mount minis pack and fortunately (since I refuse to buy keys, either with gold or real money) I had 5 keys from the mini raptor collection and 1 from a low level character, and in theory I got incredibly lucky - I got both the Fallen Balthazar outfit and the Hydra Staff. Great right?


Sure, except that they're both items I don't like and will probably never use. It's incredibly frustrating to know there's people out there who would be very happy to have them, who would likely pay a lot of gold for them but as much as I want to I can't even give them away, or trade them for the minis I want because the stupid things are account bound.


It's a terrible system. I'm stuck with 2 items I don't want and somewhere out there I'm sure there's someone stuck with the minis who wanted the things I've got. It makes no sense at all to me that we can't swap them, either directly or via gold (aka selling the one we've got on the TP and buying the one we want). It's taking away the one thing that made Black Lion Chests tolerable - the fact that you could get the items you wanted without being the one to go through the nonsense of gambling for them.

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> @wrathmagik.3518 said:

> Well it looks like the gem store has gotten worse.


> With black lion chests, since POF, you have 3 chances to get something, but Anet has slyly rigged it so you really only get TWO chances. Because one is automatically taken up by stupid raptors that are just cheap RE SKINS that they hock at you, and now its pumpkin pails.


> What did i get of anything good in 50 chests? I got one outfit (the balthazaar one). THAT'S IT! in 50 CHESTS!


> Reason i bought so many is me and gf were celebrating and decided to splurge a bit in game. That won't be happening again.


> Good job Anet. You have rigged the Chest drops so we only have 2/3 chances to even get anything good, and out of 150 slots 149 were pure garbage.


> worst part is no even seems to care so since they can hock re skinned mini's on us instead of actually getting something good and no one's even saying anything.


I believe it was with HoT that Anet changed BLC to have one fixed "themed" or "seasonal" drop. That was when I decided to never again pay for a BLC with money. I will open one when I happen to get a key, but I always preview to make sure there isn't going to be something I dislike like those raptor minis. I'll save my keys until I see a selection that's tolerable.

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