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Deadeye = official weakest elite class


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> @"DoctorOverlord.8620" said:

> For what it's worth, I've recently come back to the game and I am finding the Deadeye to be a fun profession to play so far. (And thank the stars for HP trains! It is much more enjoyable being able to access all the skills, it likely would have taken me weeks otherwise)


> I had a Thief before and I always found the Steal mechanic to be somewhat extraneous and more of an annoyance to use. I am surprised how the Deadeye's Mark made the profession much more interesting to play and how DM kind of manages to capture the feel of sniper which I didn't think was possible in target-based MMO.


> Selecting your mark and waiting for Malice to build is an interesting emulation of the feel of watching a target and waiting to line up a sniper shot in an FPS. You are wondering if you should just take the shot early before the target goes wandering away or wait a little bit longer. I am impressed how Anet designers were able to duplicate this sense at all and turn it into a mechanic that makes the Thief much more enjoyable to play.


> This doesn't address the OP's issue of the strength of the class. I was using sword and pistol at first but then I realized melee is not the point to this class. I switched to double pistols to go all ranged and the gameplay is much more fun. I can't speak toward the effectiveness of the Deadeye in WvW or sPvP, just what I've seen in openworld mobs so far, so it's not a legitimate view of the strength of the profession.


> I do wonder why they called this profession "DeadEye". It's really just the Assassin class for the Thief since Malice works with all weapons. But I suppose they wanted to emphasize the pseudo sniper-feel of it.


Deadeye is a profession whose beauty can't be seen by everyone, especially when they tend to have a different playstyle or expectations like DeceiverX. So it's nice to see this post of yours.


I was researching on the term "Deadeye" and it is basically just meaning "perfect aim" (Dead = Old English for "definitve" or "absolute"; Eye = The sight as in aim). I think you can also use a perfect aim on a dagger; instead of just slashing somewhere in the body, you are hurting vital parts.



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I absolutely love DE - it brings the best memories of playing sniper in SWTOR, with strategic positioning and smart management of what little movement is available. However, for PVE:


Deadeye is absolutely murdered by its (and thief's in general) lack of AOE damage potential. Whenever there's more than 3 targets, you're in trouble. More then 5 - you can pack things and go home.


Movements issues. Where TOR sniper offered directional roll, speedup and number of abilities to shoot while moving, that together allowed for short bursts of mobility without sacrificing damage, DE offers exactly one movement skill - completely inadequate to amount of repositioning required in some fights. You can slot in Withdraw and RfI, but those only give you backwards movement unless you want to go into clunky territory. Rifle offers another, no, ANOTHER backwards roll, and absolute shit to do when you drop out of cover at more than 1200 range, leaving you with gaping downtime if any of those backflips take you too far. And yes, there are dodges, but really. The overall movement set asks you to sacrifice DPS, and doesn't work when paired against many fights.


Clunkyness. Every new encounter DE enters requires you to position and apply mark - 2 actions that other classes will spend happily pummeling enemy's face. Then there's mark re-application - pointless waste to make switching as uncomfortable as possible. Why?


It's not that DE needs complete redesign for PVE - it has a lot of good and fun moments. But those issues make it usable only if you want to play way, WAY less than optimally.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Funny. This thread says Deadeye is the weakest, and the other thread says Deadeye is overpowered. Go figure.


It's exactly what everyone stating why a stealth-sniper is a bad idea would be: an abusable gimmick.


It's not OP in pretty much any environment except 1v1 but it's infuriating to play against. Like how Daredevil epitomized abusing dodge-trolling, DE epitomizes abusing stealth.

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> @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> I absolutely love DE - it brings the best memories of playing sniper in SWTOR, with strategic positioning and smart management of what little movement is available. However, for PVE:


> Deadeye is absolutely murdered by its (and thief's in general) lack of AOE damage potential. Whenever there's more than 3 targets, you're in trouble. More then 5 - you can pack things and go home.


> Movements issues. Where TOR sniper offered directional roll, speedup and number of abilities to shoot while moving, that together allowed for short bursts of mobility without sacrificing damage, DE offers exactly one movement skill - completely inadequate to amount of repositioning required in some fights. You can slot in Withdraw and RfI, but those only give you backwards movement unless you want to go into clunky territory. Rifle offers another, no, ANOTHER backwards roll, and absolute kitten to do when you drop out of cover at more than 1200 range, leaving you with gaping downtime if any of those backflips take you too far. And yes, there are dodges, but really. The overall movement set asks you to sacrifice DPS, and doesn't work when paired against many fights.


> Clunkyness. Every new encounter DE enters requires you to position and apply mark - 2 actions that other classes will spend happily pummeling enemy's face. Then there's mark re-application - pointless waste to make switching as uncomfortable as possible. Why?


