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[Personal Story] Inconsistent NPC loop at orphanage's arson

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Quest: Infiltration (Human commoner's story)

Instance : Arson at the Orphanage


As usual, NPCs are animated through behaviour loops. and what happens in this instance is that the loops don't stop when the issue (here the arson) is solved. I guess that it is the same with the over version of the instance, when you decide to protect the hospital instead.

As a result, we witness people shouting to save the orphans who have been extracted already, calling for the fire brigade, ... and one NPC trying to quench a fire that has been extinguish already...

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arson_at_the_Orphanage for ambient dialogues clearly designed for the first scene.


On the screenshot, taken before leaving the instance, we see no fire, and the priestess of Kormir has been saved, and yet, one NPC is still periodically bringing buckets of water to wet the walls.

Don't get me wrong. The ambiance in this instance is fine and stressful enough to enjoy the scene. It's only sad that the end is odd. The player has to run to the hospital after the arson is secured, and then he/she can return by foot to the entrance and witness the obvious loop (no need to camp).


There could be a trigger to stop those loops or some of them (people crying are fine). Alternatively, the fire could remain, justifying the NPC's persistent try to quench it.


![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/49/vxnn.jpeg "")


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