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Important question!!


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Hi everyone! :)

Lately ive been doing a lot of pve content on my own or with a few friends when the idea hit me, what if i could use the most right side of my keyboard to pan the camera when in action camera mode (essentially turning into a nifty little trackpad but with keys instead of swiping)


So i tried that on my ducky one 2 mini keyboard but the camera panning is really slow and theres no way to increase the speed.

So digging a little further in google I come across a program that could do the same thing as the feature in my keyboard but where i can set a sensitivity or speed for the camera movement.

This program is called Autohotkey, and some people on forums claim this could get you banned...


Now I would LOVE to be able to use this to make my pve evenings 10 times more chill :3 But with an account thats over 8 years old and a lot of hard work and money poured into it I really dont want to risk anything. Which is why im making this post, as a sort of cry for help or attempt to get some clarification.


Could I use this program to bind my camera movement to my keyboard or would I lose my account? :(

Please help me and thanks in advance!! :)

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There is no third party tool that could get you bannend.

It is not third party tools that are not allowed.

When playing you agree with the user agreement and underlaying documents like the rules of conduct. It determines that specific actions are not allowed. Wether or not you use a tool like a third party program is irrelevant.


So let's look at the rules and see what is relevant.

You are not allowed to automate gameplay. So one key pressed must result in one action as programmed by the developpers, and not 5 actions in a row. This is a functionality offered by auto hotkey. So using this tool to perform this illegal action can get your account suspended.


The main question is wether or not you use auto hotkey for an illegal action. I am honest that I do not think you can know for certain. To me it seems that you use auto hotkey to automate the camera control and in essence this can be explained as automation of the gameplay.

Having said that, the way you do it seems harmless, but I do not know for certain, specially in PvP formats. In this specific case I would open a support ticket and ask them. Do not ask them if auto-hotkey is allowed. There isn't a generic answer, but ask if what you want to do is allowed.

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Thanks for the answers, I'll send in a support ticket with the same question! All I want to do is be able to sit back with the keyboard in my lap and be able to do some open world events without having to need the mouse to pan my camera! Hopefully I'll get some further clarity :)

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