> It's not that DE needs complete redesign for PVE - it has a lot of good and fun moments. But those issues make it usable only if you want to play way, WAY less than optimally.


I go against more then 3 targets all time, and it is pretty easy to take care of them. I am not sure what you are on about with that statement. Just line them up and spotter shot them to death. Easy peasy.

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> @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> I absolutely love DE - it brings the best memories of playing sniper in SWTOR, with strategic positioning and smart management of what little movement is available. However, for PVE:


> Deadeye is absolutely murdered by its (and thief's in general) lack of AOE damage potential. Whenever there's more than 3 targets, you're in trouble. More then 5 - you can pack things and go home.


> Movements issues. Where TOR sniper offered directional roll, speedup and number of abilities to shoot while moving, that together allowed for short bursts of mobility without sacrificing damage, DE offers exactly one movement skill - completely inadequate to amount of repositioning required in some fights. You can slot in Withdraw and RfI, but those only give you backwards movement unless you want to go into clunky territory. Rifle offers another, no, ANOTHER backwards roll, and absolute kitten to do when you drop out of cover at more than 1200 range, leaving you with gaping downtime if any of those backflips take you too far. And yes, there are dodges, but really. The overall movement set asks you to sacrifice DPS, and doesn't work when paired against many fights.


> Clunkyness. Every new encounter DE enters requires you to position and apply mark - 2 actions that other classes will spend happily pummeling enemy's face. Then there's mark re-application - pointless waste to make switching as uncomfortable as possible. Why?


> It's not that DE needs complete redesign for PVE - it has a lot of good and fun moments. But those issues make it usable only if you want to play way, WAY less than optimally.


I think Deaths Retreat performs really well, at least it's not as janky as you think and it's kind of what will allow you to take the generic DA/Trick build. You can go for revealed openers to take you into Executioner quickly for a single target or do something like Improv with bottom row of DE and pull everything in for Flare and stagger out a couple more Cantrips to keep the stolen skills rolling out under Peripheral Vision and Fire for Effect until Mark can be cast again. Deaths Retreat is just about the right distance to kite with and I think affordable to bounce out twice and take a second to reset then jump back in if you need to. If you can get used to dropping and retaking targets and using Deaths Retreat without about-face and more like you'd use RFI or Withdraw then that rifle life should get easier, or at least Retreat should let you be where you want to be.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> > I absolutely love DE - it brings the best memories of playing sniper in SWTOR, with strategic positioning and smart management of what little movement is available. However, for PVE:

> >

> > Deadeye is absolutely murdered by its (and thief's in general) lack of AOE damage potential. Whenever there's more than 3 targets, you're in trouble. More then 5 - you can pack things and go home.

> >

> > Movements issues. Where TOR sniper offered directional roll, speedup and number of abilities to shoot while moving, that together allowed for short bursts of mobility without sacrificing damage, DE offers exactly one movement skill - completely inadequate to amount of repositioning required in some fights. You can slot in Withdraw and RfI, but those only give you backwards movement unless you want to go into clunky territory. Rifle offers another, no, ANOTHER backwards roll, and absolute kitten to do when you drop out of cover at more than 1200 range, leaving you with gaping downtime if any of those backflips take you too far. And yes, there are dodges, but really. The overall movement set asks you to sacrifice DPS, and doesn't work when paired against many fights.

> >

> > Clunkyness. Every new encounter DE enters requires you to position and apply mark - 2 actions that other classes will spend happily pummeling enemy's face. Then there's mark re-application - pointless waste to make switching as uncomfortable as possible. Why?

> >

> > It's not that DE needs complete redesign for PVE - it has a lot of good and fun moments. But those issues make it usable only if you want to play way, WAY less than optimally.


> I go against more then 3 targets all time, and it is pretty easy to take care of them. I am not sure what you are on about with that statement. Just line them up and spotter shot them to death. Easy peasy.


I'm not talking about OW. I'm talking about fractals mostly, the ones that have multiple mobs to cut through. There's a reason cleave is liked so much by PVE crowd.

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> @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Wintermute.5408" said:

> > > I absolutely love DE - it brings the best memories of playing sniper in SWTOR, with strategic positioning and smart management of what little movement is available. However, for PVE:

> > >

> > > Deadeye is absolutely murdered by its (and thief's in general) lack of AOE damage potential. Whenever there's more than 3 targets, you're in trouble. More then 5 - you can pack things and go home.

