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[Ambient sound] Odd sounds in the Spirits' lodges at Hoelbrak

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Map: Hoelbrak

Server: Jade Sea


Context: In the Spirits' lodges, ambient sound is an immersive mix of chatting people, hubbub, clatter of crockery... and a faint, muffled sound of blowing wind. It is okay in most parts of the Spirits' lodges (green circles on the screenshot).


Issue: (red circles)

1. Raven's lodge. The central aisle is okay but in both lateral wings (not only near the walls), you can hear not so muffled howling wolves and blowing wind, as if outdoors.

2. Wolf's lodge. The right wing has a part of its roof and wall gone, and you'd expect some kind of outdoor ambient sound. However, sound is muffled as in other lodges, not only indoors, but also outdoors up to the pillars of the main bridge!


![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/49/hjpr.jpeg "")


I can't say if it's caused by some bad mixing or misplaced sound actuators.

Please check in game because it might be also dependent on hardware?

My settings: 25% music, 75% the rest.


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