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[Lion's Arch] Odd fire sound at the Mystic Forge

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I know that the Mystic place is crowded and prone to graphical issue, depending on hardware and settings, but I'm witnessing the same bug for days now, no matter the character or the hour of day (both ig and irl).

Right west to the forge, before the asura gate to Gendarran Fields, I can hear a sound of a fire place or a brazier (or a consumable fire item), and all I can see is perhaps charred grass on the ground. Actually, the sound is louder at two distinct locations, near planted areas (please, see screenshots, the character standing where sound is the loudest).

Is this really a visual glitch from my end, and other players can see a fire place, or is it an audio glitch (an emitter that was left here)? Or is some weird side effect, caused by the proximity to the Forge and the Asura gate (and the water springs)?

![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/49/f0qs.jpeg "")

![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/49/65ti.jpeg "")

![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/49/4nwm.jpeg "")



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