> > >

> > > Movements issues. Where TOR sniper offered directional roll, speedup and number of abilities to shoot while moving, that together allowed for short bursts of mobility without sacrificing damage, DE offers exactly one movement skill - completely inadequate to amount of repositioning required in some fights. You can slot in Withdraw and RfI, but those only give you backwards movement unless you want to go into clunky territory. Rifle offers another, no, ANOTHER backwards roll, and absolute kitten to do when you drop out of cover at more than 1200 range, leaving you with gaping downtime if any of those backflips take you too far. And yes, there are dodges, but really. The overall movement set asks you to sacrifice DPS, and doesn't work when paired against many fights.

> > >

> > > Clunkyness. Every new encounter DE enters requires you to position and apply mark - 2 actions that other classes will spend happily pummeling enemy's face. Then there's mark re-application - pointless waste to make switching as uncomfortable as possible. Why?

> > >

> > > It's not that DE needs complete redesign for PVE - it has a lot of good and fun moments. But those issues make it usable only if you want to play way, WAY less than optimally.

> >

> > I go against more then 3 targets all time, and it is pretty easy to take care of them. I am not sure what you are on about with that statement. Just line them up and spotter shot them to death. Easy peasy.


> I'm not talking about OW. I'm talking about fractals mostly, the ones that have multiple mobs to cut through. There's a reason cleave is liked so much by PVE crowd.


I still don't understand that need even in fractals, but I will just leave it at that. I think a single target weapon is fine because trash mobs don't mean much. Only bosses matter which is where Single Target shines.

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Weakest elite? All these one-shot or so videos I'm watching say otherwise. A teleporting, near perma-stealth rogue that crits massively at ranged is anything but weak. Heck, I wish my ranger could do half that a deadeye could do . . . but the complaining would be even more epic . . . so pass.


> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:


> It's not OP in pretty much any environment except 1v1 but it's infuriating to play against. Like how Daredevil epitomized abusing dodge-trolling, DE epitomizes abusing stealth.


That makes sense and is validated from the videos I've seen. Good point.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Funny. This thread says Deadeye is the weakest, and the other thread says Deadeye is overpowered. Go figure.

This is one of the reasons I do not envy game developers lol


> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> I was researching on the term "Deadeye" and it is basically just meaning "perfect aim" (Dead = Old English for "definitve" or "absolute"; Eye = The sight as in aim). I think you can also use a perfect aim on a dagger; instead of just slashing somewhere in the body, you are hurting vital parts.


Thanks for the kind words. And that is a good point that the term 'deadeye' could also apply to melee weapons. I am just curious why they did not go for the obvious profession name of assassin.



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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> Discretize added Deadeye to their list of "good" classes for raids and fractals. With the last patch, it became more useful. I'm still not sure if they are trolling us or if one of their members insisted on putting his favourite class on that list, but there you go. They haven't shown the actual build they believe works. I am sceptical how Deadeye would work in mopst fractals where cleave would help a lot. Maybe they are expecting players to skip the trash anyway so they focus on single target damage.


> https://discretize.eu/builds


Guess it was a joke, they replaced Deadeye with the good old Power Daredevil in their list ^^

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> @"VixusIrine.9013" said:

> I wouldn't say Deadeye is the weakest spec in the game. It's got it's issues but nothing a bit of fine tuning and adjustments can't solve. Renegade on the other hand is in a league all on it's own with how badly its kit is designed. Nothing short of an overhaul can fix Renegade.


Renegade at least does more damage than thief, so they have that going for them.

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> @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.


Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.


> Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.


And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.

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> @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> >

> > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.


> And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.


That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.

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> @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> >

> > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.


> And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.


do you want to imply that deadeye is the strongest elite spec? then we surely would see way more of em.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> > >

> > > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

> >

> > And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.


> That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.


No, it's not. Aces win you pots in poker. They just don't win you more pots than all other hands combined. Deadeyes can one-shot crit you from full health; it doesn't matter that more than half the time it doesn't work because when it does, your opponent is dead and you automatically win that fight. It's not as if Death's Judgment NOT hitting means you lose, either, necessarily. You can still fight. There's still a chance you can win. The fact that you can kill some classes in one hit seems pretty stupid, though, considering all it costs you to do it is 0.75 seconds revealed and a visual cue that they might be able to use to dodge.

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> @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> > > >

> > > > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

> > >

> > > And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.

> >

> > That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.


> No, it's not. Aces win you pots in poker. They just don't win you more pots than all other hands combined. Deadeyes can one-shot crit you from full health; it doesn't matter that more than half the time it doesn't work because when it does, your opponent is dead and you automatically win that fight. It's not as if Death's Judgment NOT hitting means you lose, either, necessarily. You can still fight. There's still a chance you can win. The fact that you can kill some classes in one hit seems pretty stupid, though, considering all it costs you to do it is 0.75 seconds revealed and a visual cue that they might be able to use to dodge.


In fights though, that less than 50% chance on hitting means you are dying more times then you are winning which makes it pretty bad for a fighting skill. That is why people are saying comparing it to poker is bad because poker is not a fighting game. If you loose that pot, you just lost that money. In GW2, if the shot misses, you are pretty much boned.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> > > > >

> > > > > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

> > > >

> > > > And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.

> > >

> > > That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.

> >

> > No, it's not. Aces win you pots in poker. They just don't win you more pots than all other hands combined. Deadeyes can one-shot crit you from full health; it doesn't matter that more than half the time it doesn't work because when it does, your opponent is dead and you automatically win that fight. It's not as if Death's Judgment NOT hitting means you lose, either, necessarily. You can still fight. There's still a chance you can win. The fact that you can kill some classes in one hit seems pretty stupid, though, considering all it costs you to do it is 0.75 seconds revealed and a visual cue that they might be able to use to dodge.


> In fights though, that less than 50% chance on hitting means you are dying more times then you are winning which makes it pretty bad for a fighting skill. That is why people are saying comparing it to poker is bad because poker is not a fighting game. If you loose that pot, you just lost that money. In GW2, if the shot misses, you are pretty much boned.


This response explains why you fail to understand why it's a good analogy: when people lose with AA, they tend to lose hard, because most people shove with aces. (This is in the context of balanced tournament play, where players have equal starting stacks and are playing to take their opponents' stacks to survive.)

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> @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

> > > > >

> > > > > And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.

> > > >

> > > > That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.

> > >

> > > No, it's not. Aces win you pots in poker. They just don't win you more pots than all other hands combined. Deadeyes can one-shot crit you from full health; it doesn't matter that more than half the time it doesn't work because when it does, your opponent is dead and you automatically win that fight. It's not as if Death's Judgment NOT hitting means you lose, either, necessarily. You can still fight. There's still a chance you can win. The fact that you can kill some classes in one hit seems pretty stupid, though, considering all it costs you to do it is 0.75 seconds revealed and a visual cue that they might be able to use to dodge.

> >

> > In fights though, that less than 50% chance on hitting means you are dying more times then you are winning which makes it pretty bad for a fighting skill. That is why people are saying comparing it to poker is bad because poker is not a fighting game. If you loose that pot, you just lost that money. In GW2, if the shot misses, you are pretty much boned.


> This response explains why you fail to understand why it's a good analogy: when people lose with AA, they tend to lose hard, because most people shove with aces. (This is in the context of balanced tournament play, where players have equal starting stacks and are playing to take their opponents' stacks to survive.)


Granted I don't play poker nor care too, but even with your analogy double AA is bad move to play then because nothing is worth that risk. The only time risk of something of that caliber is worth it is if it the chances of winning are 70% or higher. Anything below that is not worth it which makes DJ for sPvP not the best move even if it can one shot. Only things that have a reliable chance(70%) is worth it to use.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > > > @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Auturgist.8256" said:

> > > > > > > > I can't feel sorry for any spec that can deal 23k crits with one attack at the cost of being revealed from stealth for under a second before doing so. kitten Deadeyes and everyone who plays them in sPvP.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Someones salty, but you do know how easy it is to dodge that **bright red laser pointer** right? It is one of the easiest things to dodge in the game, so that 23k crit is useless more than half the time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And AA loses 40% of the time in poker, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take Aces every single hand if I could get them, because they are still the best hand.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's a terrible analogy that has nothing to do with what was said before.

> > > >

> > > > No, it's not. Aces win you pots in poker. They just don't win you more pots than all other hands combined. Deadeyes can one-shot crit you from full health; it doesn't matter that more than half the time it doesn't work because when it does, your opponent is dead and you automatically win that fight. It's not as if Death's Judgment NOT hitting means you lose, either, necessarily. You can still fight. There's still a chance you can win. The fact that you can kill some classes in one hit seems pretty stupid, though, considering all it costs you to do it is 0.75 seconds revealed and a visual cue that they might be able to use to dodge.

> > >

> > > In fights though, that less than 50% chance on hitting means you are dying more times then you are winning which makes it pretty bad for a fighting skill. That is why people are saying comparing it to poker is bad because poker is not a fighting game. If you loose that pot, you just lost that money. In GW2, if the shot misses, you are pretty much boned.

> >

> > This response explains why you fail to understand why it's a good analogy: when people lose with AA, they tend to lose hard, because most people shove with aces. (This is in the context of balanced tournament play, where players have equal starting stacks and are playing to take their opponents' stacks to survive.)


> Granted I don't play poker nor care too, but even with your analogy double AA is bad move to play then because nothing is worth that risk. The only time risk of something of that caliber is worth it is if it the chances of winning are 70% or higher. Anything below that is not worth it which makes DJ for sPvP not the best move even if it can one shot. Only things that have a reliable chance(70%) is worth it to use.


Okay, we're done here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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